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When I woke up, the sunlight blinded me. I quickly rolled over so I was facing away from the window. When I turned I saw Ashton laying on his back facing the other way. His chest was rising and falling consistently so knew he was asleep. I rested my head on his shoulder and tried to fall back asleep. After laying there for a moment, Ashton began to stir. He turned to face me now

"Fuck the suns bright" he brought his other hand up in front of his eyes "morning Tash" his voice was raspy and deep

"Good morning"

"Have you been up for long?" He yawned

"No, just woke up" he hummed as a response. He turned on his side, wrapping his arms around my waist "we should go out for breakfast"

"I'm good here" he buried his head in my neck, kissing it softly

"Ash I'm hungry" I whine

"Fine, wake me up when you're ready" he let go of me and cuddled back into my blankets. I changed into leggings and Ashton's hoodie from last night. I tied my hair in a bun and put on a small amount of makeup

"Ash" I sat down beside him on the bed and ran my fingers through his hair "let's get going"

"5 more minutes" he mumbled

"It's already 10:30"

"Ok, ok" he sat up and rubbed his eyes "let's go" he swung his legs off the bed

"Did you seriously wear skinny jeans to bed?" I ask him as I slip on my shoes

"I didn't know if you'd be okay with me taking them off"

"If you'd be more comfy than I'm okay with it"

We ended up at my favourite cafe, even though I was 'hungry' I still wasn't eating a full meal

"I'm guessing your usual?" He asked


"Ok I'll go order" he got up and went to the counter. He shortly returned with a tray of food "a mint hot chocolate and blueberry muffin for a beautiful girl" he handed me both "and a coffee and wrap for me"

"Thank you"

"Not a problem babe" I blushed but continued to eat my muffin "you're cute when you blush"

"Stop" I whine, he laughs at me. I finished my muffin before Ashton finished his wrap "what kind of wrap is that?"

"Chicken cesar, try a bite" he nodded to the plate with the other half on it. One bite wouldn't hurt right? I picked it up and took a small bite "good right?" I nod. Before I knew it, I'd eaten most of the other half

"Oh sorry" I place what was left on the plate

"It's ok, have the rest of you want. I can always get more"

"No you eat it" I left it on the plate "Christmas is in like a month" I say


"What do you want?"

"I don't need anything, just you" he poked my nose. We both laughed "What are you doing for Christmas?"

"I don't know, we've never had Christmas with my mom so I don't know her plan"

"Well if it's all shit, you're more than welcome to come to my place. My family loves you"

"It's fine, you have Christmas with your family and we'll do something later"

"Come to our dinner then. You can meet my grandparents and the rest of my family"

"We have a month, we'll see"

"We should get going or my sister will yell at me for not bringing you back on time" we went back to Ashton's house and Lauren was in the living room

"Hi" she smiles

"Ready to make some muffins?" I ask

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