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I woke to the sound of machines beeping, surrounded by sterile white walls that were nothing like those at home. The hospital bed was uncomfortable, and I was clad in a standard-issue gown. It dawned on me—I was in a hospital. As I glanced around, attempting to sit up, I noticed a guy sitting beside me, holding my hand. I yanked it away from him which caused him to wake up.

"L-Lacey? Thank God you're awake. I'll go get the doctor," he stammered, hurrying out of the room. He returned shortly with nurses and a doctor in tow. The doctor settled into the chair beside me, beginning a series of questions. I wasn't prepared.

"Do you remember your name?" he began.

"Yes. I'm Lacey Baine—I mean, Lacey Ward."

"Do you recall anything before the accident?" Accident? I'd been in an accident? I struggled to remember beyond my parents' death and the bullying. I had no idea why I was in a hospital.

I recounted what I could recall to the doctor, who then summoned the young man from earlier.

"Do you recognize this person?" the doctor inquired.

"I—no, I don't," I admitted, shaking my head. Though his face seemed vaguely familiar, I couldn't place him. His hurt expression was evident as he quickly exited the room.

"Rest well, okay? If you need anything, just press the button here," the doctor said, pointing to the bedside call button. I nodded, and they all departed, leaving me alone.

As I lay there, contemplating everything, a knock came at the door.

"Come in," I called out.

"Hi, Lace. It's me, Ava," she said tentatively, as if unsure if I'd remember her.

"Ava? You look so different. When did you come back? I've missed you so much," I exclaimed.

"If I weren't surrounded by needles, I'd hug you so tightly," she joked weakly, eyes welling up.

I was surprised to see her—never expected her to return.

Her voice choked with emotion, she whispered to herself, "You really don't remember a thing, do you?" She sat beside me, embracing me. "Get well soon, okay? And try to remember what's important to you."

With that, she left, leaving me with a flood of questions. What was Ava referring to? Who was that guy, and why was he upset that I didn't recognize him? How did I end up here? My head throbbed with unanswered questions, so I pushed them aside and closed my eyes.

Slowly, sleep overcame me.

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