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"Everyone wake up!!" I could hear Xav screaming outside the tents but I didn't wake up. I was really sleepy. It was peaceful for sometime until I was suddenly woken up by loud music.

"What is wrong with you?! Who on earth wakes up anyone like that? Seriously Xav? That song isn't something you use to wake up someone" I was really startled. I mean who plays 'we will rock you' to wake anyone up. I can't even sleep anymore but I have to say that was a good idea.

"She doesn't- her idea-"
"But- doctor- will remember- experience-"
"Hope- everything"
"Miss- old- god- miss her"

I could hear the others talking outside the tent. I couldn't hear everything though but I tried to understand what they would be talking about.

"It- mistake- I shouldn't- broken up- love her"
"Aiden, everything- okay- her some time"
"Yeah but it's hard you know"

"What's hard?" I asked them as soon as I went out.

"Uh no- nothing.... everything's fine"

"Okay... so what are we doing now?" I asked.

"Breakfast!!" Ash said and jumped up and down. We all chuckled at Ash's childishness.


After breakfast I went to Ashton. "Ash.... we used to study in the same school, right?" Of course, we studied in the same school I just needed to confirm something.

"Yeah why?"

"I'm really sorry that I don't remember it but how did we become friends? I just have a feeling that I became friends with you before the others"

"It was in the last year of high school. We became closer after the graduation..." he told me about everything, about how we used to hangout everyday and skip classes. Everything.

"Thanks Ash" I hugged him and went to the others.

"Everyone listen up! We will be playing water volleyball now! Choose your teammates and come to the river" Xav announced. I didn't know he was the leader type. I thought he was be more like 'who cares about this' kind of guy. Okay I don't know how to describe that.

We decided the teams by playing rock, paper, scissors. The ones who lose are in a team and the ones who win are in the other. So, the losers team consisted of Aiden, Emma, Ava and Jason whereas the winners were me, Jay, Zoe and Ash. Okay who was I kidding we all lost in the first game. Oh, the way our mind works. Xav didn't play because he was lazy.

The game started and the opposite team was leading. I pity my team mates for having me though. I'm a really bad volleyball player but I tried my best. I can't even play on land, how was I supposed to play in water? The score was 14-5 and they needed one more point to win.

"We won" Emma cheered up. They all group hugged. They were jumping around and running, however fast they could run in water.

"We have the winners" Xav said "there's a gift for the winners but after a few more games. The team that had scored more points will receive a prize"

"So aren't you going to play?" I asked him.

"Nope" he said and shook his head.

"Okay so our next game is fishing!"

"No! Why fishing? I'm really bad at it" Ash whined.

"No arguments" Xav teased Ash. Xav and Jason went to our van to get the fishing rods, baits and bucket.

"Whichever team catches more fishes get a point, so get ready in 3...2...1..." We all took the fishing rod and bait and went to catch the fishes. 10 minutes...... 15 minutes.......

"Finally!! After 15 minutes I caught one. Are there no fishes in here?" I was relieved that I caught at least one. Others had caught 3 or 4 fishes and here I was struggling to catch one.

We caught 8 fishes and the other team had caught 5 fishes so we got a point. We all sat down to have our lunch. It was already 4 in the evening.

"Okay guys after this we'll have a water balloon fight and rest for tomorrow. So, get ready" Xav announced. We all took our time with the food and we gathered to play at 5.

We all filled the balloons with water and got ready. The rule was simple - the team that used a greater number of balloons won. Jut kidding. The team which had members who were completely drenched lost and the other team would win. I was confident we would win cause Ash and Jay were really athletic and I was too. I had no idea about Zoe though but it seemed like she was too.

The game soon started and we played until we ran out of balloons. It was really fun but also cold. Our team lost. So much for being athletic. We only ran and our aims sucked. We were all shivering and I went to take a warm shower and got dressed.

Everyone was sitting in a circle. I sat beside Jason and listened to their conversation. They all kind of became silent as soon as I went but I didn't ask them anything. I wondered what they were talking about.
"Guys let's sleep now we still have to play a few games tomorrow"


The next day we woke up really early. We played a game of tag in the afternoon and later on uno out of all the things. It wasn't as tiring as yesterday and our team had won by 1 point. Our prize was a photo of Xav's and no one seemed surprised. I scoffed at him and threw his picture back at him. But at least we all had fun.

We all gathered our stuffs and set off to go home. I slept the whole way because I had woken up early.

We reached Xav's place at 11 in the night. We were tired and so we decided to stay at his place. We had bought food on the way back so we finished our dinner as soon as we reached.
We slept in his living room. It was really big so we all could stay comfortably.

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