Levi x Injured! Reader

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[Heeey guys!! I've finally updated! Yay! And guess what guys!!!! We've past 6K reads!!! 6 K. That's a lot! At least for me anyways :I THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH~~~ :D
I wanted to get this out there for you guys to read while I work on stuff and.... yeah...... the ending might be a little to crappy but oh well *shrugs* I hope you enjoy it Dear Reader~~~]

the whole survey corps had just returned from an expedition. they lost a lot of people and most of them were injured including you. the severely wounded were taken to the infirmary right away once they reached the HQ but you. you didn't want to get in anyone's way so you sat outside, leaning against a wall and watching the sky by yourself. you thought your injuries weren't that bad, but they were.

your horse bucked you off, you sprained your leg and arm and managed to injure your ankle to the point where you couldn't walk. you also managed to cut yourself near the shoulder and get a concussion. you were passed out most of the way back and when you did wake up you were completely out of it. so you sat outside in a sitting position that didn't hurt you with your shoulder, which has stopped bleeding, off the wall and head off to the side, looking at funny shapes in the clouds in the sky.

you thought about how you were alive and how you could have easily died outside the walls if the Corporal hadn't saved you..... oh my. you had completely forgotten that Levi had saved you after you fell off your horse. you'd have to remember to tell him thank you later.

"(f/n)" you heard someone call from far away. You look in the direction that the voice came from "(f/n)!" You heard it again. You keep looking at that direction when you hear footsteps in the opposite direction and "(f/n)! What are you doing out here!" You turned your head and saw the one the only corporal Levi.

You smiled a bit and tried to stand up to salute him. You had a look of pain on your face the whole time. It hurt like hell but you finally managed to stand and salute him. As soon as you did your shoulder started bleeding again "crap" you whispered.

"Are you crazy?" You turned your head and Levi grabbed your wrist "why didn't you go to the infirmary!?" He pulled you off. You two only got like two steps before the pain in your ankle became to much and you fell with a yelp. Luckily Levi caught your arm, preventing you hitting the ground. You look at Levi's face and notice some anger in it "what happened to your ankle?" He asked trying to hold back his anger. You look at him and shrug.

"I thought you just hurt your shoulder" once again you shrug and Levi sighs angrily and tells you to sit on the ground which you do. He kneels down next to you and pats his lap. You look at him confusedly. He sighs in response "give me your foot" he demanded while his eyebrow twitched in frustration.

You slightly nod at him and lift your leg enough to place your foot on his lap. He starts to slowly remove your boot from your leg and puts it off to the side. Your foot was like a purplish blue color. You wince as Levi prodds your ankle with index and middle finger "oww..." you whimper as he hits a certain spot. He looks at you and sighs "well (f/n) it isn't broken, just probably fractured" Levi states as he puts your boot back on carefully.

"Ok" you sigh ".........I'm gonna need help with walking" you add shyly "I'll carry you" you blush at his offer "what! No! Its fine. I just need a little help" you exclaim. Levi clicks his tongue and stands, helping you up in the process. Levi wraps his arm around the back if your waist and you put your arm around his shoulder for support. The two of you slowly start heading towards the infirmary. Little by little you picked up a momentum. It was still slow but its better than nothing.

The both of you walked down the hall slowly with him still helping you. You walk with your eyes on you ankle and Levi couldn't help but watch your beautiful face. Levi slows down the pace, then comes to a stop "(f/n)" you look up at Levi, who was staring directly in your eyes. You blush a little "what?"

Levi x Reader: One shots [Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now