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I couldn't believe he threw money at me when I was being nice to him. I felt like a cheap used whore, but I took the money anyway.

Thankfully, the weekend passed quickly, and I barely saw The Devil. When we did happen to pass each other, he just looked at me like he was disgusted. No words, nothing. We were literally strangers under the same roof.

I overslept on Monday, and when I woke up I was alone. I hope Nathaniel took Isaiah to school. I was finishing my shower when I heard someone come in. I figured it was Nathaniel and continued to get dressed.

Once I finished my hair, I did the 360 cat dance in the mirror. It was a simple outfit, but it was still pretty. Beige shirt, black cardigan, light jeans and black flats, with my hair up in a top knot.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a snack when I almost had a heart attack. "Wow, you look amazing." Harper said.

I blushed a little, because Harper was a major cutie. He could pass as Ryan Gosling, and he was sitting in the kitchen without a shirt on. "Thank you." Thank your parents for creating you.

"Um, I'm going to get another shirt, and then I'm supposed to take you to get your car. There's breakfast in the fridge." He started walking off before looking back at me. "Oh, and we can talk about the other day." I rolled my eyes again.

Why don't I ever see the chef ? I have to tell them how delicious all the food has been. I thought as I ate the blueberry chocolate chip waffle, sunny side up eggs and toast. It was really good.

"So, what happened the other day?" Harper asked as he sat beside me.

"Nathaniel was just being a douchebag as usual. Nothing new." I muttered.

Harper raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "I'm here if you want to talk about it." "So, you ready to get your car?" I nodded.

The talk we had in Harper's Ferrari was down to earth and chill. He was really cool, so I don't know how him and Satan's Spawn are best friends. We reached my burnt out building and sat there. It was cool until Harper kissed me. I kissed him back, and it was a decent kiss, but I wished it was Nathaniel's lips on mine instead.

I got in my little Saab quickly after the awkward goodbye from Harper. I got myself together, and headed off to target. I was going to put that money to good use.

In target, I grabbed a cart and filled it with toiletries. Shower gel, bar soap, toothpaste, lotions, chapstick , towels, deodorant, anything I thought was necessary, I dumped in my cart. By the time I was done, I had 3 carts filled. My total was only $545 though, and then I tipped the young store associates who helped me cram it in my car.

After fifteen minutes of driving around, I found Saint Jude ministries. The door was already opened, so I went in to look for anyone. "How may I help you today? I'm Sister Mary." An older lady appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello ma'am, I know you guys run a domestic violence shelter, I have some things to donate. Do you have anyone who can help with the bags?"

"Yes, I'll go get some priests."

While the priest were taking the bags in, Sister Mary just kept thanking me. When they bought in the last bag, I went back in to give them the rest of the money.

"Bless you, sweetheart. Do you want a tax credit form?" She asked.

I shook my head no. "It's the least we can do, Sister." I turned to walk out.

"Could you tell me who we is?" She inquired.

Damn, I let that slip.

"Howard Incorporated." I said as I walked out.

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