Levi x Nervous! Reader

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you have been called to Levi's office, you didn't know why. on your way you started wondering why he wanted you. had you done something wrong? did you forget to clean something? oh please god don't let it be that! you went over all these different possibilities in your head. you quickly became nervous. you finished running the possibilities and realized you hadn't done anything wrong..... what could this be about?

you arrived at Levi's office and ressured yourself before you knocked on the door. "name" Levi called out from inside his office.

"cadet (f/n) (l/n)" you said as your confidence started draining your body. you heard footsteps on the other side of the door getting closer.

you start to feel the butterflies in the bottom of your stomach and start panicking  looking for a way out of this. you spin around and see a window 'aha' you thought running over to it and opening it. you started to slip through the window when you heard a door open "what the hell are you doing!" someone grabbed your arm. you turned your head to see Levi holding your arm with a angry confused face.

"ummmm.... just getting..... some fresh air, I guess?" you say before you were pulled back inside

"you an idiot" Levi sighed as he walked back to his office, dragging you along "c'mon we have to talk" Levi shuts the door to his office and motions for you to sit down. you look at him then the chair before hesitantly sitting down. you start fiddling around with your (h/l) (h/c) locks nervously, while looking any where but Levi.

Levi took notice of your actions "cadet (l/n)"

"yes sir?" you look at him

"are you ok?" he asked in a harsh tone "ummm.... yes sir" you stated unsure of yourself.

"good" Levi sighed "the reason you are here is--"

you tensed up "did I forget to clean something?" you asked with a fearfull look on you face. he looked into your eyes confused by your question "what? no"

you sigh a little in relief then gasp "is it because I dropped your favorite tea cup the other day?" you said faster than you normally speak. his eyes widen a bit with anger "that's it isn't it, thats the reason im here. oh god I'm sooo sorry" you cover your mouth on the verge of tears of fear. Levi opens his mouth to speak but shuts it when there is a knock on the door.

you look over at the door then back at Levi when he clicks his tongue and gets up to answer it. right as he steps out in the hall you look towards the window 'oh well' you thought 'I'm gonna die anyways, I might as well die later'

Levi finishes talking with the person who knocked and stepped back into the room with a sigh "listen (f/n), the reason I called you here is...." his voice trails off as he turns and notices your not in the room anymore "(f/n)?" Levi looks around and notices an open window. his face grows dark with anger as he walks to the window and looks out it.

you had climbed out the window and onto the roof, you were now thinking that was a bad idea as you walked around, furthering yourself from the side of the building Levi's office was. you felt like you needed to not be around him right now.

to be honest you've had a crush on Levi and it wouldn't do your heart good if he rejected you if you confessed. besides you'd be too nervous and wouldn't be able to spit it out. but you couldn't think about that right now. you were too worried about what will happen when you get found.

you came to the edge of the roof. you didn't wanna be seen so you got down on your knees and crawled to an edge, to look where you were. you could see the stables which meant you were far from Levi's office "thank god" you murmur as you lay on you stomach and enjoy the veiw.

after a bit you saw Levi march out of the building, looking around angrily. you slowly move away from the edge and accidentally push some lose roof shingles off, almost hitting Levi with them. he looks up and his eyes widen a bit then fill with anger as he sees you.

you fully move yourself away from the edge and out of his view "(f/n)!" you heard Levi yell as you start running somewhere else on the roof. after a little while you came to a edge were two walls of the building met. you looked down one side then down the other only to see Levi zip to the roof using 3DMG. you gulped in fear then took off down the other side "(f/n)! get back here" he yelled as he took off after you.

it didn't take long for him to catch up to you. Levi grabbed your wrist, making you stop running and face him.

"what the hell? (f/n)!" Levi grabbed your shoulders and looked into your (e/c) orbs "why did you run away?!" he huffed.

"I...... I'm sorry" you wheezed as you backed away from him a bit, slipping in the process. you closed your eyes when you fell onto your back. once you opened then you saw Levi looking down at you, it looked scary. so you backed away a bit. he raised an eyebrow at your action and without a moments hesitation he got down on top of you, straddling you down "this is so you don't run away again"

"C-Corporal" you stuttered

"shut up" he scowled at you "why did you run, brat"

"ummm...." you hesitated "I guess I panicked..." your eyes looking off the side. Levi grabs your chin and forces you to look at him "why?"

"uhhhhmmmm........" you tried to come up with a good reason "I--"

"tch, don't lie" he demanded

"cause.....you make me feel nervous and then I get weird when you get angry, then I do awkward things and embarrass myself. and no one wants to embarrass themselves infront of their crush and--" Levi smashed his lips against yours causing you to blush deeply but also kiss back. he licked you bottom lip, begging for entrance which you give without hesitation. his tongue slips into your mouth and explores every inch of your mouth. after a minute or two he pulls away, allowing the two of you to breath and looks into your (e/c) eyes " why did you..."

"because I wanted to" he said making your heart skip a beat "and to shut you up" you frowned a bit at him "the reason I called you into my office before was--"

you frown "the tea cup..." your sentance slowly dies when you receive a 'really?' look from Levi "it was to..... tell you...." He looks off to the side while a light shade of pink spreads over his features "how I..... deeply care...... for you" he finishes. Levi quickly looks back at you to see you reaction.

you were speechless. you just laid there wide-eyed, looking at Levi with shock. you came back to your senses when he clicked his tongue in annoyance "Corpor--"

"Levi, call me Levi"

"o-ok, L-Levi....." you say awkwardly. you look off to the side and blush "I uhh deeply care.... for you too"

Levi just clicks his tongue and leans in close to your face making you blush even more "what are you .......doing ......" your voice trails off when you see the look in his eyes. he smirks at you then quickly gets off you. you sit up and look at him. Levi pecks your lips then picks you up bridle style. you gasp at suddenly being in his arms and hold on to him so you don't fall "y'know (f/n) we're right above my room we could pop in there for a moment"

you look at him confused for a moment then it hit you. you blush madly. Levi smirks at you reaction "someone has a dirty mind"

"you're the one who s-suggested it" you state right as levi walks to the edge and swings down to a window, that just happened to lead to his bedroom, for a afternoon of fun.

[I think I might be getting worse at writing :I      heh maybe no idk. I hope you liked it a least a little.

tell me what you think in the commet sections.

feel free to request stuff~

sooo good bye for now Dear Reader]

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now