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It felt weird not talking to Ashton for 2 days. Calum and I sat at the greenhouse again during lunch today. He brought an apple for me and I ate it all, without feeling the need to throw it up. I went home and did most of my homework before going to find Ashton I decided to go to his house around 6. When I walked up the drive way his car was there. Anne answered the door

"Hello Natashia"

"Hi Anne, is Ashton here?"

"Him and Michael just left for Luke's, they said something about a party later. I figured you would be with them"

"Parties aren't really my thing. Thank-" Lauren came to the door and interrupted us

"Hi Natashia" she smiled

"How are you?" I asked

"Good, did you get the muffins I sent with Ashton awhile ago?"

"I did, Brooke and I liked them a lot"

"You should come over tomorrow and make more with me"

"I don't know, I'll have to check with Ashton-"

"Don't worry about him, if he's at a party tonight. He won't be home until later on" Anne said

"Be here at noon" Lauren stated

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again Anne" then I left. Go to Luke's party tonight to see him or see him awkwardly tomorrow. Let's give tonight a go

I had hung around my place for a bit, not wanting to go to the party earlier. I changed my outfit into high waisted ripped black leggings and a lavender cropped tube top. My hair was straightened too. I got in my car and drove to Luke's around 11, knowing the party would be in full effect at this point. I parked across the street and made my way to the house. You could hear the music and people talking from inside the car. I went in the already opened door and quickly began feeling crowded. My breathing became heavy. I found the staircase and started going up the staircase, which was full of drunk teenagers

"Natashia" I heard from behind me but I kept walking. I got upstairs and tried to find a place where I'd be alone "Natashia" I heard again and someone grabbed my hand and turned me around, Michael "what are you doing here?"

"Trying to find Ashton" I barely got out

"Are you okay?" I shook my head, tears came to my eyes at this point "come here" he pulled me into an empty bedroom. The door was closed but I could still feel the bass from the music shake the door. My heartbeat felt the same "what's wrong?" He kneeled in front of me, I sat on the bed

"Ashton please"

"I don't want to leave you here"

"Michael" I took a deep breath "Ashton" my shaky hand pointed to the door

"Ok" he practically ran out of the door to find him. My breathing was uneasy and I was freezing. My chest felt tight. I was crying now. The door reopened to reveal a panting Michael and Ashton. Ashton looked at me for 2 seconds and turned back

"Michael what the-" he began to say and then looked at me again "oh fuck" he closed the door, leaving Michael outside. He rushed over to me and sat beside me on the bed, then pulled my into his lap. He turned his head so he looked into my eyes "can you breathe with me? In" he inhaled "and out" I tried to but my throat felt as if it was closing in. I coughed and tried to breathe in again but it didn't work "try again, keep going" my breathing was successful this time "there you go, your doing great" he spoke softly

"I'm sorry"

"Shh, focus on your breathing" he rocked me back and forth. I was mostly calmed down after another 10 minutes "you're freezing" he reached behind him and grabbed a blanket, then wrapped it over my shoulders "are you okay now?" I slightly nod. He held me for another 5 minutes and my breathing was normal "why are you here?" My head was on his shoulder, my legs pulled up to my chest, his arms here still around me

"I needed to find you. I'm sorry. When we fought at Michaels it was my fault and I don't want to lose you. I'll do anything Ashton, I'll eat whatever you want me to, I'll-"

"Tash" he stopped me. He placed his hand on my cheek and wiped away some of my tears "I'm not leaving you. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I don't want to hurt you. And I'd want you to eat either way" he kissed my forehead "you never told me why"

"Have you seen some of the girls at our school?" He didn't answer "they're so pretty and I want to look like them"

"I haven't seen them actually because I don't look at them, I look at my beautiful girlfriend. You might've seen her. She's got the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, her freckles show when the suns out, her hair is long and brown and smells really good. She has the cutest laugh and the biggest heart. She has the brightest smile I've ever seen and I can't help but smile when I see it" I tilt my head up and look at him "oh wait it's you" he smiled

"Can we leave?"

"I didn't drive"

"I did"

"Then yes we can" I crawled off his lap and he got up. When we walked through the house, he kept his arm around my waist "give me your keys" he said when we got to the car

"How much have you drink?"

"Not a drop babe, I promise"

"Did you just babe me?" I blush

"Is there an issue?" I shook my head. he took my keys and drove us back to my house. I was half asleep in the passenger seat.

"This isn't the way to my house"

"I know" I soon recognized our surroundings as the beach. The same one with the long boardwalk and bench that we've came to before. Ash parked the car "let's go" I got out and immediately felt the wind from the water

"I'm only wearing like half a shirt" I whine. He starts to pull off his sweater "no i don't want you to be cold"

"I'd rather be cold than you" he hands me his sweater and we continue walking to the bench. I pull the hoodie over my head. When we sat down, I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on Ashton's shoulder, he wrapped his arm around mine

"Did you mean what you said eariler?" I hesitantly ask as I play with the hem of his sweater

"Every last word. What makes you think I didn't?"

"It's just," I sigh "no ones ever said stuff like that to me and I have a hard time believing it"

"Well it's true"

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"


"I have to be at your place by noon tomorrow, I'm making muffins with your sister" I yawn while finishing my sentence

"Since when?" He laughs

"I went to see you earlier and you had already left for Luke's so I talked to your mom and Lauren for a bit"

"Ok" we sat for a bit longer "do you want to get going?" I nod and we head to the car

"Tash" I heard Ashton say softly "babe we're here" I hum in response, my eyes still closed. I soon felt 2 arms pick me up. I kept my eyes closed. I heard the click of the door, then I was set down on my bed. I felt a warmth cover me, my blanket I'm guessing. I felt Ashton's soft lips kiss my forehead "goodnight" he whispered. I fell back asleep within seconds

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