Nightingale part 2 (Spinoff)

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-3rd POV-

Time seemed to freeze, even with the mask, Katsuki would recognize those eyes anywhere. It was the same eyes that looked at him overflowing with tears. But this time was different, those eyes looked at him with disdain. "M-MICCHAN!! W-what the hell are you doing with them?! W-why didn't you--" "Why didn't I come home? Ah! All might is here! Noumu, why don't play with him~ but first get Kuro-san back. Now." Noumu screeched very loudly before doing as he was told. Tomura chuckled, "Oi oi, taking the punch and saving the kid? Aren't you a little bit tired, huh?  All Might?" his tone was full of scorn for the said hero. "MICCHAN!! PLEASE!! STOP THIS!! YOU'RE NOT BEING YOURSELF!!!" Izuku pleaded, his sister was right there! He wanted to do something, but before he could take another step, Tomura chuckled.

"Not being herself? She's been like this ever since she gave up on being a hero. Isn't that right Nightingale?" Tomura mocked as he wrapped one of his arm around Izumi's waist, "W-what? Get your hands off of her!" laying his head on Izumi's shoulder, Tomura gave another chuckle. "Ah~ I remember it clearly too. She ran away from home because everyone doesn't like her magnificent quirk, she gets bullied by her so called friends, what else? Oh! A lot of people, even her family doesn't want her to be a hero. Even her most beloved older brother. All she ever wanted was a place to belong, and people who would support her. But even a simple 'you can do it' weren't said to her once. So now she's mine! NOUMU! Kill them all." said monster have another screech before going for All Might.

'No... No.... I'm so sorry Micchan... I'm such a hypocrite! Please Micchan! Please come back...' these thoughts were running through Izuku's head and Katsuki was no different. He too was thinking how and why Izumi would turn villain.

-timeskip cause y'all know what gonna happen-

"Damn it... Oh well... Game's over...  Let's go Night--" Tomura stopped in his tracks as Izumi shielded Tomura just in time before he could get shot by (hero name). "Let's hurry and retreat." and so they did. They escaped through Kurogiri's warp gate and  arriving to their hideout. "Tch.... He's not weak at all! Sensei! What's the meaning of this?!" Izumi silently went to her first aid kit and started to get the bullet out of her shoulder and wrapping it up with great difficulty.

"Izumi... I thought that brother or yours was quirkless..." Tomura lowly mumbled, his fingers coming in contact with his neck, only to be slapped away. "Stop that scratching! But yes, he was quirkless. Sensei, do you think it's that?" Izumi inquired while still treating Tomura's injuries. "Yes, but in order to proceed with our plans, we must observe. Shigaraki Tomura, learn from this and become stronger. Both Kurogiri and Izumi will be by your side." 'Sensei' said chuckling. 

-Izuku's POV-

I can't believe it... All this time... I'm such a hypocrite! I tried to talk her out of being a hero but then I was the one who kept being stubborn in being a hero...  I... I...

"Midoriya-shounen!" I jumped and looked at All Might, he looks genuinely worried. But what about mom and Izumi back then? Did you care? I shook my head. "S-sorry All Might... What were you talking about?" he sighed and sat properly in his bed, "I was just asking if you're alright my boy. I know that incident would be a shock to you." I looked down unable to look him in the eye. "I-It was probably-- no...  It was my fault. I'm the reason why she became a villain. I never wanted her to get hurt and... Well..." I flinched when Recovery Girl hit my head, puffing angrily. "Well aren't you a hypocrite? If you didn't want her to get hurt then you shouldn't be here as well! Being a healer doesn't mean that you can't be a hero kid." I couldn't look at her in the eye. Because I know she's right.

All might sighed, "I know this is hard for you Midoriya-shounen. But I want you to lift your head and smile, don't let this experience let you down. After all..." I hesitantly looked up at All Might to see him smiling confidently. "I did promise you that I'll help you search for your sister. Now I'll be helping you to bring her back!" I couldn't help but let my tears out. "Well speaking of... I'll have to get some information about your sister. Just basic information would be fine" Tsukauchi -All Might's friend- who was there the entire time spoke. 

When I was allowed to go back, I changed into my school uniform and went to the class room to get my things. But I want expecting everyone to stop be there. "W-what's going on? I-I thought you all went home by now." Kirishima-kun stood "Gomen Midoriya... I told them what happened and... We kinda want an explanation." "Tch. What now explanation do you guys want?! That shitty nerd's sister went missing 3 years ago and now she's a villain! What more do you want to fucking know?!" Kacchan yelled angrily and stomped his way out, but before he could Todoroki-kun spoke up. "Maybe the reason why she became one? Or why she disappeared? I knew Izumi when we were little, she was a nice and sweet girl. Why would she change so much?" Kacchan chuckled bitterly and glared "You sound like you like her or something icy-hot." I gulped and stepped up. "I-it was my fault! I... I'm very sure I let her down... She always wanted to be a hero and..." "That idiot won't be able to do shit! Her quirk is practically useless, so why even bother?" Kacchan cut me off before slamming the door.

I sighed and continued my walk home. What am I going to tell mom?  If I tell her... She'll just cry more... But I need to tell her! She has the right to know.

Okay this is for those of my dear readers who have been requesting for another villain Izumi chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it anyways sorry for the slow updates ojt isvkilling me.  But it's fun so I cant complain much. Before anyone else go comment for any suggestions cause I'm losing ideas here! Your responses would be most appreciated.

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