Nathaniel and Harper.

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I woke up early to Imani crying. I know it wasn't the sex, that was amazing. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm a terrible person, I cheated on Harper. He's a good guy, he deserves better. I fucked his best friend and he's a good person."

I don't know why everyone thinks he's some saint. He has his own secrets to deal with.

"We didn't fuck." I said quietly.

"We had sex while I was dating your best friend. I don't think technical terms matter that much Nathaniel." She cried on my shoulder.

"We made love, Imani."

Imani got angry. "How? You're the biggest asshole I know. What the fuck do you know about love?"

That really stung coming from her. "I know that you wanted to do it, I know that you felt something, I know you don't love Harper, I know you love me. How am I even an asshole?"

Imani hopped off of my lap and rolled her eyes. "You told me I was a piece of property. You threaten me all the time and you wanna talk about love? The only person you're remotely nice to is Isaiah, which is.."

I got on top of her, and kissed her to shut her up. Imani started moaning as I kissed her deeper.

"Nathaniel, don't stop." She moaned while pulling my hair. I didn't want too, but I had to.

"Sorry, I can't do this to you." I climbed off of her and headed to the shower.

In the shower, I thought about what happened. I didn't feel bad about it, I actually enjoyed it. I don't want Imani to end up hurt over it though. I could give less than a fuck about Harper, we were only friends because we grew up together, and he stole my girl. Maybe she just chose Harper because I was too hard on her. All women are money hungry gold diggers. Imani was starting to change that.

I got out , put on sweats and went to make Imani breakfast.

Imani came in maybe twenty minutes later and sat on a stool by the island. She looks really good.

"Hey, that smells really good. What is it?"

"Cachapa and Cachitos de Jamon."

"What's that?"

"Cachapa are pancakes with cream cheese filling, and Cachitos de Jamon is a croissant filled with ham. It's a Venezuelan breakfast usually served with fruit and tea but I don't have that here and..." I realized I was rambling and shut up.

"You really like cooking, don't you?"

I shrugged. "I wanted to be a chef until reality set in and I started running the company."

"You gave up on your dream?"

"Didn't you give up on yours? Doesn't everybody?"

"I don't wanna be an escort forever. I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, then life happened and I had to look out for Zay."

I put the food on plates and we ate and just talked. I never knew Imani was so interesting.

"Um, Nathaniel, you know I have to tell him, right?" Imani said sadly.

"Well, you can stay with me. I don't think Harper's gonna want you to stay with him anymore." Imani nodded.

"I can't stay with you either. I can't take a chance of you getting mad at me and kicking me out again. I have to think about Isaiah."

I promise I won't do that again. I wanted her to stay with me, but I understood why she couldn't.

"Well, let me go get Isaiah. School just let out anyway." I got up and left.

~~~~~~{Harper, a week later.}~~~~~~

I told Imani I had to go to Houston to work on a case. I mean, that part was true, but I had other things to do down in Texas.

"Are you leaving? You just got here." Isabelle whined. "You never even see Gavin. You just send checks or come to get your fix twice a month." The Blondie complained. "I mean, Gavin is already 4, and he doesn't even know you're his father."

God she was annoying as fuck. I just want to hit and quit, and then do a line. I wouldn't even be here if Imani would just put out. She's a whore for a living anyway.

I sat up , scooted to the edge of the bed, rolled up a 20 and snorted my problems away. Isabelle climbed on top of me and finished her own line. We started making out, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was coming in her again. "Oooh Imani." I yelled as I came. "Nathaniel." Isabelle moaned at the same time.

That was enough to blow my high. Even though we grew up together, and we were 'best friends', Nathaniel aggravates me. All the women fucking adored him, even though here just used them for quick nuts. When women found out he didn't want them, then they came crawling to me, 'The Sweet Guy'. My child's mother was the same way, too the point where she wanted to name our son after him. The only thing that he does is treats people like shit, and apparently he's fucking Jesus. The best thing that he's ever done was pissing Imani off. I don't know what he did, but I know she wasn't gonna leave me for him. Nathaniel wasn't gonna take that too.

I got home late and I could tell something was off. I checked the spare bedroom and Imani was sleeping soundly, I didn't want to wake her up and ask what was wrong when I could wait until tomorrow. Plus, I had a raging headache, I guess coke and planes don't mix very well.

The next morning, I woke up early to find Imani drinking Orange Juice in the kitchen.

"Hey Harper, um, we need to talk." She said slowly. I still had a headache, so I didn't want any foolishness. "I, I can't do this anymore. I'm in love with someone else."

The second she said she was in love with someone else, I knew who it was. Nathaniel fucking Howard.

"Who?" I asked. I wanted her to say it out loud. Imani just looked down. "Who Imani? What's his name? Look at me and say his name."

By now I was beyond angry. I know it's Nathaniel, and I have a feeling there was something else going on. I got fed up and punched her in the face.

"Well what do you have to say now, Ms.Hill? Where's that smart ass mouth now?" I kept hitting her. She was crying but I could care less. "Now say his name." I growled.

I'm tired of him stealing every single female. Couldn't he just be happy with Ashley? Imani was trying to talk, but it was a lot of blood coming from her mouth.

"I was wrong. Nathaniel isn't the lowest type of man on the pyramid, you are." She spat.

Why did she have to be so stubborn and feisty?

I slapped her. "I'm in love with Nathaniel and we slept together."

I knew it.

"Now you just stay here. If you even think about telling anyone, actually, I don't give a damn who you tell. No one is gonna believe the word of a common whore over mine." I kicked her in her stomach for good measure, watched her double over in pain, then went to work.

That bitch better be where I left her when I get home.

[Quick A/N : As an apology for not updating in a minute, I added Harper's POV. I pinky promise to update quicker. Thanks for views, comments and votes, I appreciate it.]

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