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I walked down the hall to my homeroom class with Chloe and Emily. We had picked out our lockers earlier and chose some near the back parking lot door so we could leave easier. Chloe was closely followed by her boyfriend, Michael.

"There's a party this weekend at Luke's, who's going?" He asks us.

"Who wouldn't?" Em says to him

"Natashia" he points to me

"Come on, you never party with us" Chloe tries to convince me

"And I won't this weekend either" I say pretty quietly but loud enough for them to hear

"Well I'm off to class, I'll see you ladies later" Michael says

"Bye babe" Chloe gives him a quick kiss and he leaves. We walk into the class and a fair amount of seats are filled already. The desks are separated individually, which is weird because they're normally in pairs. On each desk there are name tags for where people should sit. Chloe and Emily ended up near the front right, I in the back left. I put in my headphones while waiting for everyone else to walk in. The next person walks in and sits in front of me before he turns to his friends and starts up a conversation. Ashton Irwin. Schools total hottie, absolutely hilarious, plays football, best friends with Luke Hemmings (fellow footballer and king of parties), Calum Hood (captain of the football team) and Michael Clifford (a good mix of all them). Since we both hung around with the 'popular kids' we've talked before, well he has at least.

"So Tash," he turns around and faces me "back to school party at Luke's, you and the girl squad going?"

"Girl squad, yes. Me, no"

"You're so boring, what about the footy game Friday night, that?" I shake my head at him "ok five words is good, we're doing better" he sarcasticly claps his hands and turns around when the teacher walks in

"Welcome back from summer class, I'm Mrs. Becker and welcome to your homeroom English class" she begins to talk about the novels we'll be studying this year

"We're going to sit with the boys at lunch, you coming?" Chloe asks

"Luke will be there" Emily adds

"Then no"

"Just because you two were fuck buddies over the summer doesn't mean you can't hangout"

"But it's weird for her to see the guy that calls her over at midnight every other day to have a quick fuck" em defends me

"You're coming with us, let's go" Chloe takes my hand and pulls me along with her and Em "do the boys know about you and Luke?" I shake my head "ok so we won't bring it up" we walk into the cafeteria and find the boys at a table I sat in between Calum and Emily.

"Hey Natashia," I look up from my lap and look at Luke "can we go somewhere and talk?"

"You want to go somewhere to talk with her? Natashia Matheson? To talk?" Calum looks at Luke in fake disbelief, which makes me smile slightly. I bite my lip to stop. Luke looks at me and I nod towards to door, signalling we can go. We both got up and began walking outside. We walked along the back of the bleachers

"So this summer," he began to talk "I know we usually stop this after the summer but I'd like to keep doing it"

"Ok" I shrug. Luke and I kind of had this on and off fuck buddy relationship. I didn't love it that's for sure, but I did it.

"That's all you have to say?"

"Did you expect more?"

"That's fair, let's go back inside now" everyone at the table looked at us when we sat down

"So how'd that go?" Calum asks Luke

"5 or 6 words"

"Oh bravo, Natashia, you're doing so well" he claps his hands

"Cal leave her alone, she's just quiet" em says

"So how was the first day of school" my dad asked at dinner

"It was so good, I like all my teachers and classes. My best friends are in all my classes and everything is great" my younger sister, Brooke, says excitingly

"That sounds great Brooke! What about you tash?"

"Good" I shrug while taking another bite of food

"My girl of few words" he laughs. Most of the time it was just him, Brooke and I. Mom bounced in and out of the house, usually gone for work. She wasn't too close with my sister or me. My dad had a good job so we lived in a really nice house, had expensive clothes and such, which I guess is what allows me to hang around the popular kids.

"Dad can I go to a party on Saturday?" Brooke asks

"Home by midnight, only 2 drinks"

"What that isn't fair! Natashia can stay out all night and get pissed"

"But she doesn't, and your 14 Brooke. Natashia is 17 and can handle herself"

"This is stupid" she got up and stomped up the stairs to her room

"You going to this party?" I shook my head "good

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