The Tragic Accident

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It was a few days after the night of the night club and Preston had gone in his car to drop Rob, Mitch and Lachlan off at the airport hours ago, I decided not to go with them knowing he would want to be alone to say goodbye to his friends. Jerome and Jordan were staying for another week or two. I had showed the video I recorded that night to Preston when he had woken up the day after and he had sworn to himself that he would never get drunk again, I showed Rob, Mitch and Lachlan as well but, decided to keep it from Adam and the rest for a bit since Preston was already embarrassed enough.

The boys had left for the airport at 9am and it was now 1pm, where was Preston? It took an hour to get to the airport and an hour back, maybe he was just stuck in traffic. Suddenly my phone started ringing meaning Someone was calling me. I sighed when I saw Preston's name pop up onto the screen, "Hello?" I answered hoping to hear Preston's voice, instead, I heard people groaning and trying to move, someone began coughing until it all went silent.

"Preston? Preston!" I shouted trying to get him to hear me and pick up, I needed to know he was okay, I needed to know they all were, that is if there was someone with him. I started yelling hoping someone would answer, "Please, someone?" I cried, I didn't want to hang up, I just wanted to know everything was okay. Sirens were heard in the distance. I kept calling for Preston's name until I heard movement on the other end.

"Hello?" A man answered on the other line, "P-please, where is Preston?" I desperately asked as tears streamed down my face. "Who is this?" He asked as I heard orders being shouted out in the background, "My name's Skykar Dablburg." I replied, "Are you a friend or relative of this person?" He asked, "I'm his girlfriend, and his name is Preston Aresment." I said shakily, I hear some more shouting in the background. "Oi, Blake get back to work!" A man shouted, "Boss, this girl is one of the victims girlfriend, I'm assuming the drivers."

I heard the phone being passed to someone and then I heard a completely different voice saying, "Hello?" "Please," I begged, "C-can you tell me what happened?" The man sighed, "Your boyfriend and his friend were in an accident." He replied sadly, "Wait, only one friend?" I asked, the man confirmed my answer saying yes. "Listen Miss, I have to go, could you meet us at Washington Hospital to confirm who your boyfriend and his friend is?" he asked carefully, I sighed replying with quick 'yes' before the man hung up.

I shoved my phone into my pocket, wiped the tears from my face and eyes while I rushed out of Preston house, jumping over the wall and into my own, calling out Adams name desperately. He ran down the stairs with Jordan and Jerome right behind him in seconds after hearing me, "Skylar, what happened?" He asks rushing over to hug me, "P-Preston was in a car accident, someone was in the car with him but I don't know who!" I cried into his shoulder, he stood there shocked with the news I just told them, "Where are they?" Jerome asked his own face filled with shock, "Washington Hospital, we have to go!" I plead, Adam nods and grabs his keys off the kitchen counter as we all make our way out to his car, I sat in the passengers seat while Adam sits in the drivers seat, Jerome and Jordan in the back still trying to process what was happening.

I rest my tear-stained face against the window as we drive through the streets getting stopped in traffic once and by the lights a couple of times. By driving at the speed limit you would get to the hospital in exactly half an hour not counting the traffic and traffic lights, but since Adam went slightly over the limit we reached the hospital in twenty six minutes and thirty three seconds but, to me it felt like hours.

Just as we began to drive into the hospitals parking lot, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out of the car earning some terrified calls from the guys who were still in the car. I didn't let that stop me as I ran and ran until I reached the main entrance and even at that I didn't stop running. I ran through the doors, glancing around for the reception desk and when I found it running off again. The woman held up her index finger to me when she saw me approach, she continued with her conversation on the phone with someone asking about an accident while I drummed my fingers on the counter hoping it would speed up the time.

"Now, what can I do for you dear?" She asked when she placed the phone back in its socket, "I was told my boyfriend would be here, Preston Arsement." I quickly said, she nodded and began typing away on her computer. A frown etched on her face as she stared at the computer screen, "I'm sorry there's no one here by the name of Preston Arsement." She frown apologetically. "T-there has to be, I mean-" I was cut off when four doctors burst through the main entrance pushing two gurneys,One man on the gurney I didn't recognise while the other guy was facing away so I didn't see his face. Another two men came in wheeling another gurney and my eyes widened in shock.

His hair was matted down with blood that covered his forehead and hair, an oxygen mask covered his nose and mouth to help him breathe, his body was pale and he wasn't moving. "Preston!" I cried as I tried to run after the men pushing his gurney, but, was held back by a nurse and a police officer who had arrived after the doctors. I tried to get up out of their grip and run after the men but it was no use. I slumped to the ground while the police officer and nurse still held me back in case I decided to real loose.

"Skylar!" My brother called just as I heard the thumping of three different pairs of feet come closer. But I didn't look back to show him the painful look in my eyes, I didn't look back to see his or the others reaction, I didn't move when my arms were finally released, I sat there on the floor and stared at the double doors that the men went through, hoping that Preston would walk through them and hug me, telling me everything was going to be okay, and this was all a stupid dream or a joke. But he didn't walk through those doors and this definitely wasn't some stupid dream that i could get out of or a funny joke, this was real life.


You guys probably HATE me right now :p sorry not sorry!

This stupid thing didn't save the first time even though I swear I saved it 5 fudging times! I had to write it all out again >.< stupid iPod and wattpad :p

Anyway since I'm finished ranting, please give this chapter a massive vote if you enjoyed and want more and you might get a chapter quicker than it would e out ;) I love writing this story and I hope you guys enjoy reading it x

Comment down any ideas or suggestions for this story and go ahead and comment any mistakes so I will fix them right away! I read all the comments, I do accept judge and hate as long as its for a good reason and its appropriate, if not then please fudge off xx

Bye guys talk to you next chapter xx

Rachel out :p

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