The Meet-Up

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We tweeted out saying that there would be a meet up in hill town park in half an hour if anyone wanted to attend. Before going to the place of the meetup we decided to buy three large cards each so the fans could sign them.

We were astonished by the amount of people who came when we finally arrived at the park. There were at least a hundred people here!

I looked over at Alana and she looked back, we both nodded sighing and then walking into the crowd of girls and surprisingly a good amount of boys too. "If we could get everyone's attention?" I yelled out over the voices of everyone talking. It soon quietened down.

"Thanks for everyone who came, we really appreciate it, as you can see I'm not here with Preston, or any of the other boys to be fair, that's because Preston is in hospital as well as Mitch." I say letting the thought sink into everyone's head before continuing, "He was driving home with Mitch from dropping Rob and Lachlan off at the airport, I'm guessing Mitch's flight got canceled or something, but anyway, They both have multiple injuries but they will get better, I just wanted all of you guys to know the truth." I look over at Alana, she nods at me saying 'it's okay' I take a deep breath, "Me and Alana bought these Get Well Soon cards which we though that you guys could sign and we can give it to Preston and Mitch."

I explained, Some people cheered and mumbled in agreement while others were still trying to get over the news we just told them. "If you guys want to sign your name on either cards can you please make a neat line and please don't push, me and Alana will make sure everyone has a turn to write on the card.


Two hours later me and Alana have a big bag of cards and gifts each that some people brought to give to either Mitch or Preston, almost everyone was gone except for the few people who still have to sign the card or an older brother waiting on a younger sibling. A little girl around the ago of eight walked up after the last girl to sign the card was finished and walked away, "Hey sweetie, do you want to write your name?" I ask her bending down to her level and handing her a pink sharpie.

She shyly smiled and nodded taking the sharpie, "Uh could I give this to you to give to Preston?" She asks taking a small hand made cactus teddy from her pink One Direction bag and holding it out to me, I looked at the teddy in amazement. "Did you make this?" I asked in shock gently taking the teddy out of her hands to examine it, the little girl shook her head and pointed to an older girl around fourteen who was sitting down on the grass frowning sadly, "My sister Emmy made it." She said calling her sisters name after.

The young girls head popped up to the mention of her name, she sadly smiled and walked over to where me and her sister stood, "This is really good." I compliment her work making her blush, "Thanks, my mom helped me make it, I'm really sorry about Preston." She says sadly, I smile giving her a hug, "Would you mind if I take a picture with you and your sister so I can show Preston?" I ask, both the girls eyes brighten up as they both nod happily, I giggled taking out my phone and opening up camera. I stand behind the two girls as the youngest one holds up the cactus smiling. After taking two or three photos both girls sign their names and I get the oldest girl Emmy's Twitter.

Half an hour later the meet an greet finally finished and me and Alana made our way back to mine in the car so we could leave Preston and Mitch's stuff there for now, I don't think the doctors and nurses want both of the room to be covered in cards and teddies. The only thing we bring to the hospital wit us is the two bog cards so at least the boys have something when they wake up.

Me and Alana go our separate ways when she walks into Mitch's room and I walk into Preston's where Adam, Jordan and Mad are sat on three plastic chairs, I'm assuming Jordan called Mad. "Hey your back!" Adam tries to sound happy for everyone's sake, I give a weak smile in return, place the card beside the table against the wall and hug each of them.

"We'll let you talk to him for a while." Mad says pulling Jordan and Adam out of the room with her closing the door behind them.

"Hey Preston." I whisper taking the seat closest to the bed.


Me: So.... hey guys....

Adam: We're not talking to you! *crosses arms over chest*

Me: Adam you idiot you just did...

Preston: I'm in the freaking hospital?!

Me: uhhhhh

Jerome: Mitch is in the freaking hospital?!

Mitch: Nah Biggums, I'm right here!

Jerome: Mitch *screams and hugs Mitch*

Adam: Wait, I'm just after realising Preston is going out with my sister... ew

Me: Adam you do know she not your real sister right..

Guys: Wait what?!

Me: Well that's all for now say bye everyone!


Me: Oh Jees *facepalm*

When Youtubers meet. (Prestonplayz/TBNRfrags fanfiction)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now