Chapter 2

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-3rd POV-

The next day, Izumi was uneasy. She couldn't tell anyone of what was discussed that night, it kept her up all night. "Izumi-chan, are you alright? You look really pale, and you have bags under your eyes to..." Tito said softly before touching her forehead. Mustering a smile, she assured the lettuce man that she was fine. Though that didn't really reassure the lettuce, he let her be. 'She'll tell me when she's ready.' he told himself.

At lunch she ate with Ibara and Pony quietly, both were worried for their friend - it was a given since she helped them in so many ways. "Izumi-chan, if something bothering you, tell us please" Pony said with her choppy japanese. "That's right Izumi-chan, you know you can count on us for help" Ibara added smiling sweetly, "Thanks you guys... But Recovery Girl said that I can't tell anybody yet... She said its confidential..." both girls smiled sadly, "It's OK! We support you!" "Tsunotori-san is right Izumi-chan! Do not lose hope!" this form of encouragement lifted Izumi's mood, she hoped that nothing goes wrong.


In a dark and quiet area, a man with dark hair smirked with interest as he read a certain document. "This one might be able to cure the boss..." "we think so too, but the problem is... How are we gonna--" the dark haired man raised his hand cutting whatever the arrow-haired man was going to say. "Have you heard this phrase before? 'Good things come to those who wait' and that's what we're going to do." the man said chuckling darkly.

A little girl at the age of 6 cowered, overhearing her captors' conversation. "Now what are you doing over there Eri-chan?" freezing in her spot she trembled in fear, "It's still not time for your treatment~" the man sadistically cooed. Making the already trembling girl fall to her knees in pure and utter fear, as the man came closer, his hand outstretched, she couldn't help but scream.


It was now afternoon. Students were already packing their things and already heading for their dorms like usual, some preferred to train instead of going straight to their dorms. One of those few students was Izumi. She couldn't really focus though, her mind was drifting to someplace else. "You look troubled." a deep voice chided, looking at where the voice came from, Izumi was met with none other than All Might. (I haven't been able to give him screen time... Thank goodness I remembered)

"All Might! U-umm... Well... You see..." Izumi couldn't form a simple sentence, stumbling in her words making our former no. 1 hero to chuckle. "What's got you in a knot shoujo?" 'It wouldn't hurt to tell All Might right?' she hesitated for a bit before telling All Might what happened last night.

-flashback that night Izumi's POV-

"What he said is right, though I did receive some shocking information from the hospital you were confined in..." Recovery Girl said seriously, alarming the principal and I. "What is it about Recovery?" the principal started, "Well... They seem to have found the real reason why you almost died back then." this made me flinch, I didn't really want to remember that incident. Both mom and onii-chan were really worried and they were both crying. I never wanted to see them like that again. "W-what was the real reason? I thought I was just overdosed!" I didn't understand! "Calm down Izumi-san, let's hear this out first... I'm betting this has to do with the League"

"That you are right. In the tests that I have right here, it seems you have acquired another... Quirk." It was quiet. Suffocatingly quiet. The principal was the one who broke the silence though, asking what Recovery Girl meant. "Just as I said, she acquired another quirk. It seems like her DNA was fused with another DNA. You see, a quirk is always attached to the persons DNA, just like how your quirk is attached to yours."

"So... What you're saying is that Izumi-san was injected with another person's DNA?" Recovery Girl nodded grimly. "It's possible... But we still don't have any evidence, so we're still researching about it. I'm sure All for One has something to do with this. For now what we discussed here should stay within these walls. I hope you're okay with this dear." I looked down at my feet, "So... All this time... My nightmares were because of a new quirk?" "yes... But don't worry dear we'll find out more information about it. For now, just don't tell anyone yet. Even your brother okay?" I hesitantly nodded, knowing onii-chan... He'll find out that I'm hiding something.

-flashback end-

-3rd POV-

"I see... So that's what happened. I may help in investigating this situation but I don't think Recovery Girl or the principal would allow that. It'll expose not only the school, but also expose you to even more danger. Specially when All for One is involved." All Might said in a soft voice, it warmed Izumi's heart. Knowing that even if she really wasn't All Might's apprentice, he was acting like a father she never had. "It's okay, I'm okay now after telling what bothered me. Thank you for listening All Might!" Izumi brightly smiled and bowed her head in gratitude. "I better go to the dorms now, they might get worried! Thank you again!!"


Izumi was smiling again, she was able to put her conversation with Recovery Girl at the back of her mind. Of course her friends were relieved, but they were still confused as to why she acted that way. "Alright class listen up. I know you're all curious about the internships that the principal mentioned the other day at the ceremony. It's up to you if you want to learn more about it, but I would recommend that you focus in your studies first. I'm sure class A will grab the chance and go for it, but we of class B will steadily increase your level as a whole. Midoriya! I'm sure Recovery Girl would still give you assignments and I can't really do anything regarding that topic, but that doesn't mean you should slack off. Is that clear?" Izumi have a determined smile and said with a clear voice "Yes sir!!" "Good! Now let's get to our lessons!"

To me... This chapter seems okay.. Don't you think? Hmmmm... Just a quick announcement though. I might not be able to update for 2-3 weeks.... But I'll still try to at least. If you're asking for reasons, it's because of my second thesis defense, I need to pass it so I can graduate. Wish me luck guys!! 😭😭 I need all the luck and confidence I can get. If I don't graduate... I may not be able to update forever... I mean it... Anyways! Look out for the next chapter!!

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