Neko! Levi x Reader

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[requested by boybandlover132 thank you~ for your suggestion

This is a modern day au, jfyi]


you looked up from the dirty dish water in the sink "what was that?" your (e/c) eyes scanned your small apartment kitchen. you took your hands out of the sink and grabbed a towel to dry them off. you continued to look around your apartment for the source of the noise.

you walk into your bedroom, looking around. sighing, you look at your dirty clothes scattered across the floor. you bend over to pick up your clothes and putting them into a clothes basket.

"meow" you look out a window to see a black cat sitting on the fire escape of the building next to yours "huh" to you the cat looked a little weird. it was something in it's eyes. to anyone else they looked like normal cat eyes, but to you they looked as if they were filled with.... emotions.

"that's what that noise was" you walk over to your window and open it. you stick your head out it to get a better look at the cat "what are you doing over there?" you ask playfully. you get another meow in response which causes you to smile. you look back in your room "I'm sorry kitty, I have go do laundry now" you sigh and wave to the cat before putting your head back inside.

you take your laundry basket and head downstairs to the apartment building laundry room (on the ground floor). you walk into a room, filled with washing machines and dryers, and walk over to a washing machine. you start loading your dirty clothes in it "meeoow"

you look through a window and see that same cat from before, sitting on a crate, looking at you. you smile a bit at it and continue to do what you were doing "mmmeeeeeeooooooowwwww"

you look at the cat as you start the washing machine. turning a knob on the panel kinda part...idk you start to hear the machine fill with water "heey kitty, what cha doing there?" you mumble while opening the window to let the cat in. it walks in and rubs it's cheeks against you "aww~" you say as you pick up the cat and look at it right in the eyes "you're so cute~"

-a couple days later-

for nearly a week a strange black cat has been following you around. everytime you left your apartment the cat would follow you you're not sure where it came from but some times it creeped you out a little. it was like a stalker kitty.

you walked down a street, humming to yourself and carrying groceries you just bought, when you were grabbed from behind, into a dark alleyway. you struggled and tried to call for help, but a hand was put over your mouth forcing you to breathe through your nose and take in the disgusting smells of the alley.

"hey there beautiful" a creepy sounding man said "there is no need to struggle. we're just gonna have a little fun"  tears started forming in your eyes as you dropped the groceries and tried to get out of his grip, which tightened as you did so.

you struggled a bit more before bitting his hand. he yelped and let his grip on you loosen enough for you to get away from him. about two steps away from him you trip over your feet. your knees and hands hit the ground. you try to get up as fast as you could, but the creeper guy was faster. he stepped over you and grabbed you by the waist, picking you up and pushing you against the wall of a building. you let out a scream as he did so.

you felt the coldness of the wall on your face as it was pressed against it "now why did you go and do that" he growled, pushing your face into the wall more "y'know I didn't want to use this" he pulled out a swich blade and put it against your face and hot tears streamed down face "but now I feel like I have to... now then lets get started" he said as he grabbed you hips and pulled them out, bringing you bottom with it.

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now