I Love you

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Preston's P.O.V

"Hey Preston." Skylar whispered taking my hand in hers as she sat down beside me. I don't remember much after the accident, I remember someone crying, shouting my name, sirens, more screaming and crying and the doctors and nurses who examined me and gave me medication for the pain. I can't open my eyes, no matter how hard I want to, I can't open my eyes to see Skylar or, open my mouth to tell her I'm here, even just to stutter a word out.

When I first heard her voice when she visited me I tried to scream to get her to hear me, but nothing came out. "Your fans are all really nice." Skylar began squeezing my hand, oh how I wish I could squeeze it back, so she knows I'm here. "There were these two girls who were so nice, the oldest girl Emmy made you a cactus teddy! It's back at the house along with everyone else's gifts and letters."

"Mitch is fine by the way, I think I heard Adam say that he woke up, hopefully you'll wake up soon." She whispers sadly, she breathes out shaky breaths, she's crying. "I'm sorry, I just miss you, I wish I could hear your voice." She admits rubbing her thumb over my hand. 'I wish I could open my eyes and see your face again.' I reply but of course I only say it in my mind because I can't speak.

"I love you." She whispers pressing her lips to the back of my hand and leaves it there for a few seconds before pulling away. 'I love you Skylar!' I try to shout, I need her to hear me, and now, 'Skylar!' 'Please say you hear me!' I cry, the monitor beside my bed is beeping quicker and quicker, "Nurse!" Skylar calls a she grabs onto my hand tighter, 'Please Skylar don't leave!' "Preston I'm right here, calm down." She cries.

I feel Skylar's hand being pulled away from mine as she protests but the doctors get in her way and begin to prod me and see what's wrong, 'No Skylar please! Please come back!'

I suddenly feel tingles go up my arms and legs as they begin to get back their strength, 'oh please try to move!' I yell at myself as I try to clench my fist together, I feel my fingers weakly tighten, but the doctors didn't seem to see as they continued working, pressing buttons on the monitor and examining what's happening, I hear the faint cry of Skylar as she is told to leave the room.

"NO!" All of a sudden all of the feeling in my body comes back an I'm able to lurch myself up surprising the doctors, nurses and Skylar who was inches away from the door. Her eyes widen at the sight of me, "Preston!" She calls desperately as the nurses succeed in pushing her out and closing the door behind them.

The doctors around me are taking notes, some asking me questions that I'm obviously not listening to and some shocked by how it was possible, they were saying I shouldn't be awake yet, not until at least a few more hours.

My eyes stay glued to the door as I wait for Skylar to enter again to hug her, I look down at myself to find out about my injuries, "Mr.Arsement." A doctor's voice says making me glance up at him, he was in his thirties, black hair and wearing blue scrubs. "Mr.Arsement, you need to calm down." He relaxes me and eases me back into the bed that was now propped slightly.

When I was lying down and all the commotion calmed down the doctor that talked to me before ushered the other doctors and nurses out of the room making sure they closed the door behind them, "Now. Mr.Arsement, if its not any trouble, I need to ask you some questions."


Sorry for the long wait guys!

I have school tomorrow :(

Since schools starting up I won't have much time to write so I'm sorry that updates may not be up fast or anything.

I have to try and update 3 stories that I mostly write at least 2-3 times a month, that is my goal! hopefully I can write after u do t homework and before I go to sleep :/

Sorry no little story thing this time, Im really not in the mood and I'm suppose to be asleep right now even though its just about 11. Ughhhhgg well please comment and vote if you want and I'll see you next time :)

Rachel out :p

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