Chapter 11--Second Encounters

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The next morning I was woken up by a knock. "Honey! Kaido is here to walk you to school!"
My half asleep mind heard my mom's knock and comment, not fully processing it, "Kaido's here? I like him," I said smushing my face back into the pillow.

My mom walked into my room, "Well I would hope so, he told me about him being your boyfriend."
That comment woke me up, snapping myself into a sitting position, I see my mom with her arms crossed and an almost smug look on her face. I groaned, knowing that stance and all the evil she is planning to do next time Kaido visits. Can anyone say baby pictures?

"Anyway, you should hurry and get dressed. At this rate, you'll both be late for school," my mother scolds. Immediately jumping from my bed, I throw on my uniform and try to tame my hair that somewhat resembled a tumbleweed sitting atop my head.

I managed to tame my hair into something presentable and kissed my mom on the cheek before racing downstairs to meet Kaido. I bowed at the adorable blue haired boy and said, "Sorry. I overslept."
He smiled, "It's fine. Let's go."
I took his hand and yelled a goodbye to my mom. As we were making our way to school we bumped into Nendo and I silently groaned. 'Great. He's going to make a stupid comment and tell our friends before we can.' I forced a smile. "Hey Nendo."
"Hey guys," he smiled and waved at us before looking at our intertwined hands. "Why're you guys holding hands? You dating or something," he teased  before making smooching sounds.

"As a matter of fact we are," Kaido said, making the bigger male drop his act.

"Woah, I should go tell my bro Saiki," Nendo said before running of towards the school.
"Wait," I yelled after him, "I wanted to be the one to tell him!"

However my objection was ignored as Nendo was long out of hearing range. Sighing out an "oh well," Kaido and I continued our walk to school, arriving right on time.

The whole class was already whispering about Kaido and I when we walked into the classroom. We sat down in our seats and Kaido turned around to face me, "Well looks like Nendo did all of our work for us."
I shrugged, "Oh well. It's not like we are trying to be secretive anyway."

The purple haired transfer kid chose this time to lean his elbow on my desk. "So I hear that you two are dating. Not too late to change your mind, lovely."

I gave Toritsuka a dead eyed stare, however Kaido beats me to the punch, "She’s already got a boyfriend who actually cares about her. She doesn't need some pervy creep like you to keep harassing her," my boyfriend angrily shouted, causing murmurs to run through the classroom.
"Dude, not cool to harass girls."
"She's already got a boyfriend bro, leave her alone."

The whispers throughout the room cause Toritsuka to clear his throat and retreat back to his desk, where he was quiet for the rest of the day. I smiled at Kaido, the fact that he was being super protective made him even hotter. The teacher walked into the classroom with another purple haired kid. I rolled my eyes. If this kid was anything like that other guy then he wasn't going to have a fun time.  
"Hello. My name is Kuboyasu Aren," The teacher told him to sit behind me and I sighed. This Aren kid did look like a nerd though.
When Aren walked by me his eyes widened, "Aren't you that girl wh-"
I cut him off. "Nope. I've never seen you before, bro." I faced forward when the realization hit me. This was that gang leader that tried to rob me on my way home from the beach!
'Shit this is bad, that guy recognized me. If he spreads around something like me going ape shit on people, that could cause some problems for me.' I decided that I would have to have a word with this new kid after classes today. Hopefully he wouldn't test his luck by starting any trouble for me. Leaning back in my seat, I started to decide my best course of action.
‘If this kid is aggressive then I might have to get physical,’ I furrowed my eyebrows, ‘If he just wants to talk then that’s a whole other story. Let's hope it's the latter! I'd prefer not to get in trouble here.’ I peered over my shoulder at him. 'I mean. He seems like a nice and calm guy with his glasses and hair style.'

Looking at him really got me thinking, 'Could he really be the guy that tried to mug me the other day? His voice sounded the same but he looks completely different.' I went back to paying attention to the teacher, 'Guess we'll see later.'

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