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"Okay, first stop." Nathaniel said as we pulled up to the Crime & Spy museum. I shot him a look. "You watch a lot of crime shows at home, come on, you'll like it." He smiled as he got out and opened my door.

He's so handsome when he smiles. Plus he looks his age. "You should smile more often." I said when we got inside.

"Will it make you smile?"

I nodded yes.

"Anything for you, princess." He kissed my cheek.

Inside, we acted like complete idiots, running around and taking silly selfies, but it was fun. Learning about the different crimes was cool, but doing it with Nathaniel made it even better.

Afterward, we went to a little bakery called Red Velvet Cupcakery and got these huge, delicious cupcakes. Even though the cupcakes were really big, I was still hungry. I just didn't want to seem like a fat ass in front of Nate.

"Hey Princess, you hungry?" He asked as we walked back to his car.

"Starvin like Marvin."

"Where do you wanna eat honey?"

I thought about it for a minute before I knew exactly were to go. "You trust me Nate?"

His eyebrow shot up, but he still nodded yes.

"Then toss me the keys." He smirked, tossed me the keys, and opened up the drivers door for me.

The drive over was smooth, and Nate's face when I pulled up was priceless.

"What is Gina's?" He asked.

I turned and faced him. "It's good food, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Princess." He got out and I got out too.

"Did you just open your own door?" He whispered in my ear as we walked up to the front door.

I forgot about our little rule about him opening my door. Between him smelling like all 50 shades of yes, him holding my waist, and whispering in my ear, my princess parts were soaking wet.

"I open your door, I buy your things. You're my princess, my baby girl. Don't do it again, okay Kathy? That's strike one."

I swallowed. "What happens on strike three?"

"You won't get there, will you?"


"That's my good girl." Nate kissed my forehead and held the door open for me.

"Now, tell me more about this restaurant." He asked.

"Okay, well, it's a soul food place, and the food is really, really good. You order when you first get in, then you sit at a table and wait for the food, and since its lunchtime on a Saturday, they have like an opened Mic. It's really nice."

"Well, if you like it Kathleen, I love it." He held my hand as we walked to the counter.

It was so cute watching him look at the menu. He was biting his lip, and his eyebrows were furrowed together, and he looked like a little kid trying to figure something out. Then it dawned on me that he didn't know what to get.

"Try the jerk chicken, it's off the charts." I told him.

"Thanks for the save Imani."

Finally, it was our turn to order.

"Ladies first."

I rolled my eyes before getting jerk chicken over rice, candied yams, Mac and cheese, collard greens and a sprite. Nate just ordered the same thing.

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