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"So why'd he leave?"

"I don't know, Calum. That's why I'm confused" I sigh and put my head in my hands. We were sitting outside the greenhouse during lunch and I'd just explained what happened with Ashton the other day "did you guys get a hold of him yesterday?"

"Yeah he was with Lauren and Harry"

"And today?"

"Don't know"

"Do you think he hates me?" I say quietly

"I don't think it's possible for him to hate you Natashia"

"Then why'd he leave? Why didn't he answer my calls? Why isn't he at school?" Tears start to well in my eyes "why Calum?" My voice cracked

"Hey don't worry" he put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder "I'll talk to Ashton, okay? Everything's going to be okay" I wipe away my tears and nod. I pick up the charm on my necklace and play around with it "what's that?"

"The necklace Ashton got me for Christmas" I show it to him.

Ashton wasn't at school on Tuesday either, he was on Wednesday though. We didn't speak through English class and once it was over, I left as quick as I could. At the beginning of lunch, I was putting my books away and getting ready to go to the green house

"Tash can we talk?" I heard. I moved my locker door and saw Ashton standing there. I pushed it back open

"Depends" I shrug "if you're going to explain what happened Saturday night and where the fuck you've been, then yes. If not then no"

"I don't think I'm ready to tell you-" I cut him off

"Then we can't talk"




"Are you explaining what happened?"

"No but-"

"Then, again, no" I reach behind my neck and unhook the necklace "you can have this" I put it in his hand

"Tash no, please keep it"

"No worries, I don't want it" I shut my locker "I'm going to be late" I left him standing there and went back to the green house. Immediately telling Calum what had happened "I'm so fucking stupid, I should've let him talk"

"I don't blame you for what you said, Natashia"

"Well I do and I regret being such a bitch"

"He was kind of a dick, it's okay to be a bitch back"

"I went a little too far though"

"If that's what you think" he sighed

Brooke and I were in the living room watching a movie and the front door opened. Mom soon appeared in front of us

"So I hear Ashton stayed over the other day" she spoke, I nod in response "I told you that wasn't allowed"

"You weren't even here"

"Keys" she stuck her hand out


"You don't have your car until Monday, give me your keys"

"How are Brooke and I getting to school?"

"Ryan will drive you" I ended up giving the car keys to her, but I sure as hell wasn't happy about it.

I sat with the boys and Tegan in the cafeteria the next day at lunch. Ashton wasn't here so it was the 5 of us.

"So you and your boy toy not good?" Luke asked me

"Not fantastic" I sighed "do you know where he is today?"

"Said he didn't feel like coming"

"Why?" I ask Michael

"He thinks you hate him"

"I don't hate him. Is he okay?" I felt bad for asking the boys all these questions even though it's kind of my fault we aren't talking

"He didn't sound good when I called him" I groaned and put my head on the table. Hoping he would be okay

"Wait, what day is it?" I say quickly to Michael

"Thursday" he seemed confused. Thursday his mom works until 8 and Lauren and Harry aren't home until 6 because of after school stuff

"And why did Ashton not seem good?"

"He was really stressed and worried about how you felt about him. He said something about him not being able to deal with it anymore" in that moment, I went into panic

"Michael we're going to Ashton's" I stood up


"I don't have my car, we need go to Ashton's"

"We still have classes left"

"I don't fucking care, I'll explain on the way there. I don't know how much time we have"

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