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I'd followed him to the hospital. They let me stay overnight.
The next morning they told me I could see him. "But, wait, we need to tell you what happened." She stopped me before I left. "He has had one of the worst panic attacks we've ever seen. You did well to call the ambulance. He was about to die.  He's going to be extremely fragile for a while. He's going to need full bed rest for at least two weeks to recover. That means someone will have to be with him at all times. Is that possible? Because we can keep him in the hospit-"
"No! He's coming home!" I interrupt her. I rush to Alexanders side. I open the door cautiously. He looked better but not completely well.

He was turned towards the wall still curled up. He looked so helpless. I walked carefully towards him "Alex?" I say lightly. I sit carefully on the edge of the bed. He doesn't react. I place my hand on his arm.

There were tears rolling down his cheeks but his face blank. He looked exactly as my mother did.
"Do you want to come home with me?" I ask delicately. He hesitates, then nods. "I need to get some clothes from home for you, but I will be back as soon as possible, okay?" He nods again.

I rush to his house in my car (realising we'd left the door unlocked) grab his clothes and hurry back again. When I entered his room again he was in the exact same position as I left him in. I sit on the bed next to him again and start playing with his hair, smoothing it and wrapping I around my finger.

"I got your clothes," I say, "it's your favourite outfit. I think you look really nice in it. Why don't you get changed? I'll shut the blinds and I need to ask the doctors something?"
I hear him mumble something. "Okay.." he whispers unclearly. I stand up, close the blinds and leave the room.

I ask the doctor "what do I do if he start having a panic attack?"
"You call the ambulance immediately, even if it isn't that serious. As I said, he almost died, that could easily happen again." She replied, "are you taking him home now?"
"Yes I got clothes for him from home, he's getting changed now."
"Good. I need you to sign him out as his family are.. unable to" she held out a clipboard and pen. I signed where it was required and walked back to Alexanders room.

I knocked on the door and called "are you dressed?" No reply. He opened the door. I secretly thought he looked amazing but all I said was "you look nice. Shall we leave?"

I needed to shove to feelings down deep. Alexander had lost his parents, his first son, then his wife and his kids are under Forster caters and not allowed to see him. I need to shove my feelings aside and be there for him.

Words: 505

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