Chapter 14

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-3rd POV-

After Mineta's shenanigans, the 1st years begun their training. "Go class B!!" "Tsuyu-chan do your best!" everyone cheered as both teams went to their respective spots.

"Their match up is quite uneven..." Izumi muttered softly, her gaze never leaving the screen. "What are you talking about?" Mina snuggling closer to Ochako -who was still wearing the cape/cloak-.  Both teachers who heard them merely glanced, but continued to listen. "Well you see... Depending on their strategy, either one of the team would lose. I know Shio-chan and the others have their teamwork and communication, but we must remember that Shinsou-kun is one of their opponent." "But in order for his quirk to work his opponent needs to respond to him right?" questioned Ochako, but Izumi still focused on the screen. "Well that's one disadvantage. But then, they have Tsuyu-chan. According to what onii-chan told me before, Tsuyu-chan can secrete some toxins that only stings. It will be bad for Shishida-kun, since the team would rely on his sense of smell." Izuku's eyes widened at the realization. "So you mean if Tsuyu-chan would use--" "Exactly! But they still have to be wary for Shio-chan and Rin-kun."

Izumi continued to explain and elaborate both team 1's advantages and disadvantages. "You really are a hedgehog. Cute but wary" Bakugou lazily said laying his head on Izumi's shoulder. "K-K-Kacchan? Shouldn't you be with your team or something?" "HAH?! I DO WHAT I WANT SHITTY NERD!" "Kacchan that wasn't nice" "All of you shut up or you'll be out of the exercise." Aizawa threatened, making Izuku's group to shut up. But that didn't mean Izuku stopped in trying to get Izumi out of Katsuki's arms.

"THE FIERCE ATTACK OF MY STUDENTS PAID OFF!!! WILL CLASS A BE CRUSHED BY THEIR OVERWHELMING POWER?!?!" Izumi chuckled as his homeroom teacher continued his biased commentary. "poor Tsubu-kun... He's so flustered." "Like how you'll be when I have you alone~" Katsuki smirked as Izumi blushed, "K-K-K-K-Kacchan!?!? " Izumi covered her face as she shook her head in embarrassment.


Shishida stiffened as he faced a certain direction. "I smell three Ms. Asuis!! How can this happen?!" "Leave it to me! I will not fall for impure plots!" Ibara said before spreading her vines at the direction. Eventually, she captured Kaminari and before he could do anything else, Ibara covered said picachu with layered vines. "That's great Shiozaki! Hurry up and respread the vines!" "Yes. Shishida's--" and there ladies and gentlemen, is where class B's communication shattered. Shishida would not speak when Rin asked a question only poiting to a direction, while Ibara was captured by Asui who hid herself with her new technique.

"Wow... Its just as Midoriya-chan predicted..." Mina softly muttered making Ochako nod. Katsuki on the other hand went back to his group for a quick group discussion, while Izumi sat there thinking of ways to help her team to win. Of course she was still a part of class B, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want her team to win. "So what's Kendo's position in class B?" Sero asked Tetsutetsu who was beside him. "She's a go getter that's for sure! She is the class president after all!" "Pipe down man..." but even with this slight request Tetsutetsu continued his passionate description of Kendo.  "Tetsutetsu-kun really likes Itsu-chan! He talks about her almost everytime!" our broccoli woman cheerfully said making said boy to blush "Izumi!! Don't say that!! I-i-it's not even like that!!" Tetsutetsu denied making some of his classmates give teasing looks.

"Who do you think will win Micchan?" Izuku asked sitting next to his sister, "I'm not sure... But let's get some planning done before we go there! We need to be cautious about our enemy right now" the team nodded and huddled closer to each other. "So first comes first. Aside from Shinso and Monoma, we don't know any of their team members' quirks at all." Ochako nodded, "Can you tell us what and how their quirks work?" Izumi then started to explain each of their quirks. Starting with Nirengeki Shoda his quirk being: Twin Impact. He can trigger a second impact to the place where the was damage with random timing. Reiko Yanagi's quirk is called: Poltergeist, she can manipulate any object close to her except humans. Next is Kodai Yui, her quirk: Size, she can alter the size of any object that she touches, and like Reiko, her quirk can't affect humans. "Wow... So we're really at a disadvantage..." Mina and Ochako sadly stated slumping over one another. "Dont be like that, even if they do have Shinsou-kun and Monoma-kun, it doesn't mean that we lose immediately. There's a counter measure for every strategy made." Izumi encouraged the two as her brother wrote notes about their opponents' quirks and abilities.

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