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late in my 16th year,
I had a realization
as merry and festive
you could think one
would have their birthday,
it's not always 'happy'
like in the common phrase
the string of wishes
said with joyful smiles.

once at a certain 12 a.m.,
a girl was crying on her phone
her family couldn't care less
the only voice soothing her rage
was her friend's, on the other line

simple birthday wish turned
to serious life altering decisions
it was nearing two
she couldn't hold her tears too
concerned or relieved, she couldn't tell
was the game worth a retry or a quit
even her worst nightmares won't tell
the answer she was seeking for

but the reality did
a girl last seen at 10
a voice last heard at 2
a heart last beat at 6

when asked,
a smile was always the reply
"if she could only be happy
on her birthday for once,
then let it be today."

happy birthday, friend
like the last time I saw you,
I hope you're still that happy somewhere.

____ . ____

isn't it crazy that every year we celebrate our birthday, but we don't realize that we celebrate our deathday too,

and they could be on the same day?

the poem wasn't really a true story, but yes I stayed up with my friend, who was depressed on her birthday. but she most certainly did not take away her life the next morning.

speaking of birthdays,
it's mine today! 😁😁😁

probably gonna celebrate like dis

probably gonna celebrate like dis

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lol jk

I should have written a cheerful poem not a depressing one on my birthday but nahh

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