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I had planned everything with the rest of them. They had told me about this place in the park that I had once seen with Ash. We set everything up at now it was 6pm. He would arrive anytime soon and I was nervous. I don't even know why I thought of doing this but I had to tell him.

My mind also drifted to Nate who had confessed out of the blue yesterday. I felt really bad for saying no to him but my heart laid somewhere else and it wouldn't by fair to him if I said I liked him back because I didn't.

Aiden's POV
I entered the park and saw Xav and Jason bickering about something. They saw me and whispered something to each other. They pulled me aside.
"You know where to go right?" Xav said.
I gave him a questioning look and then I realised what they were talking about.
"Oh yea I remember" I said and headed towards the place.

I met all of them and it seemed way too familiar. As I reached the place I saw her. There she was standing in a dress, looking magical and beautiful as always.

"Hi?" She seemed nervous. Very nervous.
I walked towards her. She took out a bouquet of flowers and handed it to me.
"Okay just listen. Don't speak a word" she said.
"Are you threatening me?"
I chuckled and so did she.

"Okay here goes nothing. So, I don't know since when but I felt this connection with you. I wanted to be with you and whenever I saw you smile I would too. When you were sad my heart ached. When you were happy, I was too. It was like whatever you felt even I felt"
She held my hand.
"Aiden I know you might not like me but I have to tell you this" she took in a deep breath.

"Aiden, I like you"

Lacey's POV
I did it. I finally did it.

He looked blank like he always does. But then his face lit up. He had this bright smile on his face and I wished I could always see him smile like that. He engulfed me in a hug.

"Lacey, I like you too"
He pulled away from me and looked at me in the eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. We were both in sync. I was the happiest person on earth right now. We pulled away and hugged each other again.

"It really took you so long huh?" He said.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"To confess"
"Well you kept going on about that girlfriend of yours"
"That was you" he chuckled.
"Yea I realised. But seriously how do you expect me to say something when you already had someone in your mind and went on about her"

"Yea sorry about that" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you when you tried to explain. You know what I'll never leave you again. Ever. And even you"
"Obviously I won't. You are the only one that I want"
And our lips met again.

I was at the office when my uncle entered.
"Are you free? Well even if you are not you have to go the Smith's company"
"The Smith's?"
"Yeah they have something to do with you"
"I- okay I'll go"

"Oh, and by the way you are the CEO from tomorrow"
"What about you?" I asked. All of this was too sudden for me.
"Well it was your parent's company, right? So now it is yours. I have other thing to take care of" he smiled and went back to his office.

The Smith's company was huge. Well, they were really successful and they are the biggest company in LA right now.

"Excuse me? Are you Miss. Lacey Baine?"
I turned around and walked towards the voice.
"Mr. Smith is waiting for you. His office is on the top most floor, opposite to the elevator"
"Thank you"

I took the elevator and went to the top most floor. I was standing in front of his office. I could see two figures in there. It looked like they were arguing. I knocked on the door.
"Come in" a deep voice told from inside.
"Lacey?" It was Aiden.
I looked at him and smiled.
"Oh you guys know each other. Then it is easy"

"So, Lacey, I heard you were going to become the CEO of the Clinton company"
"Okay I'm guessing your uncle has told you about why you are here"
"Actually no"
"Oh then I'll have to tell you. What do you think about a marriage with my son?" He pointed at Aiden.

"Well, you actually don't have any other option. Your uncle told me to take your opinion but I-"
"Yes. I'll marry him. But not right now maybe after a year but for now we'll just get to know each other"
"Yes dad I think that's a better idea" Aiden said.
"Alright then. You guys can go now"

"Why does your dad want you to marry this soon?" I asked.
"The company of course"
"Anyways I didn't think our wedding would be planned like this"
"Me neither but I'm glad it was you and no one else"
I turned to face him.

"I love you"

"I love you too Lacey"


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