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"Guys! Guys! There's this new movie that's released. Wanna go?" Ashton asked us.

"Yeah sure. At what time though?" Emma asked.

"At 6. We could also go to the arcade after watching the movie"

"So let's all meet up at the cafe and go together?" Aiden suggested.

"Uh Yeah sure" Ava gave a weird look to him.

"Well if you are fine with it... you know" Ava took him to the kitchen and the rest of us just continued to talk.

"Levi...." I heard Ava say as they were coming back.

"It'll be fine trust me" Aiden patted her back. I wondered what they were talking about. It's like they all knew something that I didn't know about.

"Okay guys lets meet up at the cafe at 5, okay? Now let's all just go back home" Jason said.
We took all our belongings and got ready to go home.

"Hey want me to drop you home?" Aiden asked.

"No it's fine. I'll just catch a cab" I said as I looked at the deserted area "Or book a cab" I pulled out my phone to book one but then a hand stopped mine.

"No you are coming with me" with that he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his car. I reluctantly sat inside the car. The drive back home was quiet. The only thing we could hear was the radio. I was bobbing my head to the rhythm.

"We are here" I got out of the car and thanked him.

"I'm picking you up later"

"No, I can just walk there. Wait what cafe are you talking about?" I said.

"Okay so I'm definitely coming to pick you up" with that he went to his car and drove off.
At the cafe

"You are all early" I said as soon I saw them. I turned towards the cash counter and saw a male with jet black hair. He was Asian, I could make up that much and he was smiling at me. Creepy but I smiled back and headed towards my friends.

"You mean you are late" Zoe stated. I sheepishly smiled and sat down.

"I think we should go now" Ava said in a hurry looking down at her watch.

"Ava, we have more than half an hour and the mall is just 5 minutes away" Emma said and went back to using her phone.

"Okay guys that guy has been staring at us since we entered it's creeping me out" I pointed at the guy behind the counter. "Oh, and he's glaring at Aiden" I don't know how he managed to do both at the same time but he did.

He made his way towards us to take orders I assumed but we have to go there and give orders, right?

"Lacey?" Oh, crap this guy knows me too!

"Uh Yeah?" Ava stood up abruptly and started talking really fast.

"Ava I didn't understand a word you said"

"I said that you used to work here and that's how he knows about you. He's Levi" While she was explaining this to me Zoe took Levi aside and told him something.

"H. How have you been? I haven't seen you for a really long time" he said when he came back.
"I'm good. How are you?"

"Good. I have to go now. I hope to meet you again" with that he went. I could see him still glaring at Aiden.

"You guys hate each other or something?" I asked Aiden who was sitting beside me and before he could answer,

"Okay c'mon let's go" Jay shouted. We arrived at the theatre rather early. Me and Xav went to buy popcorn.

"So which one do you want?" I asked him.

"I don't know buy anything. They'll finish it before the movie starts anyway" I chuckled but bought whichever I thought would be good. We made our way towards the theatre and sat down in our seat.

The movie was good but it got boring at the end. But well, I at least had food to eat. I went to buy them again during the interval since these kids were annoying the hell out of me by asking for food. We went to the arcade in the mall after the movie. Aiden pulled me to play air hockey. I wasn't bad at it but I wasn't good either.

"Why this?! I want to play the basketball thing" I whined.

"Stop whining kid. We'll go there next"

"You are the kid"

"Shut up and play"

We started the game and he was already leading. I wanted to win and thought that hitting it harder would get me point and did exactly that but instead it hit him in...

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I was avoiding looking at his eyes when he crouched down in pain.
"It's okay" He breathed out and finally stood up. "Let's go play that basketball thing" he said in a really small voice.

We went there and the game started and obviously I was leading. He was way behind me according to the score. Basketball was one of the games I could play well and I had the upper hand here. When I was not paying attention to him, he pushed me to the side.

"Hey! Cheating. Don't you dare push me" I glared at him.

"You are going to lose anyways"

"You are already losing" I smirked at him.

We continued pushing each other and distracting each other. He would pull me or push me. He would snatch the balls from my hand. He would wave his hand in front of me. But since I'm really good at the game I won as always.

"You are going to lose anyways" I mocked him and he just scoffed.

"I let you win" he stated.

"Yeah sure as hell you did"

I challenged him for another game but him being the loser he is disagreed and we went on to play other games.

"Guys!!" I gathered everyone's attention and pointed to the bowling area.
"Sure kiddo!" Jason said.

We all paid and then wore the bowling shoes. We started playing and it went horrible. At least for Ava and Xav.

I picked up bowling ball and got ready to roll it and score a strike for my last chance. I moved swiftly, placing my left leg front and my right leg behind. I bent my body forwards and lunged forward, thinking I could make it but then I slipped and fell forward on my knees first and I turned back and hit my head on the floor.

It was definitely not a strike and I sat up straight and looked at the ball and started laughing. My head was definitely throbbing but the whole thing was funny. So much for that swift movement.

"Hey you alright?" Jay asked from beside me, laughing hard. I nodded and literally sprawled out on the floor and laughed my ass off until I finally got a hold of myself.

We all finally exited the place with everyone looking at us. This was the most fun I've had in a while even though it included injuring my head.

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