Chapter 11

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-3rd POV-

The next day Izumi tried her best to keep her discovery to herself. She busied herself with finishing the costumes and practicing her script, but it was just not her day today. She had another vision, this time more clear than the day before.


It was her brother, he has pinned someone down; a man with a mustache. There was also a short female, she was crying- no begging.

They were at the east side of the UA barrier. "I won't let you ruin the hard work that everyone put on for today! I won't let you!!" 

-vision end-

Izumi shook her head to get out of her trance, it was short but she couldn't help but sigh. She made a deal with the principal about her quirk; it's that whenever it shows her a vision that includes UA or its students' well-being, she should report it to him immediately. Though she took this deal seriously one time. It was when she had a vision of Tito falling, seriously it really happened. You should've seen h-- *slapped*

But then, if she reports this to the principal, then there's a very high chance of the cultural festival being cancelled. If that happens, then everyone's efforts would have been wasted. Eri wouldn't be able to experience the joy that this event could bring. She sighed and debated with herself whether she would share her vision with the principal or not.

-timeskip brought to you by Todoroki's hand crusher-

After so much debate with herself, she decided that she wouldn't tell a soul about her vision. But that doesn't mean that she'll do nothing about it. She'll try and help her brother, and try her best to let the cultural festival continue.


At a secluded and unknown place, a figure could be seen sitting on a crate. The figure held a locket in his hands, opening and closing it as he stared at it. "Shigarki-kun~ we know how much you want Izumi-chan back, but will you really wait that long?~" Shigaraki smirked and pocketed the locket silently. "It's kinda lovey dovey! It's creepy!" Twice stated, making his usual commentary. Compress; who was leisurely drinking tea, noticed a certain patched man being silent. "You seem quiet Dabi... Penny for your thought?" Dabi lifted his icy gaze and shrugged. "You either met her once or saw her before. Am I right or am I right?" Dabi clicked his tongue seeing Shigaraki's possessive gaze. "I don't care about the rabbit, all I care about is fulfilling my goals." was all he said before taking his leave.

What they didn't know was that he did meet Izumi a long time ago, although all it was now is a distant memory.

-10 years ago-(Dabi)

He was by himself in his family's garden, deep in thought. His train of thought was interrupted when he heard laughing, the kind of laugh you'd hear when children were playing. His gaze went to the favorite; the 'chosen one', he was surprised to see the said boy playing and smiling. He was even more surprised that their father allowed the boy to play. It was a miracle; or so he initially thought. There was no way their father would just let this happen on a whim. No, he knew that his father was planning something. Something that will definitely involve the little girl with green hair.

As time passes, he noticed that the 'chosen one' suddenly became eager in training. There were still times where he cried or faltered, but he soon knew why. It was because of the little girl; she would come and visit everyday at the same time like a routine, it made his brother look forward to it and try his best to finish the training and because of this, their father let him play for two hours. He (Dabi), was curious why this girl was an exception to all of their father's rules that involves the youngest sibling; so he watched the girl from a distance.

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