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[Requested by littlepawprintpup]


"(L/n). (F/n) (l/n), sir" you squeak with your fist over your pounding heart.

"Tch, don't be so up tight!" A man wearing cravat spoke harshly to you.

"Oluo! I told, quit trying to be like Heichou!" A ginger haired women walks over and hits him on the arm "and quit scaring the new cadets!" "Tch" the man, Oluo, swiftly walks away. The women watches him go and then turns to you "sorry about him. You don't have to listen to him" she smiled and you smile back at her "my name is Petra Ral"  she held out her hand to you.

You took her hand into yours "(f/n) (ln)" you smile sweetly at her "well its nice to meet you, (f/n)" you and Petra got to talking, a lot. About everything that came to your minds.

The two of you walked down a hall untill a short man with black hair and steel-grey eyes turned a corner, walking toward the two of you. You had to admit, at first look he was handsome. Then every look after he got hotter and hotter. Petra nudged you and the both of you saluted, before the man stopped in front of you.

His eyes examined every inch of you. After a minute of him silently judging you he turned away with a click of his tongue. A confused look struck your face as he started walking away "Petra your on stable duty. Get going!"

"Yes Heichou!" He walked away and as soon as he disappeared from your veiw, the both of you released your salute. Petra sighed and looked at you "I've got to go" she waves and walks off leaving you alone.

You never did stuff right when you were alone. You always messed up at everything. For example, if you walked you usually tripped or stumbled a lot.

You hurry off to find someone before you got yourself into trouble. You walk down the hallway and turned a corner, bumping into someone. This was to be expected. What wasn't expected was the really warm wet feeling spread down your torso. You look down at yourself to see stains all over your shirt "tch" your eyes drift up carefully. You saw hands holding a tray with tea all over it and knocked over cup then a angered Heichou's face. You smile sheepishly, knowing everything is gonna go down hill from here.

You ran in the pouring rain. You could feel his steel-grey eyes digging into you. Maybe that's where the pain in your chest and sides are coming from. Or maybe not. It most likely from the running. Anyways you ran and his eyes watched every move you make.

Your legs soon grew weary and your head became heavy.  you struggled to not pass out. The rain beated down on you, like a hundred bullets hitting you all at once. This was becoming way too much for you to handle. Sure you were strong, physically and mentally. You were good at acedemics, but that didn't change the fact that this sucked.

You kept running, then you felt your face hit ground. You didn't remember if your legs gave up or you just tripped. Hell, you don't even remember falling, just the impact. You laid in the mud, not able to lift yourself up. Your body started shaking and twitching, due to the soreness and pain you felt throughout every muscle "(f/n)!"  You heard before a women's figure appeared next to you "(f/n) are you ok?!" Before you could do anything more you passed out.

_*le time skip*_

Your eyes slowly opened. You blinked a few times before you took in your surroundings. You layed in your bed, which was located in your dorm, which you were assigned to the day before.  You turned your head and looked around, noticing it was still raining outside. Your eyes concentrated on the window, you heard the door swing open and bickering "No" "Yes! It does. That's exactly how it works" "No"

You look over at the door to see Petra and Oluo going back and forth while walking through the door. In Petra's hands was a tray with food. Your stomach growled at the sight of it. Dang! You were freaking hungry. Why? You ate earlier that day. Petra sighed and look towards you. Her face perked up "(f/n) your awake!" She smiled "Oluo go away" she snapped "oh and tell him she's awake"

With that Oluo clicked his tongue and walked out. Petra shut the door and walked towards you. You sat up and found your body to be completely sore. You hissed in pain "take it easy" Petra sat on a chair and set the tray on your lap "eat" you didn't waste time with that.

While you ate Petra brought her hand to your forehead, feeling your temperature. You looked at her questioningly "your temp has gone down a lot"

"Umm... ok? So I guess I passed out then?" Your voice was raspy. Petra nodded to you question "yes..... and that was two days ago...." she made a duck face, looking at your face for a reaction. Your mouth gaped open "what?"

"You've been sick with a fever for two days. You were barley conscious the whole time....." you stared at her without saying anything "wha-- how-" the sound of the door cut you off. Your head rurned to look who walked in it was the one who made you run in the first place. Corporal Levi.

His steel-grey eyes looked straight at you, but his voice was pointed at the ginger women "Petra, leave now" she nodded and walked out of the room. You watched her go. Once the door was shut your (e/c) eyes moved towards the man "so.. um your awake..."

You nod and keep your eyes on him as he walks toward you and sits on the chair Petra had sat on "how are you feeling?" Levi's tone of voice was different. It sounded more caring than any other time he talked. There was also a hint of nervousness somewhere in there. You nod again. He sat the fidgeting "I'm sorry...." Levi looked at his hands. You shoot him a confused look "it's ok..."

"Its my fault that your sick..." he looks up at you again "why the change in attitude?" You ask him "excuse me?"

"Not two days ago.... I guess.... you were yelling at me and only speaking to me in a harsh tone" you stated. He looks at you "oh um...." he looks back down "while you were out... I was forced to take care of you...."

"Umm..." "the commander ordered it.... to punish me for breaking one of the newbies" you look at him as he continues to talk "well I was taking care you... I guessed something happened"

"Like what?"

"A spark" he looked directly at you.

"A spark?" you asked, he nodded "while I was out for the count?"



Levi sighs. You look at him. He stands and pushes you down on the bed gently before he crawls over you "what the hell!" You looked up at him. As your eyes meet he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips.

Your eyes widened and your hands moved to his chest to push him off. Levi wrapped his arms around you, closing the gap between your bodies and deepening the kiss. You whined and struggled to get if of his grip. He wouldn't let go.

Levi licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You denied him right away by keeping your mouth shut. He growled and sat up, pulling you with him and not breaking the kiss. Now you sat on his lap, straddling him, while he held you still kissing you.

A wave if dizziness washed over you from the sudden movement. You sat there and opened your mouth a little, unaware that Levi took it and ran. He shoved his tongue inside you mouth exploring every inch of your mouth. Levi's hands started roaming up and down your body.

You still felt dizzy. You didn't know what was really going on. Your started falling backwards as your mind grew blank. Levi pulled away to breathe and you fell onto his shoulder, passed out again "(f/n)?"

Levi looked at you. You face was all red and you were unresponsive to anything and everything. He sighed and laid you back down before standing. Levi walked to the door and looked back you before he left the room "Later, Newbie"

[Meeeoooowww. I'm a cat.

Here's an update! Yay I finally did it!
I'm planning on updating really soon again...... yeah if I dint I'm sorry....

Anywho.... I hope you enjoyed this story at least a little..... if you did go ahead and vote for this...
Leave a comment and tell me what you liked and different such....
Requests are still open... they will just take longer to get out there cause imma lazy piece of shit~

Well bye for now Dear Reader~]

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now