Chapter 1

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-3rd POV-

It was a peaceful day in UA, their second semester was just about to start. The birds were chirping, the sun was brightly shining, what a peaceful day. "Yo class A! I heard from a little bird that two of your classmates failed the licence exam!! Two!!" Nevermind, Monoma is at it again.

Todoroki looked down ashamed, "I'm sorry, because of me we lost the competition." "Nonononono! They're the only ones being competitive. Don't mind it!" Kirishima assured. "EHHHH?!?! Shocchan failed?! I was kinda sure someone else would fail." "I got you macaroons Izumi" at the mention of the sweet, Izumi's aura suddenly became one of bliss. "Kirishima...dont you think Todoroki is dodging the question?" "I feel you bro...." "Izumi-chan! You shouldn't associate yourself with these class A students! You'll be dragged into trouble!" Monoma said pulling Izumi away from Todoroki who apparently was still holding a box of macaroons. Where did he get it? No one knows.

-timeskip after the ceremony-

It was now lunch time, Izumi was searching for her beloved brother so they could at least have a meal together. She was still slightly uncomfortable eating breakfast without her brother, sure she was happy that she can be with her friends. But she was so used to seeing her brother in the mornings that she was beginning to feel uneasy. What can you say? Their souls are connected one way or another. "Izumi." it was Todoroki, holding his tray of cold soba. "Shocchan! Have you seen onii-chan around? I wanted to eat lunch with him. Come to think of it, I don't see Kacchan either... Did something happen?" Todoroki didn't know what to say, he was contemplating whether to tell her the truth or lie to her. But of course he couldn't lie to her, he loves her too much. "Let's go take a seat first, I'll tell you after we eat. Are you okay with that?" Izumi pouted but followed Todoroki to a table with some of the Midoriya squad.

"So... The reason why your brother isn't here is because... He fought with Bakugou in the middle of the night, so both of them are under house arrest." he explained calmly, though looking at Izumi's eyes he could see shock. But then she narrowed her eyes dangerously. 'I'm sorry Midoriya... Bakugou... But I cant lie to her.' Todoroki thought as he fed Izumi another macaroon.

That day, Izumi had this suffocating aura around her. After the last bell rang, she stood up and collected her things immediately, stomped towards to exit and headed straight towards the class A dorms. The members of the Bakugou squad saw her and grinned, they knew at that moment that they will see something good... Or so they thought. They are about to see a side of Izumi that only Izuku and Katsuki knows.

-Kaminari's POV- (OH YEAH!!)

Ooohhh!!! I overheard Todoroki telling Midoriya-chan what happened and she looked pissed! This'll totally be a good show! Mineta was being himself but I'm sure he's excited too.

We were all just behind Midoriya-chan and she kicked the door open! "Oi! Don't you have a fucki--" I tried to hold my laugh as both Midoriya and Bakugou froze. 'oh boy, here we go' "M-Micchan! I can expl--" Midoriya want able to finish his sentence, his head thrown to his right with a red hand print in his face. 'OHMAIGAHD!! WTF?!?!' I wasn't the only one shocked, everybody was! Iida was about to say something when another resounding slap was heard. This time it was Bakugou, the very prominent hand print was so red! And Bakugou isn't even reacting! "M-Midoriya-san! That was slightly unnecessary, they are already being pu--" "You keep quiet! It's between me! And him! And him!" I regret wanting to watch this... She was pointing and snapping at anyone who interfered with her scolding, and by this time both males were sitting on their knees. Almost everyone was scolded, even Yaomomo! Wah... This side of Midoriya-chan is kinda scary...

"Now apologize to each other! Right. This. Second!" 2 hours had already passed and I'm really glad it was over. "I'm /fucking/ sorry... " 'I can't believe Bakugou really apologized!! THE BAKUGOU APOLOGIZED!! I have to remember this day' "Now shake hands!" they shook hand quietly. "Now say I'm big grumpy chihuahua" I tried to stifle my laughter when Bakugou said exactly what he was told! 'I got it on camera!! Omg!! I'm definitely gonna send this to Kirishima and Sero!'

-3rd POV-

The moment Bakugou realized what he said, he stood up with his quirk activated. "Damn it HARINEZUMI!!!" Izuku was trying his best not to laugh, the pain in his cheek was no longer there. But the red print was still very much visible. Izumi smiled and kissed both Izuku and Bakugou's foreheads even though they were much taller than her. "Now promise me you won't do this again? If you do this again I'll... I'll... I'll show everyone your baby pictures!! And I'll throw all of onii-chan's merch!" Izumi threatened, smiling proudly at her threat.

"Midoriya!" the twins looked at where the voice came from and saw Aizawa looking tired like he always does. "yes Aizawa-sensei?" the twins asked, smiling internally. They totally missed this. "Don't you two try and do it... Just don't" Katsuki said with a stoic face.


At different places of Japan, the League of Villains were recruiting new members. All of them laying low just to get little to no attention. Evil still lurks but other than wanting to eradicate heroes, the League of Villain new boss: Shigaraki Tomura want to take back what was his. He plans on taking Izumi back to his side. "We'll be together again, just like the old times~ Mimi-chan~"


Izumi was told to go to Recovery Girl, she didn't know what was going on but she still went to her office. She was sent there because of her recurring nightmares, the principal was also there. Being the sweet, oblivious, naive, and airheaded person Izumi is, she smiled brightly at the principal, not a little bit nervous. "We're sorry to bring you here so late dear, we were informed by Vlad King about your situation. If you don't want to tell us that's fine, but we won't be able to help if you don't tell us." principal Nezu calmly and gently said, concerned for his student. "What he said is right, though I did receive some shocking information from the hospital you were confined in..." Recovery Girl said seriously, alarming the other two occupants of the room.

Oh gosh.... I really did it... A sequel... I hope this end beautifully, unlike my other sequel story... Anyways! Thank you for reading! I'll probably update by friday or saturday... Idk...

Bakugou: Oi! Why am I a chihuahua?! I'm gonna kill you!!

Me: anyways! I don't own bnha!! Hirokoshi does! *runs away*

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