Chapter 3

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-3rd POV-

It has already been five days, two days since Mirio Togata's demonstration with class A, and a day after Izuku was accepted by Sir Nighteye. Today, those who failed in their hero licence exam are gathered in one place. In that one place, four students were separated from the rest, and those students are: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Yoarashi Inasa, and Utsushimi Camie. Why were they separated? Reasons. (jk)

The four of them are currently doing their best to survive an even more harsh training. 'It's for the license!!' each and every one of the failed students thought as all of them suffered the same treatment.

Meanwhile at school, Izumi was doing her best to stay focused.

The moment she entered the classroom, she felt a very strong headache. She saw flashes of bright light with male figures. Then while answering on the board, she was startled when she saw splatter of red. It was brief, but she knew that what she saw was blood.

The day was coming to a close and Izumi decided that she'll go to Recovery Girl to report what happened to her. It might be the drawback of the new quirk, but it might also give them a hint on what the quirk really is. "Recovery Girl? Are you here?" peeking inside, the infirmary was quiet. 'must be with the principal...' walking inside she found a note stuck to the wall "Izumi dear, I'm sorry for the very short notice but I will be away for two days. I will be at the Kizawa Memorial Hospital in Gifu (Real place people check it on Google)  I entrust the infirmary to your care. I already sent an excuse letter to the teachers, and what you'll be doing. You know where the equipments are, and remember, only heal those students with really health threatening injuries, and don't forget to practice your stitching! Some of them still needs some work. Yours truly Recovery Girl.... I guess I have to do an advance reading then...." sighing slightly, Izumi checked the papers that was on Recovery Girl's table. Checking whether a student will get a check up or not.

The next day, Izumi woke up much earlier than everyone else, she made breakfast for everyone. As her classmates came down one by one, she already finished her meal and headed straight to school and into the infirmary, where her hero costume laid already prepared.

For Izumi, it was a busy day while for Izuku on the other hand... He had his head somewhere else. Something bothered him and  he needed to talk to All Might so that's what he's going to do after school. In the meantime, Todoroki was headed to the infirmary. Why? Apparently, he injured his already injured ankle. So now he's limping his way to at least get himself wrapped up. "Recovery--" stopping in his tracks, his heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of him. The afternoon light poured into the open window, at the desk at his left sat Izumi, her head tilted slightly as she stared at him questioningly. 'I love you even more. You are beautiful, please marry me' is what his eyes said.

"Shocchan? Is something-- oh no!!" Rushing towards Todoroki, Izumi helped him get to the bed and gently removed his shoes. "What happened? Are you injured somewhere else?" "Ah... Not really... I kinda sprained them again I guess..." Todoroki's reply me Izumi giggle. "You should be careful next time Shocchan! I can't heal this quickly, but I can give you a massage to ease the pain." and so, this was the day where Todoroki started to be a normal visitor to the infirmary. Every chance he got, he'll go back just so he could see Izumi. Too bad it's just for today though, Katsuki was able to follow on and that started a one-sided argument.

Two villain's were running amok,fighting with each other in a heated dispute. "Wring Wave!!" the two villain's fell to their sides, shocked that they were easily taken down. But it didn't stop there. A flurry of debris fell like a meteor shower along with Froppy doing damage to one of the villains. "Good job you two! Now I know why Nejire suggested you two to me. Both of you got spunk! Maybe you'll be able to be apart of that case. " the emphasis made both Uravity and Froppy curious. But it wasn't the time to ponder on those things, they still have another mission to do!

Izuku was now talking with All Might about his troubles, of course All Might answered him with all honesty. The truth weighed on him, but he lifted his head and declared that he will change their fate with confidence that he usually have when he's saving people. It made the former no.1 swell with pride, he was proud to have Izuku as his successor. "Also... This one came from Micchan but... 'Fate doesn't write your story. You make and write your own story! People may say that fate is taking average of our lives. But in truth we only fail to take the opportunity of getting a better future.' She was the first one to call me her hero... So I take these words to heart." All Might chuckled, obviously touched. He knew that this generation will rise as terrific heroes in the future. Not a single doubt about it.

"That's great sweetie, I'm glad the both of you are doing fine." Inko smiled behind the phone, relief was in her tone. "Oh by the way! Just a few minutes earlier, I finished both Recovery's paperwork and Kacchan's book!" giggles filled the infirmary room, the currently bedridden Kuroiro couldn't help but smile. Even though Izumi was -in his words- a child of light, he still felt that brotherly protectiveness over her. "I also have a bedridden patient! Kuroiro-kun! Say hi!" apparently, Izumi was given macaroons again by Todoroki earlier, which only means one thing! Izumi is hyper and she'll be like that till she digests those sweet sweet macaroons.

Evil and evil meet at the end of turning halls. "Oi oi... I've been walking like forever back there... What's with the long ass hallways?" Will they join forces and wreak havoc? What will they achieve in doing so? "Now then. Let's get to business."

So? How'd you like it so far? My groupmates are letting me rest for a while so I thought it's a great opportunity to finish a chapter! Wait and see the next chapter! I am hoping that you'll all like it. Though I'm still open for suggestions, like what scene you'll like to see or ship moments like earlier with Todobrou.

Bakugou: speaking of which.... What the fuck was that?! How come I haven't--

Me: oh shush you! I'm keeping this a secret but since you are oh so impatient. I'm going to make a flashback story for when you and Izumi first met! .... *facepalm* I shouldn't have said that...

Tito: you ruined the surprise....

Lucian: hahahahaha!!! Imbecile!!

Me: well... I-I-I still have things up my sleeve!!

Lucian: like that crossover chapter?

Me: guh!!

Lucian: or that baby chapter?

Me: Noooo!!!!! Don't say anymore!!

Lucian: *evil and hysterical laughter* suff-- *gets hit with a frying pan*

Izumi: Don't bully! Author-chan does not own bnha! See you next chapter!!  *wave like no tomorrow*

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