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[Heeeey guuuuuys..... yea, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for like a long time...... yea.....I'm stressed, depressed, and too poor to be well dressed....but in other news 20K READS ON THIS THING.... THATS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS. THE VOTES. AND THE COMMENTS!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
Yeah... anyways I hope you, Dear Reader, enjoy this story~ oh yeah this is also a AU ;I]

Walking in the dark, across the street, your eyes red from crying and your cheeks a rosy color from the cold. It being halfway through December it wasn't surprising it was this cold. Your skin stung and your breaths were crisp and burned your lungs. Also, accidentally forgetting your jacket behind, leaving you in just a hoodie, was not probably a good idea

Half way through the street a black mustang stops just before hitting your thigh, making you jump at the close contact. You look to see a man with black hair, steel-grey eyes that shoot through you every time they look at you, and an angry expression painted over his face, get out of the driver's side "(f/n). Get in the car now!" He demanded.

You furrowed your brows, giving him a pissed look before continuing to walk pass the car, ignoring him "(f/n)!" The man walks after you, leaving the car door open. Making it to the other side of the street a hand grabs your arm "(f/n)! Stop! C'mon just listen to me!" He pleaded and turned you around to look at him "leave me alone, Levi!" You angily pulled your arm away from your boyfriend... well actually its looking more like ex-boyfriend....

You and your boyfriend, Levi, had been fighting and you ran out, crying, of the small house that you two had bought nearly a year ago. that's the reason you were wondering the streets, crying your eyes out, for nearly two hours now.

After a half hour of waiting for you to return and seeing that you forgot your good jacket, Levi grew worried and went out to look for you. It took him an hour and a half to finally find you.

You continue to walk away from him "(f/n)" he walks after you when you start speeding up. Starting to get angry again he grabs your arm roughly and forcefully starts dragging you back to the car "Levi let go!" You once again pull your arm away and end up slipping on some ice in the process, causing you to fall.

"(f/n)!" Levi tried to catch you in time but failed to, ending in you falling to the ground and hitting your head knocking you unconscious. Levi quickly kneeled down and brought you into his arms "(f/n)!?" He sighed and wiped the (h/c) hair out of your face.

You laid there, shaking in Levi's arms. Visibly shaking, from being out in the cold too long. He sighed once more and picked you up, carrying you to the running car. He placed you in the passenger seat, buckled you up, and shut the door before getting in the driver's seat. He glanced over at you before driving back home. Driving through the streets, Levi kept a close eye on you. Your cheeks were no longer pink, but now their normal color. Within minutes he turns into the driveway of your house.

He parks his car in the garage and looks at you one more time before sighing and getting out. He briskly walks around the car to your side. You leaned against the door of the car, threatening to fall if it is opened. He slowly opens the door and holds your body, preventing you from falling. Levi picks you up and carries you bridal style into the house

After opening the door, Levi walks into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. He sets you on the bed before walking over to the dresser. Knowing you don't like sleeping in your normal clothes, he pulls out a pair of grey sweat pants and a (f/c) tank top. He walks back over to you and changes your clothes for you.

Once he's done he pulls the covers over you with a sigh. Levi leans down and kisses your forehead, before getting up and leaving you in peace for the night. He walks back down the stairs and looks around at the mess the two of you created during the heat of your fight.

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now