Double Trouble (Shinnanegans)

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-3rd POV-

It was a beautiful and peaceful day. It was the time of the year where new toddlers arrive and start to learn. In other words...
"WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" it's the first day of kindergarten.

Children who weren't used at having their parents leave them were crying. But some of them were either indifferent, excited that they don't feel fear, nervous, or like little Izuku who way trying his best to be brave for his dearest beloved sister. "I-it's okay Micchan! I'll p-protect you while mom is a-away!" it was adorable! It was so pure and innocent! Who would even dare touch such pure children?!

"un! Let's do our best nii-cha!" they were pure! But after a few hours of being inside the kindergarten both learned different things. Like how to greet people, be polite and etc. Izumi was peacefully sitting on the swing of the playground as her brother fetched for their water bottles. "Hey" a small voice called out, Izumi blinked and looked to the side. There, standing proud and tall was little Katsuki, smiling like a normal kid would. Izumi smiled back greeting the blonde boy, "I'm Katsuki and when I grow older I'm going to marry you!" being children sure is easy...

After that day the Midoriya twins and Bakugou had been almost inseparable as kids, and most of their birthdays were celebrated with each other. Even as middle school students.

"K-K-K-Kacchan! H-h-h-happy b-birthday! I know you won't take it but I-I have a present for you!" poor Izuku was shaking in front of the hot headed Katsuki. "What makes you think I'll fucking accept that Deku?!" Katsuki -as usual- yelled angrily. "M-Micchan made your favorite cake t-too!!" Izuku was slowly stepping away, Katsuki raised a brow and was about to say something when-- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KACCHAN!!" a cake was smashed into his face.

"Kanari..... Deku... I'm gonna give you five--" before Katsuki could even finish his sentence the twins were already running away. "COME BACK HERE!!!!"

It was a rainy day in Orudera Middle school. Everyone was either inside their classrooms or stuck in the gym.

"Nee onii-chan, could you help me with my history? We have a quiz later and I can't remember the dates...." Izumi pouted making Izuku chuckle. "I can do that. But you have to help me with my--" "Oi Midoriya!" both twins turned around to the voice, seeing one of Katsuki's followers. "Yes?" "Not you. The other Midoriya" "But we're both Midoriya" oh no...  I'm not gonna narrate all of what they said cause it even makes me confused *slapped* okay.

"I give up!!" and so, this is why you never call 'Midoriya' when the twins are together.

The amusement park, where fun is always behind you or in front of you. But today, the amusement park is where the twins are the terrorists. Why? Let's find out shall we?

The twins were able to save up money so they could buy a ride-all-you-can ticket-band and to pay for all the games that they could play. "Too bad mom couldn't come with us today..." "yeah, we could have another family picture." Izuku patted Izumi's head and smiled, "You're so thoughtful Micchan, we can still invite her next time. Oh hey, wanna play that shooting game with me?" pointing at the soon to be empty booth, the twins made their way there and payed the man for the pellet guns. "Alright you two, there's 15 pellets for each case, make any of the prizes fall and they're yours" the twins grinned and started to look for loose bolts. The moment they saw it though, the booth owner knew... He fucked up. The twins repeatedly hit the loose bolts and boom! All the prizes fell down in a heap. "Yey!!" the twins grinned and fistbumped. "We got a lot of candy!" "Don't forget to drink water okay? I'm letting you eat as much as you can but I'm watching you..."

Booth after booth, the twins kept winning prizes, and soon the whole amusement park will be raided. By the twins. This resulted in ban posters in front of the amusement park that said. Booth raiders.

The twins were always separate when in comes to room assignments, though outside of classes and school they were inseparable. Just like what happened in the training camp.

Class B arrived much quicker than class A did, but that didn't change the fact that Izumi worried for her brother. A habit let's say,  a habit that resulted in her pestering Kouta. She kept calling him cute and hugging him she even kept petting his head till Kouta walked out with a huge blush and scowl.

She waited for class A even if Monoma kept saying they don't need her worry. She helped in the kitchen as much as she could; in which of course delighted some of her classmates.

It was getting late and when class A arrived she immediately glomped her brother. Wearing Katsuki's old shirt and Izuku's old jogging pants. (dont ask...)

"Onii-chan! What happened to you?! You look like you died and for respected then and there!!" She kept mumbling... Even when Aizawa was already pulling her away. She eventually shut up when Katsuki leaned on Izumi's forehead. "Shut up hedgehog, get me food, I'm hungry" "You shouldn't talk that way to Izumi-kun, Bakugou-kun! Ask nicely and politely to a lady!" Iida to the rescue! "I get it now" many turned their heads to Todoroki, now; you and I both know what's coming.

"Ask nicely and politely...." Todoroki went closer and kissed Izumi's hand and bent on one knee. "It would be my greatest honor if you would allow me to taste your...
Cooking" (you thought it was something else huh?)

Smooth. Very smooth. Now, you know that I know that you know that this wouldn't make sense right? No?  Okay. Now dear readers this chapter is full of simple shinnanegans. It does connect to the story but I just didn't feel like putting it with the actual chapters...  Too boring... Now I have a question and answer honestly. When Todoroki said 'taste your...' what did you thought it was? Also, what did you think Midoriya was about to say when he said 'help me with my'? Remember! Honesty is the best policy, right after Anime are not cartoons policy.

Also... To whoever made a female Izuku...  Izumi credits goes to the creator. I just made the plot

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