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I sat in the school parking lot waiting for ashton. His mom took his keys last night so he asked me to pick him up, which I kindly agreed to. I continued doing stuff on my phone when I was waiting. The passenger door opened and Ashton was there

"Hey, thanks for getting me"

"Not a problem" I handed him the aux cord "play whatever you want. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little" he plugged his phone in and picked a random playlist

"I have like no food at my place so we can stop and get something"

"That sounds good" we went to a McDonald's drive through "what do you want?"

"Chicken nugget meal and a coke. And make it a large fry please" I ordered food for him, myself and Brooke. We drove up to the window and I went to grab my wallet "here" Ashton handed me money

"Ash I'm getting food for Brooke too"

"But you picked me up, let me pay"

"Ok fine" I didn't want to argue with him so I took the money and paid the lady. We got our food and went back to my place "we can go in the garage again, I'm just dropping this off for Brooke" I say as we walk in the house. I set the bag and drink on the table "Brooke there's McDonald's for you" I yell up the stairs. She didn't respond but I heard her coming downstairs

"How'd the appointment go yesterday with Lu-" I hit her before she could finish

"We'll talk about that later" I tell her before ash and I go into the garage

"What was that about?"

"Nothing" I sigh "we should start on the English"

"Hey, tash, if somethings bothering you, you know you can tell me right?"

"Thank you Ashton. I just don't know if I should tell you"

"That's ok, but I'm here if you need to. Now let's start on the stupid fucking book" he lay back on the couch, his shirt pulled up and I saw red marks on the bottom of his stomach

"Ash, what's that?" I say quietly

"What's wha-" he looks down and quickly tugs down on his shirt "don't worry about it, it's nothing you should worry about"

"Ok where am I driving?" I ask ash when we got in my car

"Turn left here and drive straight for a while" I pull out of the drive way and follow his instructions "I should have my car back tomorrow but if I don't I'll let you know, turn right here"

"Yeah, I don't have a problem with driving you" it takes a little less than 10 minutes to get to Ashton's house. I pull up in front

"Thanks again, Tash"

"It's good, see you in the morning?"

"Yeah, goodnight"

"Night ash" he gets out and goes inside. I wait until he's in the house to drive away

"My boobs hurt so much, I want to cry" I fake bashed my head into the locker. Emily was back and her, Chloe and myself were at our lockers

"How far along are you?" Em asks

"7 weeks" I say "I also really want salt and vinegar crisps"

"We'll deal with that at lunch" Chloe says

"Morning ladies" I hear Ashton come over "you ready to walk to class Tash?"

"Yeah" I held my books "I'll see you guys later" I say to the girls as Ashton and I walk away

"How are you doing today?"

"Fine i guess, you?"

"I'm fantastic. Aside for the fact that my mom still has my car keys"

"Well we're picking up Brooke from school before we go to my place"

"Ok thanks again"

"It's good"

We all sat at the lunch table and I noticed Luke wasn't here. As I was about to ask he came in and threw a small bag of salt and vinegar crisps at me

"Thank you Luke" I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck when he sat down

"Your welcome" he lightly laughs at me. I went back to my seat and happily ate my chips

Ashton, Brooke and I were all in the car back to my place

"Did you feel better later today?" Brooke asks me. I was throwing up a lot this morning

"Yeah I was fine, Brooke and I don't want to talk about it now"

"Well you have to tell him at some point"

"Tell me what?" Ashton asks

"Shut up" I say to me sister "I told you because I trusted you not to say anything" we were at the end of the street now

"Well if ashtons your boyfriend-"

"No" I shook my head and pulled into our driveway

"You two are something and I feel he should know your pregnant with Luke's baby" when she said that I got out of the car as fast as I could and ran to the back garage and locked the door. I sat down on the couch and pulled my knees to my chest. Why the fuck would she tell Ashton that? We aren't dating, not really even friends. After having a moment of crying to myself there was a knock on the door

"Tash, open the door" ash said softly "please" I got up and did so "come here" I wrapped my arms around his torso trying to hide my tear stained face. I felt his large hand run up and down my back "shh you're okay"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you"

"It's okay, we aren't that close, I get it" we pull apart from each other "but Luke, seriously?"

"We were kind of fuck buddies over the summer and here we are now"

"Does he know?" I nod "who else?"

"You, my sister, Em, Chloe, Michael and Luke"

"I don't know if I should say sorry or congratulations"

"I don't know either" 

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