Chapter 4

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-3rd POV-

The Nighteye agency are doing a secret investigation on the Hassaikai, a yakuza gang. But their main target was a man with dark hair and gold eyes, a man named Chisaki. He was starting to act suspiciously, but they needed evidence. Evidence that shows Chisaki really was doing crimes. This is where our little broccoli man gets himself in trouble. He, along with Mirio encountered the man they were looking out for. But in a very unexpected way.

A little girl probably no more than 6 ran into Izuku while they were patrolling. "Shame on you, bumping into a hero while they're working. Come now Eri. Let's go home."  there he is, Chisaki. His presence alone made Izuku shiver.

"Hello? Yes. I'd like to speak with Recovery Girl. Okay. Thank you." Izumi waited for Recovery Girl to pick up on the other line. Her visions are getting more and more bloody, it was beginning to clear up too. She kept seeing a girl crying, bandages were all over her arms and legs. She didn't know who or why she was seeing this little girl, but she knew she had to tell Recovery Girl about this. Izumi already told the principal this information and he stated himself that Recovery should know this before contacting a hero that could help in some way.

"Hello, Izumi? What's the matter dear?" Izumi slightly jumped at Recovery Girl's sudden voice, "Ah, Recovery Girl. It's about the new quirk... I've already talked about it to the principal and he said that I needed to inform you about it. So..." Izumi paused and took a deep breath. "Go on dear. I'm listening." "You see, the day you left the note saying that you'd be in Gifu prefecture, I've been having visions. It gave me slight headaches and I was going to tell you that day, but you were already gone. Anyway, I know you said it was confidential but--" "You told someone?!" Recovery Girl interrupted already ready to scold the poor flustered Izumi. "N-no! I mean yes! But hear me out! I-I told All Might... I knew we can trust him about it so... Well anyway! These past two days I've been having more and more visions and it's becoming more and more clear each minute... I saw a little girl... She looked scared and her arms and legs were covered in bandages. At first all I saw was blood... Then... I saw figures with beaks... Masks? I'm not sure... But the girl was screaming, she's calling for help! I'm sure of it! I--" "Calm down dear! We'll think of something, for now take a deep breath. I'll be back tomorrow, I suggest you go stay with your brother today. I'll contact Nezu as soon as I can." Izumi calmed down and thanked Recovery Girl, although she was still bothered, she needed to stay strong!


"EEEHHHHHHH?!?!" "G-good evening everyone!" Izumi greeted bashfully as class A stared at our broccoli woman. With her blanket at hand she tried to hide behind Aizawa whose face held a 'get it over with' expression. "So Midoriya-chan is staying here for the night? What about her dorm room?" Kirishima curiously asked, it really was strange. I mean who would have thought that this is allowed! What they didn't know though was that it really wasn't allowed, it was only an exemption considering her circumstances. "It would have been onii-chan going to our dorm, but I don't think Monoma-kun would allow anyone from class A live in peace so..." 'ah... I can totally see that happening...' class A all thought as a picture of Monoma's evil toothy smile appeared. "Wow! So you two are really that close huh! That's so cute!!!" Mina exclaimed hugging the smiling Izumi, "It is quite charming that Midoriya-san is close with his sibling." Momo interjected, making said Midoriya blush.

Everyone was gathered in the common area, in their pj's doing their own things. "So Midoriya" "Yes?" the twins simultaneously lifted their heads with smiles on their faces. "Kanari, come here and ignore these dorks." Katsuki grumbled holding a brush, with eyes glinting in glee Izumi crawled her way to Katsuki's feet. "Uhh... As I was saying will you let your sister get the bed or...?" Kaminari asked glancing at the quiet Katsuki. "Hm? Oh we sleep in the same bed. She usually goes to my room instead of hers sometimes. " "WHHHAAAATTTT?!?!?!" 'don't tell me... Twincest!!' "Mineta-kun... Get your mind straight please." Izuku darkly said. "Wow! Bakugou's really good at styling!" Ochako exclaimed bringing attention to the smiling Izumi and the now irritated Katsuki. "Of course I'll be good at it! Who the hell can't do a simple hairdo?!" he yelled aggressively yet gently braiding Izumi's hair while everyone except Izuku deadpanned. "That reminds me, Kacchan usually did Micchan's hair when we were in 4th grade!"

"I didn't know Bakugou would be into those kinds ox things." "SAY THAT TO MY FACE YOU SHORT PERVERTED LOSER!!" "Kacchan! Sit down!"

It was calm before the storm. The kids were hanging out, chatting here and there, arguing but still peaceful. But there were still things that bothers the minds of our young heroes. Like Izumi's vision, Izuku's patrolling the other day, Amajiki Tamaki's sudden quirk loss, and how it connects to one case. The Hassaikai case.

"So Micchan... What's gotten you worried?" Izumi slightly flinched "W-what gave it away?" Izuku sighed and petted his sister's hair, "When something bothers you, you either go to me or Kacchan... And seeing you coming to me, it must be big. Wanna talk about it?" worried and concerned. That was how Izuku felt at this moment, and Izumi was slightly the same. She was worried that if she said something, her brother would freak out. But knowing Izuku if she did stay silent he will still find out. She knew she could trust her brother with a secret, but will he be able to stay calm if she spilled?

'Maybe... I can tell him... Just a little bit... But then Recovery Girl is coming back tomorrow so...' "I'll tell you tomorrow onii-chan... It's best if Recovery's there to explain more..." "Re covery? Is it something about what happened in the... Incident?" Izumi only nodded her head, it suddenly became quiet, the twins were both worried. They were both facing the struggles in life and the hero career. Will they be able to pull through these struggles?

"Hey there Eri-chan!" a voice echoed in the dark room making the lone girl flinch and tense up. "Come on now, can't you let your guard down just a little bit? You haven't even touched your toys." even as the man patted and talked to the girl, she was thinking of something else. A frightened little girl. A girl that felt kindness for the first time, felt something different. She felt hope. A feeling that she liked.

This will be the start of a new life.

Ok... So this Friday I will have another thesis defense... Luckily I managed to pass my exams so...  I'll be doing an all nighter again. I really appreciate that my precious readers are do supportive!
っ╥╯﹏╰╥c thank you all and just a quick disclaimer. I don't own bnha and the pics, credits to the owners. That's all.

Katsuki: Hold up!! I only got 3 seconds with Kanari and that's it?! I thought the winner of the poll gets more time with Izumi?! Wtf?!

Tito: you shouldn't complain... I didn't even get the littlest time on screen ... What more, I haven't even spoken to Izumi-chan since the last 3 chapters...

Todoroki: that is true, though I did get some quality time with her in the clinic.

Me: whoa whoa... You're making it sound like you two made love or something.

Todoroki: didn't we?



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