Todomi Route

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-3rd POV-

The alarm rang loudly, waking the man with dual hair. He groaned and looked around the room, he was alone making him panic. "I-Izumi?" He pulled the covers off of himself and made a dash out of the room he was currently in.

"Shocchan... Is something wrong?" a green haired woman waddled from the kitchen when she heard thuds and crashes. Said man sighed and walked sluggishly towards his wife, enveloping her in a relieved embrace. "Thank Kami it was just a dream... If I lost you... What would I do?" "Shocchan..." using her quirk, Izumi calmed her husband. Shoto gave another sigh and kneeled down to nuzzle his face to Izumi's round stomach, but not soon after Izumi screamed in pain. "S-Shocchan?? C-can we go to the hospital? Like NOW!!" and just like that, Todoroki Shoto panicked and carried his wife to the car.

-timeskip brought to you by labour screams-

"Just one more!! PUSH!!" Izumi screamed and pushed one last time before panting, a baby's cry could be heard echoing through the delivery room. Outside said room, for three whole hours, Shoto was pacing back and forth. He couldn't sit still and he could help the anxiety that ran thru his veins. But a cry made him stop in his tracks, his mind was blank and his body moves in its own when the doctor came out of the room. "Congratulations Mr. Todoroki! It's a healthy baby girl!" the first-time dad entered the room, finding his wife with a pink bundle in her arms. He smiled and ran up to Izumi and kisses her passionately. "You did well sweetheart, I'm so proud of you. The both of you" he gave both of them a soft kiss on the head before the doctor told him to leave momentarily do they could transfer them to a more suitable room.

-11 months timeskip brought to you by BABIIIIIIIEEESSSS!!!!-

"SHOCCHAN!!! COME QUICK!!" hearing this, Shoto wasted not a second before bolting up the stairs and into the room where Izumi and their baby girl were, getting there he searched for any danger. "Shocchan! Tomo-chan is sitting on her own~~" Tomo their 11 months old child was gurgling and giggling happily as she fell on Izumi's stomach. Shoto sighed in relief, "please don't scare me like that Izumi, I really thought both of you were in trouble..." he said before sitting in front of them. "Now come to papa!" Tomo squealed and started to slowly crawl her way to get father. "Aaba! Buuu.. Gawww" was the noises their little girl was making, while Shoto keeps nodding as if he could understand what she was talking about. "ubuuummmummm" as the happy family did their bonding time, the door bell rang. "That must be onii-chan!" Izumi smiled brightly and went to answer the door making their daughter follow her. As much as how a baby could follow with the other parent watching over them at least. "Onii-chan! You made it just in time." "Nice to see you again Midoriya." Shoto greeted, carrying Tomo who wore an All Might onesie. Izuku gasped and when he was let in, he took his niece from Shoto and cooed. "Tomo-chan!! Look how cute you are~~" Izuku gushed and started to take pictures. "You two go on your date! I'll take good care of Tomo-chan!" and with that ladies and gents, we see the start of Izuku's protectiveness over his niece.

"Reminds me of the time when he would glare at me when we go out in dates." Shoto blurted, confusing Izumi. "onii-chan is a stalker?? I didn't notice..." her husband chucked and smiled looking at the beautiful sky. Reminiscing their UA days together.


Both Todoroki and Izumi were at Todoroki's dorm room, laying on the cool tatami mats. They just finished their training and Izumi thought that she could study in her boyfriend's room, but she should really know better. Why? Because Todoroki couldn't help but let his hands roam.

Feeling Todoroki's hand on her right boob, Izumi she 'accidentally' let go of her thick medical book letting out fall on Todoroki's forehead. "S-S-S-Shocchan!! T-t-that's not..." Izumi covered her blushing face and hid under Todoroki's futon. "Shocchan's a perv!!" said male smiled and wrapped his arms around the lump that was the futon and patted Izumi's exposed head. "I'm sorry Izumi, I won't do it again without permission." said greenette poked her head out of her hiding place and pouted. "Bad Shocchan... E-even if we both have u-urges... W-w-we can't until we get married!" at that last sentence, the door slammed open revealing a livid looking Izuku. " who's getting married?!?!" Izumi smiled and raised her hand obliviously, "We are!!"


Five years have passed since Midoriya twins graduated, and three years since they became official pro heroes.

"Micchan... If he ever hurts you don't hesitate to call me alright? I'll kick his ass for you!" Izumi giggled and kissed her brother's cheek. "Thanks onii-chan. I'll make sure to remember it!" her brother sighed and held out his hand. It was the day he dreaded and also anticipated. It was Izumi's wedding. He was of course the one walking her to the aisle, to the groom; Todoroki Shoto stood there with a confident posture, his eyes gleamed with joy and love. He was finally have Izumi as his wife, make her happy, protect her and love her with all his heart.

"We are gathered here today in this-- you know what knock yourselves out with the vows already I want my sleep." Aizawa, who Shoto requested to be the one to speak for their wedding. A lot of snickers could be heard and some were already laughing. "Izumi, I want to thank you, first for being my friend, second for letting me be your boyfriend, and lastly for saying yes to my very... Unique proposal. You made my life brighter, when I was still... on that stage where I was a broody teen." at this, Izuku cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled. "Broke my bones for that too!" Shoto chuckled and continued, holding Izumi's hands. "You were there when I needed someone, when I needed company. I'll swear on my life that I won't let anything come in between us, I'll be your hero and your husband. I love you and I will continue to until the day we grow old and have grandkids, or great grandkids." Shoto kissed Izumi's hands and wiped the tears that fell from Izumi's eyes. "Shocchan... You practically stole my lines..." "Hah! Buurrrnnn!!!" a random voice shouted earning glares from some people. "But that's not the only thing you stole from me... At first I didn't know that I had something stolen from me until I finally figured out that I had feelings for you. You stole my heart. But I'm really glad that I could live a life with you and from now on I will stay faithful and make sure that I would take care of you and make us happy." Izumi smiled brightly as she finished and Aizawa cleared his throat. "Right now rings!" Eri beamed and handed the rings to the couple. "You may kiss the bride" the wind blew through the balcony near the couple making Izumi's veil to flutter.

-flashback end-

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-flashback end-

"Shocchan? What got you mind in a knot?" Shoto smiled and pulled his wife closer to him, "I just remembered the most magical moment with you." Izumi giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "You're so cheesy~ but sweet nonetheless!"

A happy couple for a happy route?

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