Your laugh

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[GUUUUUYS!!!! 10K VEIWS!!!! 10!! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!! HAHAHA THANK YOU GUUUYS SSSSEEEW MUUUCH!!!! *kisses all around* haha anyways This thang right here was requested by mikasasucasa    thank you~~


You walked through the halls happily to the mess hall. Once you got there you got your food and sat near your friends "hey guys" you say cheerfully as you sat in-between Jean and Ymir. Eren looks across the table at you "hey (f/n) wanna hear a joke?"

"Umm... sur--" "no. No one wants to hear your crappy jokes anymore" Jean whined as you got really confused. Armin noticed your confusion and piped up "Eren has been making crappy joke since this afternoon" It being nearly dark already, you start to feel bad for everyone that's been around Eren.

"Ohh...ummm..." you sit there kinda awkwardly. Eren shakes his head "no no no. I've got a really good one that I know will make (f/n) laugh" he smiled devilishly.

Everyone of the boys looked over at you while you glared at Eren. You had a secret, a secret that almost everyone knew. You snort uncontrollably when you laugh. You hated it, it embarrassed you a lot. But all the guys thought it was cute as hell. It made them go nuts for you. It even makes Ymir turn her head away from Christa for a minute.

"Try me" you say with a sassy tone, not in the mood to laugh anyways. All the guys keep an ear out for your laugh as Eren smile continues "alright (f/n), you ready?"

"Bring it"

"What do you call a pile of kittens?" Eren smirks. Shit, you love kittens. Even if its not even remotely funny you're gonna laugh "what?"

"A meowntain" Eren smiles and laughs a little bit at his own joke. You smile and hold back your laugh. It takes a lot but you are able to do it. Eren frowns at you "ha" you say, happy that you held back the embarrassment that is your laughter.

Eren smirks at you "that was just a test. Here's the real joke" now you frown "never ask for the high five from a short person you can ask for a low five" Eren smiles stupidly and laughs at his own joke. Everyone sat there just staring at Eren like they were expecting something better. You sat there unamused by him until someone who just happens to be sitting right next to you "*cough cough* Levi *cough cough*"

At that exact moment everyone bursts out laughing, including you. You laugh came out and so did the snort. Literally all the guys at your table looks at you, smiles, and starts crushing all over you. You try to stop snorting while you laughed, but couldn't.

You calmed down and stopped laughing right before Jean started poking your side, earning cute little snorts from you "J-Jean *snort* s-st-stop!"

Ymir who was sitting next to you also started poking your other side causing you to laugh more. You covered your mouth trying to hide snorts, but they still came out. Jean and Ymir changed from poking to full out tickling. You sat in-between them, unable to get out, as they tickled you "Jean! Ymir! S-stop" you gasped between snort laughs.

"Kirstien! Ymir!"

Levi's pov

I sat in the mess hall at a table with my squad, drinking my tea. I turn my head in (f/n)'s direction. I see her talking with Jaeger, tch. That idiot doesn't even deserve to talk (f/n).

"Try me" I hear (f/n) say to Eren who probably responds with something stupid. I don't care, I'm only listening to (f/n)'s voice "bring it" I hear. What the hell is going on over there?

I sigh and take another sip of tea while I turn back "never ask for the high five from a short person you can ask for a low five" Eren says loudly enough for me to hear. I quickly look at that table again. That better not have been about me. Everyone at that table was looking at Eren unamused, while he sat there laughing at his own joke.

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now