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I probably didn't have to be cruel, but this was a very important event for my company, and I don't know how Imani was going to act.

As soon as we stepped out of the bathroom, Ashley ran up to me. "Oh, Nathaniel, It seems like you're avoiding me."

Not avoiding. I just don't like you.

"Who is she ?" Ashley looked at Imani.

"This is, none of your business. You can leave now. " I retorted.

Yeah Ashley was a pretty redhead, with a nice body, but she was soooooooo whiny, clingy, and needy. Not to mention, she only wanted what my money could buy.

Ashley's eyes narrowed. "I'm going to find out who exactly you are, and when I do, there's going to be hell to pay." She said before walking away. Imani just shrugged it off and sat at the table.

The fundraiser went extremely well. We raised more than $1.2 million for schools, I made business deals worth more than that, everyone wins.

The whole time, Imani didn't say a word. She drank water, ate barely two bites of food. Imani literally smiled and looked pretty. That actually made me feel bad about telling her those things in the car.

The ride home was silent. "Are you hungry, I noticed you didn't eat." I asked her politely.

She just shrugged. "I don't want you to be hungry." She glared at me.

"Why are you acting like you care about my well being now ? You didn't give a shit if I was hungry, cold, thirsty all night. Hell, I could have been dying and you wouldn't care, as long as I wasn't embarrassing you." She spazzed.

"You will not talk to me like that in my car. You don't even know me." I yelled as I pulled into a parking lot.

"I do know you, you're a rich, arrogant, pompous bastard who thinks the world owes him something, and others are beneath him. You're a scared little coward who gets his way by threatening other people. You probably feel inferior or inadequate do you take it out on others by being a resentful jerk."

I didn't know what to say. I've never been talked to like that before in my life. "Get out of my car now." I told her.

Even though I put on a good face, the things Imani said were kind of true, but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Gladly." Imani said as she grabbed her bag and opened the door. "You are the lowest type of man on the pyramid." She uttered before she walked off.

I just watched her walk home alone at 4 in the morning. Imani was right, I was the lowest type of man.

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