He's Awake

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Skylar's P.O.V

Waiting. That's all I could do when the Nurses dragged me out of the room. Wait, on an uncomfortable chair while everyone else was in with Mitch. Yeah, The doctors and nurses won't allow me up that end because of my little...rant when they dragged me out of Preston's room. So, I can't even see Mitch. Nobody knows about Preston being awake, only me and the doctors, none of my friends have come out of Mitch's room so I could tell them the good news, well kinda good.

After forty five minutes of waiting to get anymore news off of a nurse or a doctor and you get nothing, you get slightly worried, like, what if something happened in those forty five minutes and Preston got worse? My thoughts were interrupted when somebody sat down on a chair beside me, two somebody's actually. I flickered my eyes over to my curly haired brother and his long haired friend that I've known forever, Adam and Ty looked down at the ground sadly, even though I didn't know why since Mitch is okay and Presto- oh yeah they don't know.

"So, how's Mitch?" I ask breaking the silence between us, Adam nodded slowly but didn't avert his eyes from the floor, "He's good, I think everyone's just glad that he's awake, and uhm, what about Preston?" He asked carefully thinking I might explode and cry or some shit. "Yeah, he's good, I may be barred from his room..." I trail off just as Adam looks at me quizzically, "Wait what?"

I chuckled remembering what happened hours ago, "Preston woke up." Adam and Ty's eyes widened as smiles grew on their faces, "Thank God!" He shouts in relief pulling me into a hug. "wait, why were you barred from his room?" He asked holding me by the shoulders so I had to look at him.

"Oh, before he woke up his heart was beating fast like he was panicking and when he woke up the nurses were leading me out of the room and I tried to get back to him because he was crying and calling for me." I begin to cry, why don't we have any more news on him, "This was four hours ago." I added as tears poured down my face, Adam pulled me into a hug once again, but this time it was to comfort me not congratulate me.

"I'm sure he's fine, the doctors are just being extra sure that everything's okay, you know the way they are!" Ty said in attempt to try and cheer me up, I smiled up at him in a way of thanking him, "So I'm guessing Alana is still in there with everyone else?" I asked, Adam and Ty nodded chuckling, "She and Mitch were holding hands ever since he woke up." He explained making me smile happily for my friend.

"They love each other." I shrugged still smiling, suddenly a nurse walks into the waiting room, "family of Mr.Arsement?" She asked, I immediately stand up making her eyes widen, "I'm sorry miss, according to the doctors you cannot see him just yet because of the....scene you caused today." She said warily as I grow slightly angry, Adam stands up before I can say anything and walks up to the nurse pushing me behind him, "I'm sorry ma'am, but my sister is the only thing that your patient has at the moment, his family is not here and I'm sure he would like to see his girlfriend, don't you think?" Adam asked in a serious tone even though he stayed calm an collected through it all.

The nurse hesitated but nodded, "Of course, um, if you would follow me please." She said when she recollected herself, I smirked, Adam is an idiot sometimes but, he can be smart when he needs to be. I followed the nurse down the hall and to Preston's room. I thanked her and walked into the room, my smile grew wide when I saw Preston sitting up on his bed, typing on his smashed iPhone 5, The doctors probably gave it to him. "Skylar!" he smiled ecstatic to see me.

I walked over to him and engulfed him into a side hug remembering that he was still hurt. "Jees Sky you can hug me better than that, it's not like I'm gonna fall apart." He joked, I rolled my eyes and pulled him into a longing kiss, he kissed back making me smile, "Don't do that to me ever again." I whisper after releasing from the kiss. He nods pecking my lips once more, "I promise."

After a good few minutes of talking with each other and kissing, I ended up lying beside Preston on the uncomfortable hospital bed. At first I tried to give him as much room as possible, but he didn't like that so he basically threw me onto his lap while my feet dangled off the edge of the bed. "I love you Skylar, so much." Preston whispers as he falls into a deep slumber, "I love you too Preston, more than anything else in the world." I reply kissing his forehead and resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of his heartbeat while he hugged me close.


Sky: Hey guysssssss!

Me: Adam Staph

Jerome: you finally updated huh?

Me: shut up Jerome school is stressful and boring, anyone else agree and know what I'm going through?

Deadlox: Nah we all outta school

Me: Ty, I was talking to the readers....

Mitch: Yeah Ty even I knew that!

Sky: No you didn't

Mitch: Okay, yeah, I didn't

Me: *facepalm* well this conversation is going great oh yeah guys btw I'm sick yet I still have to go to school on Monday -_- fml

Sky: Haha hate to be!

Jerome: Adam shut up

Me: well guys I'm tired so do you want to do the outro?

Deadlox: Okay readers, so leave a quick vote if you watch me or any of the other guys sexy faces-

Mitch: leave a comment and your favourite YouTuber Minecraft or normal-

Jerome: Share with friends if you think they'd enjoy it!

Sky: Uhm, okay so there vote, comment, share and.... oh yeah Uhm okay I don't actually know.

Me: anyway.... leave a comment on any ideas for the story or anything to talk about during these conversations with the guys!

Jerome: leave us a question to answer on the story or something and we'll answer it next chapter-

Mitch: Whenever Rachel writes it!

Me: Mitch!

All except me: bye!!!!!!!

When Youtubers meet. (Prestonplayz/TBNRfrags fanfiction)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now