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Being a 23 year old business owner is stressful. My dad retired and left his multi-million dollar empire to me. Cosmetics lines, Banks, advertising, anything you name, Howard Incorporated had a part in it.

After the company, came the groupies and trap artist. Everywhere I went, some female was trying to get a piece of me for money.

I just wanted a pretty face to take pictures with at events. The Black Gala event yesterday, Stewart Swift had got in an argument with this girl, and she's been on my mind ever since.

She was gorgeous. Her hair was brown and in spiral curls that stopped at her shoulders, her smile was dazzling, her eyes were really big and brown. It was something about her that seemed to be friendly and inviting. I knew I needed to find her. That's what led me to Ms. Rodriguez 's Secret Service.

Imani Hill. She was so pretty, why was she an escort ? My phone ringing bought me out of my daydream.

"Hello, How may I help you."

Didn't I have a Secretary for this ?

"Hey baby, you want me to come over?" Ashley whined into the phone.

Someone is getting fired for this.

"I'm not your baby. No you cannot come over. Goodbye Ashley." I said coldly.

Ashley was one of the girls my stepmother thought was simply perfect for me. She was just another gold digging bitch that wasn't even a good lay.

I walked out to see that my Secretary wasn't at her seat.

What's her name ? I thought as I saw her coming back to her desk.

"You're fired." The lady looked like she was about to cry. "Return your work I.d. and exit the premises. Thank you for your time here at Howard Incorporated.," I smiled as I walked back into my office.

"That was rude." I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned, it was my "best friend", Harper Evans. While my dad had a business, Harper's dad was a lawyer to protect the company, so we grew up together, like family.

"Ashley got through to my phone." I explained. He nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, the golf fundraiser tonight, you bringing a plus one or solo again? " Harper asked.

"Plus one."

He raised an eyebrow. "Who might she be , to have a date with you?"

"She might be something, I don't know yet." We both shrugged.

"Alright, see ya then" Harper said as he left.

Now to tell Imani.

She wasn't going to be very pleased that she has to work tonight. Too bad, she was very expensive to be mine for a year.

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