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I woke up with Ava beside me this time. She had already brought breakfast and was sleeping. After freshening up, I ate it. There was shuffling beside me, and Ava was facing me.

"Good morning," she said softly.

"Did you stay here all night?" I asked.

She nodded. "I wanted to."

"Do you remember anything?" she asked after a pause.

"Aiden told me a few things, but I can't remember," I admitted. "It's like it never happened."

"It's okay. The doctor told you might get back your memories if you experience the same things all over again" she said.

"By the way did the doctor tell anything about when I can leave this place? It's so boring here. I'm literally locked up between these 4 white walls!!" I whined.

She chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Yeah, I talked to the doctor today he told you can go home tomorrow. So, you have to spend another day here"

I sighed and rested my head on the pillow.

"So, when did you actually come back?"

"I came back long ago.... we actually met again at this hangout with your 'boyfriend' that Ash planned and-" she started to explain but I stopped her.

"Boyfriend? You mean I had a boyfriend? Are you serious?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, and if you are wondering who your fake boyfriend was, it was Aiden" She stressed on the word fake and I was relived.

"Aiden? okay continue"

She chuckled at my expression but continued anyways.

"So that was when we met again. You met the others with the exception of Ashton in the college you attended"

"I really regret not remembering anything. It just feels like they were the most beautiful moment in my life and by Ashton you mean the most popular guy at school?" I said in disbelief. There was no way the popular guy would hangout with me.

"Yeah, I'm talking about the popular" My mouth widened at this and she pushed my jaw up, closing my mouth, while chuckling. "Also, it's not your mistake. Well, you can't do anything as of now but we'll try okay?"

"Thank you for always being there for me" I hugged her. We continued to talk for hours and it was finally night. She went back to her home after I insisted, she should rest comfortably instead of sitting on the chair and sleeping.


I was finally back at my place!!!

As soon as I returned, I went to my room and jumped on the bed. I couldn't help it. My bed was very comfortable. Luckily, Ava was with me when we came back because I was about to go to the apartment but then Ava said that I shifted back and someone else was living there now. Imagine going there and telling them that I lived there. That would've been awkward.

I was completely fine now but the fact that I cannot remember anything good that happened in my life is a bit sad. I tried my best to remember them all but I just couldn't. So, I gave up. The option that seemed easier.

I went to my kitchen to eat something but then I remembered I wasn't home all these months, 6 months to be exact, and that there would be nothing. I sighed and headed back to my room. The door bell rang all of a sudden and I was startled. I almost tripped.... on air and stairs while climbing down.

I opened the door and there they were... my friends with food. Ah! How much I love them. They rushed inside and Zoe looked around my house in awe. Did she never come to my house? I was now confused.

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