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-3rd POV-

It was a very solemn day. Every single person was wearing their mourning clothes, everyone in school attended the funeral. From the hero department to the business department. All were there to pay their respect to the deceased hero in training, Midoriya Izumi.

"Midoriya Izumi was a very sweet child, but not only was she a daughter, a sister, a friend and a student; she was a hero. A true hero that sacrificed her life to protect those who are in need. As her mentor, I knew in my heart that she will surpass my expectations and be a hero that many people would look up to. And I am very proud of her." Recovery Girl took a deep breath trying her best to not let the tears fall, but after a few minutes of trying she finally gave up and let the tears fall from her eyes.

"Izumi... I love my daughter so much, along with my Izuku. She was a loving and caring child, I couldn't have.... asked for any other daughter... S-she always s-said that even when we were a-apart... As long as we remember each other... We would stay at each other's h-hearts... My baby... I love you so much... I m-miss you already..." Inko let out a sob and wiped her tears with her handkerchief before sitting with the others.

"Izumi was someone who showed me kindness in my childhood days. She was my friend and only friend back then... She was very important to me and even as we grew up, all I wanted to do was protect her and make her happy... I'm just gonna say what everyone might be thinking right now, Izumi is the most precious flower we ever had. She brought light to our darkest days, she listened to us when we need someone to listen." At this sentence many of class B cried, Tito especially.

"Izumi-chan, I hope your in a better place. Because in our eyes you will always be our angel. " Kendo's speech was short but it held deep emotions. Soon it was Eri's turn, some were actually against it but in the end they let the girl attend the funeral. Beside her were Mirio and Izuku, "Umm... I only knew Mii-san for a little bit... But she was one of the most kindest person I met. I remember when we played in the snow... she would always make sure I was warm. She would read me stories and... I really thought she could be my mama... She taught me how to read kaji (Kanji) and she was very very nice and pa...patent.(patient) " Inko smiled and wiped her tears as Eri continued to talk. "She even gave me this letter to read today!" at this everyone gazed at the little girl. "To... Mom, I know you've been enduring a... Whole lot and you keep getting worried because you only want what was best for us. I will always.. Ap..aprecate! (appreciate)  and be grateful that I became your doter. (daughter) To onii-chan! I'm sorry for always making you worry. But I hope you don't get sad whenever you stare at the mirror. I love you onii-chan. You will always be my no. 1 hero, and my no. 1 onii-chan.  To... Ka...cat-san!" some snickered and Mirio let out a quiet chuckle at the error. "I know you are upset, and that you blame yourself, but please don't be sad forever. I always want you to be happy, I would hate it if you became a depressed fire cracker. Before our date, I already knew what would happen. Shigaraki would harm a civilian, so I inter...intervine! (intervened) I'm sorry for not telling you. But I will never regret saving that person. The only thing I regret is not being able to fulfill my promises. Not only to you but also to onii-chan, my frinds (friends) , and everyone else. But all I can say now is... Thank you, for being my mentors, my friends and for being my family." Eri ended and sniffled.

Not soon after, snow started to fall from the sky. "Snow? In the middle of spring?" Katsuki who was quiet the whole time let tears fall once again. Izumi always loved snow. The snow that fell started to glow, and every snow flake that fell on their heads or hands, a memory of Izumi flashes in their eyes. It snow that glowed brighter and brighter until you couldn't see anything else.


Katsuki opened his eyes, as the sun's rays poured from the gap of the curtains. He had tears in his eyes as he woke up. "Kacchan? Are you okay?" a sweet yet sleepy voice inquired. "Nah... I'm good... Just had a bad dream... A really horrible dream." Katsuki layed his head back on top of the person's head and wrapped his arms around her. "Kacchaaaaaaannnn... No butt gropiiinggg" said male groaned and nuzzled his face to the crook of her neck. "Shut it Izumi, I'm fucking tired and I just got a hellish nightmare. Let me just enjoy this." Izumi giggled and patted Katsuki's already spiky hair. "wanna talk about it?" she asked worriedly when he didn't speak. "You along with the kids are the only people I don't want to lose. That dream was so realistic that... I can't even think straight right now..." as soon as he finished his sentence their door suddenly slammed open.

"DADDY!!!! WE GOING TO WATTU PAWK!!! UP UP UP!!!" a little boy with spiky green hair ran and tried his best to get up to his parents' bed. "UP UP UP!!" another little boy entered the room and jumped up and down raising his arms, as if trying to say to pick him up. Katsuki groaned and burried his face to the pillow as the boy jumped on the bed. "Takeru, Takeshi, where's Takumi? Have any of you packed what you're going to bring?" Izumi asked, picking up Takeru and smiled when said boy snuggled closer to her.

(from left to right: Takeru, Takeshi, Takumi)

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(from left to right: Takeru, Takeshi, Takumi)

"RAAAAHHHH!!! Come're you little brat!" Katsuki suddenly pushed the covers off of him and started to tickle his son. Izumi smiled and carried Takeru towards the triplets' room.

It has been 6 years since Izumi and the rest graduated from UA, and two years after Izumi officially became Bakugou Izumi. They were happily married and had triplets, Their first born, Takeshi was basically Katsuki with green hair and eyes. The second was Takeru, he was like Izumi, obliviously sharp witted but still oblivious. And the youngest among the three was Takumi, he was an oddball, as Katsuki tend to say. He was the shy and silent one, but he has the worst temper. (Just like his father then... Katsuki:"hey!")

"Taku~ time to wake up~~" opening the door, Izumi smiled brightly as she saw her son cuddling with his Deku plush, and without wasting any more precious moments she took a quick and quiet picture. "awww~~"

Katsuki who stopped tickling Takeshi, smiled, he was glad it was just a dream. He would never trade this moment for anything in the world.

So! I ended with a blast right? It's not an extreme kind of blast but it shook you guys right? I love you guys and I want to thank all of my precious readers for supporting me through and through. What do you guys think? I'm still happy that I get to share these books of mine and have no fear Todomi fans! I have a Todomi route after this. So look out for it.

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