Chapter 9

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-3rd POV-

The sun was now rising, it was very peaceful, but even at today's early hour Izumi was in her hero costume once again. Kendo was the first who found out and she immediately fretted, "Izumi?! Where are you going?! You just came back yesterday!" Kendo whisper-yelled making Izumi slightly flinch. "G-Gomen Itsu-chan... I was only included last time because another hero requested for me but now I just need to fill in for Recovery Girl! Don't worry, I'll be okay." Kendo have Izumi a sceptical look, not believing what she just heard. "On a weekend? Really?" a solemn look took over Izumi's face facing away from Kendo. "You dont understand how many seniors take special classes... I also have to do a report on every person that comes in...."

After being let go knowing Izumi is totally lying, Izumi ran towards the gate after eating breakfast and packing lunches. "There you are! Right on time, by the way, you know that you don't need that much stuff right?" Present Mic said pointing at Izumi's hero bag. She smiled brightly and nodded, "Recovery Girl always told me that's it's better to be prepared!"

"YOOOUUURRRREEE LAAATTEE!! BAD BOYS!" Izumi turned and saw both Todoroki and Bakugou. Both males blushed but Bakugou stomped his way to Izumi puling her skirt. "Damn it, I told you not to wear short skirts!!" "Ah! Kacchan!!" All Might chuckled at the scene as Todoroki offered his coat to Izumi. "Come on now, all of you. We're going to be late." this statement made the trio to stop and follow the Present Mic and All Might to the bus.

"Izumi, though I admit its a pleasant surprise to have you with us today... why are you going with us if you don't mind me asking." Todoroki politely asked. "Well... Since All Might is the one substituting Eraserhead, Recovery asked if it's okay to keep an eye on him regarding his health. Though she did say that I didn't really needed to do it... But I really wanted to see how both of you progressed so I said that I'll come!" Izumi smiled brightly, so brightly that all the passengers of the UA bus squinted their eyes.

-timeskip a bit-

After arriving at the venue, they walked the hallways quietly before Inasa came shouting his greetings. "Ah! You're  a new face! I'm Yoarashi Inasa! Nice to meet you!" he said bowing so low his head met the concrete making our dear broccoli panic. "Midoriya-shoujo, this is where we sepearate"  "Oh! Okay! Ah! Kacchan! Shocchan! I made us all pack lunches so come eat with us later okay?" Izumi said with her hands cupped around her mouth, though just hearing that she made packed lunches both said males glared at each other. "You shouldn't have..." All Might said patting Izumi's head making her smile. "It's okay dad! .....!!!!!!!!"  Present Mic who was silent the whole time laughed, hugging his sides while All Might stood dumbfounded.

"I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-didn't mean to

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"I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-didn't mean to..." without finishing her sentence, she ran away covering her face.

Alright people! Dadmight is here! Everyone place your be-- *slapped* so after running and finding a seat, Izumi sat near the rails. 'that was embarassing!! Onii-chan save me! (╥﹏╥)' it was a slip of the tongue and honestly, All Might wasn't mad. More like surprised. "SHOOOOOOTTTOOOOO!!!" Izumi jumped after the booming voice echoed through the whole stadium. She looked at the beach and saw both Endeavor and All Might behind her.

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