Chapter 5

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-3rd POV-

It was the day that Izumi would tell Izuku the truth, however they were cut short by a call. They were instructed to go to the Nighteye agency so the explanations would be delt with later. Upon heading out, they bumped into Kirishima who was also called. Along with Uraraka and Tsuyu. "What a coincidence, we're all heading out, but wait a minute, I thought the agency you're in is at Kansai Kirishima-kun." Izuku inquired, with Kirishima honestly answering.

Once they reached the Nighteye office, they met with the seniors. "Ah! Izumi-chan! What are you doing here?!" Mirio exclaimed patting said girl's head. "W-wait! Y-you know each other?!" Izumi giggled "Onii-chan, if you stay at the infirmary for most of the time, you'll meet different kinds of people. Now why don't we go in, I'm sure they're all waiting." and so they did. Upon entering though, they were met with the sight of multiple heroes. Both local to top heroes. "Wah... It feels like a convention."

After a while, the meeting regarding Chisaki began. It started as a light investigation but as it went further, the atmosphere became heavy. "Hold on, so you're telling me that there's no real evidence about the child and this guy? What are these kids doing here then? We can't be that open since the students are here" a hero named LockRock said gesturing over to said students. "No they are valuable eye witnesses!" Fatgum (dadgum) denied, explaining what happened and what information they gathered. "Okay, I get that but what about the evidence regarding the Hassaikai? How do we get concrete evidence from them?" Nighteye fixed his glasses and leaned on his interlinked hands. "That is what Ms. Midoriya is here for." at this everyone who knew the teen stared at her. "W-wai-- What does Micchan have to do with this Sir Nighteye? She had a healing quirk!" Izuku questioned obviously shaken that his sister was involved. "Would you kindly explain Ms. Midoriya?"

Taking a deep breath she explained the best she could, "At the... Camino incident, I was drugged. The doctors said it was Melatonin, but in later checkups they found something else in my blood... They found another person's DNA." at that mention, everybody tensed up and gasped in shock. "M-MICCHAN?!" " As I was saying! The DNA was like what the detectives found inside the Noumus... In other words, I have obtained another quirk. The quirk I obtained is still unknown but I can see 'visions'. The type that is unlike Sir Nighteye's. From what onii-chan's information earlier, the girl from my vision and this girl we were talking about, they are the same person." Izuku was devastated, not only could he not save the little girl but he couldn't even do anything for his sister! 'what am I doing?!' Mirio was the one who was able to ask what everyone was thinking albeit hesitantly. "W-what did you see Izumi-chan?"

The students weren't expecting her answer. "I saw blood... Splattering everywhere... I-I also saw the child in a room, strapped into a chair. She was crying and... But there were other people...I couldn't see clearly but... I saw figures with beaks... T-the little girl was--" " That would be enough, thank you Ms.Midoriya" the meeting continued with Izumi's head hung low. She was trying her best to stop her tears from falling and Izuku knows this very well. Ryuukyuu silently stood up and comforted Izumi.

The students were dismissed and the moment all of them got out of the room and into the elevator, Izuku immediately took his twin in his arms in a tight embrace. Soft and muffled sobs were heard, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have been there for you... I could've..." the elevator rang, informing our heroes that they reached ground floor. "I-I knew if I told you immediately you'd freak and you'll be reckless and... hic" Izuku sighed and soothingly caressed Izumi's hair.

After a while Izumi calmed down and Izuku and Mirio was able to explain what happened that day. "I see... That must've been frustrating for you too huh Deku-kun?" Uraraka softly said sadly looking at said male. "I'm sorry I didn't notice onii-chan... I'm such a bad sister..." "No you're not... I didn't even notice you've been suffering until now..." their talk did touch the onlookers' hearts, but the situation that they're in is still quite overwhelming.

-meanwhile with the heroes after the students left-

"To think that a student of that age see something so horrible...." RyuuKyuu muttered crossing her arms, hiding the fact that she was clenching her fists. "It was the negligence of us teachers of UA for not being perceptive enough... Also the fact that it was caused by the League makes it more troubling." Eraserhead said in his normal sluggish voice, but even at Izumi's situation, they were able to point out that Chisaki is really doing heinous works. "We should take this to our advantage, my quirk may be a bit different with hers but I may be able to assist her 'visions' somehow. But back to the topic, our main objective is to capture Kai Chisaki and the Eight Precepts and to rescue the little girl named Eri."

-back with the gang-

The elevator sounded again, letting our young heroes to look at the direction of said machinery. "Aizawa-sensei!" "Please just call me Eraserhead outside of class. Anyways, I'm sure all of you will be involved in this case and to tell you the truth, I'm planning on suspending your internships." at this, many reacted violently. Asking why but Aizawa was looking straight at Izuku as he stated that frankly, Midoriya still haven't gained back Aizawa's trust.

"And as for you Midoriya Izumi, I know that unlike your brother you don't hide important things unless needed. But what I want to know is what happened that night. You haven't really spoken about it to anyone so we'll need an explanation. I'll hear it when this is all over so be prepared." Aizawa said before walking outside. "Will you be okay Micchan?" Izumi smiled at her brother, she already knew that this would happen eventually so she needs to steel her heart. "I'll be fine onii-chan, cause I know you'll be there when I fall apart." her statement was shockingly cute and touching that Izuku, Ochako, Kiri, Mirio and Tamaki felt an arrow pierced their heart.

-5 minutes later-

"Looking at you makes me feel like I'm looking at your reckless brother." all Izumi could do was awkwardly laugh, she was now in front of Sir Nighteye. Discussing how Izuku could try and control her new quirk but unlike Sir Nighteye's foresight, her visions comes out randomly. So Nighteye decided to give her a list of things she could try so that they can gain information on what to do next.

Oh gosh... I'm so sorry for updating so late! I've been busy and I got distracted. But anyway! Ihope you like the chapter!

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