Tizumi Route (🙈)

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-3rd POV-

Tito woke up startled, he looked around and he saw that he was on a hospital bed, he sighed and laid back down. Letting the tears flow from his eyes, he gritted his teeth trying not to sob, but as he covered his face with his hands, he felt something covering his right eye. This made him confused, why did he have bandages? Why was he in the hospital again? What date is it?! He sat back up again, forgetting his momentary sadness. He went to the bathroom after removing the IV's, upon seeing himself on the mirror he could not believe his eyes. He looked older, like Aizawa-sensei old! He is no longer a teen! 'What is going on here?!' 'There is a possibility that your spirit is transferred to your future self... At least that's what came to mind...' 'Constantine?!'

Soon after he finished freaking out, the door slid open revealing a woman who took his breath away. "I-Izumi-chan?" tears flowing from his eyes once more as he stared at the love of his life. "Tito-kun! You're finally awake!" he couldn't believe it, Izumi was alive and well, Tito actually thought that it was a dream. That was until Izumi smacked him in the head before scolding him. "Mou, stop being so reckless... I know Lucian was taking over but you should at least know when to switch places with him... You didn't have any problem with Constantine even once!" Tito had his head down as he listened to Izumi's lecture. "Mommy!! Daddy!!" both greenette turned to look at the little boy no older than five years old.

'D-d-d-d-daddy?! Who have I screwed so bad that they ended up pregnant?!' 'Oh this is gold! Lemme get some popcorn for this!''Shut it demon!' "Shin-chan!" Izumi picked up the small boy and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead making said boy giggle

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'D-d-d-d-daddy?! Who have I screwed so bad that they ended up pregnant?!' 'Oh this is gold! Lemme get some popcorn for this!''Shut it demon!' "Shin-chan!" Izumi picked up the small boy and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead making said boy giggle. "U-u-um... Izumi-chan... W-whose kid is that?" there was silence before Izumi stepped to the side, revealing an older looking Izuku.  An angry looking Izuku mind you.  "Why don't we go outside? We're going get some chocolate milk too!" and with that the door slammed shut, leaving Tito with an angry looking Izuku. "U-um... Long time no... See?"

-timeskip brought to you by Koro-sensei's mach speed-

Izumi hummed worriedly as she watched her husband playing with their son awkwardly. It was strange, but maybe it was a side effect of the quirk he was hit with. "That's enough playing for now Shin-chan, we need to get daddy some rest." said boy whined and clung to his father.

-Tito's POV-

I gave a small smile as Shintaro -I just learned after Midoriya-kun threatened me- whined, it made my heart warm seeing the future like this. 'Maybe it's a dream... A very realistic dream.' 'If that's the case would you like to wake up?' this question made the lettuce freeze. Did he want this dream to end? "I still wanna hear daddy's stories!!" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Shintaro continue to whine, making me chuckle. "How about this. When I get discharged from the hospital, we can go to anywhere you want to go. Sounds good?" with sparkling eyes, he tackled me to bed. Mind you I'm still in pain.

It was already 9:25 pm, all the nurses -even Izumi-chan- said that I should be resting but... I couldn't. I'm happy to see Izumi-chan but... How do I even know this is real and not just a quirk being used on me? Last time I checked I was at Izumi-chan's funeral... 'Maybe you should just shut up and let things play out.' 'huh?' 'I meant that you should stop overthinking right now and enjoy this moment. Cause we -the stupid angel and I- can tell that what's happening is real. Its no illusion whatsoever, so enjoy it.' I thought about what Lucian said and turned to the door when it opened. "I knew you'd still be awake... Mou, your so stubborn Tito-kun!" Izumi placed her hands on her hips and pouted. I couldn't stop the tears that fell down from my eyes as I smiled at her. She's still so breathtaking, I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch as she tried to wipe away my tears. "What has gotten into you? Is it the quirk's side effect?"

I could only stare as the moonlight shined into Izumi's form, I held out a hand for her to take which -to my utter happiness- she took. I held her hand in mine, and stared at her eyes while trying to not to cry. "Izumi-chan... Is this a dream?" "Eh?" "Cause I feel like I'm in a dream... I feel so... Blessed? Honored? Happy? That I get to see you... To know that I have a family with you... That you accepted a guy like me..." I was going to say more but the lump in my throat made it difficult. I looked into her eyes and saw genuine love, and her smile told me that she felt serene.

-3rd POV-

Izumi pulled her husband to a warm embrace. "You said the same thing in our wedding, and when Shin-chan was born." was all she said while patting Tito's head. After Tito calmed down he asked a lot of questions regarding his life today. "Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh?!?!?!?! I got you pregnant way before I proposed?!" he whisper-yelled as he clutched his head, trying to comprehend what made him do said things. 'Ooohhhhhhh!!! To think our host had the actual balls to do it outside of marriage!! This is hilarious!' 'I must say Tito, I-I ahem! I can't say I'm disappointed.... But I can't say I'm proud of what you've done either!' 'The stupid angel agrees!! Kudos to you my friend!' as tenants continued to tease Tito in his head, Izumi told him what happened. "You were actually super drunk that time!"


Tito groaned as he removed his shoes sluggishly, "I'm home..." he was about to go to the living room when he tried on thin air. "ow... Ah! Izumi-chan!" Tito couldn't help the wide grin that appeared in his lips as he saw the love of his life wearing an apron. "Tito-kun! Are you okay? You're super drunk! Can you stand up? " Izumi frantically asked. Tito stayed on the floor as Izumi fretted over him. "I want a kisshh... Izumi-chan's kishes are alwaysh the besh medicine!" Izumi giggled and complied in giving him a peck on his lips.

After Tito arrived in the living room, he say in the sofa and leaned his head back to the back rest. "Ah! Izumi-chan!  Where are you going!! Nooo shtay here!" he slammed his hand on the seat next to him as he whined. "I-if you go away then I'll hate you!" unfortunately for him he was ignored. "Uuu... I hate you now! I'm kidding... I love you!! Ah mou!! Izumi-chaaaaaan!! Hm?? Did you get this for me? Heheh~" as you can all see, Tito is an idiot when he's drunk. He acts childish most of the time and Izumi knows this from experience, but today something way different.

Izumi sat down beside her boyfriend and gave him his water. "Come on Tito-kun, sober up." as she lifted the glass of water to his lips, he turned his head away. "I can't drink properly that waaayy~" Izumi was confused, but soon blushed as he puckered his lips. Indicating that Izumi must pass the water from her lips to his. 'Tito-kun!!!' but she had no choice, so she did what Tito wanted. "Heheh~~ my Izumi-chan ish shooo pwetty~" he cuddled his girlfriend and nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck.

Izumi could only yelp as she felt the familiar wet feeling on her neck, Tito kissed her jawline and captured her lips in his. "heheh~ Izumi-chaaann~" was all Tito said before he kissed her again. As he pulled Izumi with his left hand, his right hand started to roam and caress her sides. They moaned into the kiss but as their kiss went deeper and more passionate, both their hands roamed on each others bodies. This wasn't the first time they did it, but it was the first time they did it with Tito drunk. "Izumi-chan~ can I?" they were both panting, bodies hot and sensitive to each others' touch. The moment Izumi gave him permission, he went ahead and threw his clothes to a corner. He attacked Izumi's delicate skin, showering them in wet kisses, light nibbles and bites. "Tito-ahh~"  was all Izumi could say after said man gave her a mark. Tito was quick to remove Izumi's clothing, caressing her sides as he sucked on her collarbone. He grinded his crotch on Izumi's nether regions, gaining moans of pleasure and excitement from said woman. "I'll make Izumi-chan the most happiest woman alive~" with that, more garments were throw to different ways of the room. Moans filled the room as Tito continues to pleasure his woman with his touch and kisses. "Does Izumi-chan like it when I rub you like this?~" Izumi was already a moaning mess by the time they became one once again.

-flashback end-

Tito covered his face in embarrassment, Izumi told him every single detail making it hard for him to look at her in the eyes. "But you know Tito-kun... I'm happy that I met you!"

Okay!  Here it is! The Tizumi route! Hope you liked it! Comment and tell me what you think.

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