Drunk! Levi x Reader

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[omg guys the story has hit over 1,000 views!!!~~~ I am soooooo happy!!!~ thank all of you who read the story!!!~~ thanks for all the comments and votes!!!!~~ just thank you my Dear Readers for actually paying any attention at all to my stories!!!!~~~ *blows kisses towards all of you then comes up and kisses the people who tried to dodge them >:D * I love you all!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
anyway here is the story you actually came here to read and read the a/n at the end I will be asking a question. I hope you enjoy the story!]

you looked in a mirror "ugggh" you whined as you looked at the bags umder your eyes. no one ever mentioned anything to you about them. in fact you often wonder if your the only one who notices them. you looked away from the mirror to the room in which you stood. you sighed at the sight of your bedroom and walked over to the washroom connected to your room.

you walk over to the bath and start to run the water. you walked out of the bathroom and to your dresser. you pulled out a pair of (f/c) underwear, a tank top, and a pair of shorts which you sleep in when you hear a knock at your door. you set your clothes down and went to answer the door.

you open the door to see your friend Sasha "(f/n)! you will not believe what I found!"

"what" you say not really caring. she grabs your hand and tries to pull you out of your room "there are no words to explain, just come and see!" she squeaked

"just wait" you tell her. you run back into your bathroom and turn off the water, which filled the bath, hoping this won't take long so the water doesn't get cold. you run back out to Sasha, nodding for her to lead to way. you both walk at a fast pace down the halls to the kitchen. you enter the kitchen and gasp at the sight you see.

Levi was face down on the table, snoring and holding a bottle of liquor in his hand. around his head was a couple of knocked over glasses "awww" you turn and look at Sasha "I guessed he passed out, I found him here earlier drinking away" you look at her questioningly "its true I sat down across from him and asked if he was ok and he said he was 'fabulous'. so then we started talking and actually he is a fun guy to be around when drunk" Sasha giggled

"woe woe woe" you said shaking your head "what were you doing in the kitchen at night anyways?" you asked the brunette.

"ummmmm.... nothing. anyways we were talking and all of a sudden he starts talking about some girl and about how he was not sure if she would feel the same way if he confessed to her and how he has a big crush on her" you look from Sasha to Levi. you would never tell him, but you have a major crush on Levi and it just breaks your heart knowing he likes someone else.

"did he say who?" you ask cautiously. Sasha just shakes her head.

Levi starts mumbling and you sigh at him "we should probably take him to his room" you say to Sasha who is now rummaging through the cupboards for food "why can't we just leave him here?" you give her a cold glare "fine" Sasha sighs and walks to one side of Levi. you go to the other side.

"do you think we should try waking him first" Sasha looked at you with fear in her eyes as the words slipped out of her mouth.

"worth a try" you shrug "Corporal" you shake Levi's shoulder lightly. he mumbles "Corporal" Levi opens his eyes slightly "Corporal are you okay?" you ask. Levi gasps loudy and shoots up straight. he feels his face and starts mumbling loudly "Corporal" you put your hand on his shoulder "we are gonna take you back to your room ok?"

Levi looks at you and puts his hand on your cheek "(f/n)....." he says. you sigh and take his hands into yours and help him up from his seat "Corpora--"

"call me Levi" he slurs while looking at you. you motion Sasha to hold on to his shoulder. as she does Levi looks at her and smiles "ohh h-hey brunette ponytail that's not Hanji!" he laughs happily.

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now