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"Oh shit! Where the hell is my bag!!"

I searched the whole house for the bag in which there were a few files which Jason had given me that I had to give my uncle. Damn it. I checked my closet, my bed, the living room but it was no where. I went to the kitchen and sat down.

I made cereal for myself and started eating on the kitchen counter. I was staring into space when something caught my eye. I went to the dining table and pulled out the chair. And there it was... my bag.

"Ah thank god" I finished my breakfast in seconds and headed out of the house. I was already late. I had to be there in the company 10 minutes ago.

I went on the subway and reached the office. I was now 20 minutes late. Damn it. I walked in and headed to my uncle's office. I knocked on his door twice.

"Come in" a deep voice said.

"Hello uncle"

"You are late" and that was the first thing he said as I entered.

"Uh Sorry. I kind of lost my bag so I was searching for it and then it was really late and so-"

"Shut up" He looked annoyed but didn't raise his voice and I didn't speak a word. "I'm just messing with you" he said and burst out laughing.

"C'mon uncle!! That was rude" I pouted and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"Then don't be late next time"

He gave me all the instructions and details related to work. I would start working from tomorrow and I was excited. I thanked my uncle and after everything and headed to the subway.

Aiden: Hey Lace.... you wanna hangout?
Lace: Uh yea sure.
Aiden: where are you right now?
Lace: *address*
Aiden: I'm picking you up stay where you are.

I waited in the subway for him. He arrived after 15 minutes. I thought of asking him about what Ashton had told and then I remembered he told not to tell anyone. "Sorry for making you wait for so long" He was panting and stood in front of me.

"No problem and how did you even come here?"
"Uh Walk?"

"You walked all the way here?!" His house was definitely very far and I didn't know why he decided to walk when he could come in his car. He smiled sheepishly and brushed it off.

"Okay so where do you want to go?" He asked me.

"I don't know... it was your idea to hangout"

"But I don't know what to do so I thought you might have some idea"

"Hmm.... want to come to my house?" I had no idea about what to do.

"Okay let's watch a movie!"


We went home in the subway and walked back. He looked like he was going to die. As soon as we reached home, he rushed to the kitchen and chugged down a glass of water. I chuckled at him and sat down on the couch. He chose a movie and it started. I remembered watching this movie before, but I wasn't really sure.

"Have we watched this movie before?" I asked him.

"What? No, we haven't. Well, it's the first time I'm watching the movie"

"Uh... okay" he only replies like that when he panics or something like that. I knew something was up but I did not ask him about it.

I was really sleepy and I fell asleep on the couch. Why do I always sleep during movies?!!

"Wake up wake up!!"

Nudge. Poke. Nudge. Poke.

"Dammit stop shouting in my ear! And stop poking my cheeks" I took a nearby pillow and threw at the direction of the voice.

"Ouch! Idiot!" I smiled knowing that it hit him.

"I'm going out. I've prepared breakfast for you"

"Thank you so much" I said.

I heard the door opening and closing. He had gone out and I was all alone. I checked the time as I remembered I had to do something. "Dammit!" I rushed to the bathroom and freshened up. I dressed up and ate my breakfast. I ran to the subway and headed to the office.

Great! I'm late on the first day!

I went to my office as soon as I reached. Luckily my uncle wasn't there. I should remember that I work now.

I was really bored and I was about to sleep when my uncle entered.

"Hello Lacey"

"Hello uncle" I squeaked.

"So how is your first day at work?"

"Uh good"

"Go take a break I know you are bored"

"Thank you so much"

I went to the cafe nearby and got my drink. I felt so refreshed! I was heading out of the cafe when I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I apologised and continued walking.

"Uh Lacey Baine?" I heard him say and so I turned around to face him. Another one?

"Uh do I know you?"

"So you are Lacey! You look exactly like how you did back then. I'm Nate Wilson. We used to be neighbours and classmates remember?"

"Oh yes yes! I remember you now. It's been so long and you've changed a lot. How was Korea?"

"It was good but I missed the American atmosphere" he chuckled. "So how have you been?"

"Good actually. I still can't believe you are back"

"Yea... umm do you want to get a drink? Catch up maybe?" He asked me.

"I just had one but next time sure"

"Okay. Phone" I looked at him in confusion.

"Give your phone" he said.

"Oh right" I handed my phone to him. He typed in something and returned it. His phone rang and he looked at me, "I'll call you... next time. Bye then" he smiled and went inside the cafe.

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