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"So, we met at a grocery shop. She was this tiny little bean and was trying to reach for a box of fruit loops on the top most shelf and well since I wanted it too, I took it and walked away."

"Rude dude rude" I glared at him.

"Shut up and listen. She shouted and told me to stop and I turned back. She was red literally red. Well, she tried taking the box back from me and I took this opportunity to get myself a free ice cream"

"You did not!"

"Well I did and she did agree. We met again while it was raining. She was running everywhere so I pulled her to where I standing and well, she started to scream again"

"Looks like she shouted a lot huh?" I chuckled.

"Yea she did. We got really close to each other when we got to know that she and Ash went to the same school."

"She went to the same school as mine?!" I exclaimed.

"I would always see her after school and my excuse was that I was picking up Ash when he could go home all by himself. I don't really know when I started to like her but as time passed by, I found myself falling for her harder.

I would go to her house and find an excuse to stay with her. Once Ashton had this crazy plan to ask Ava out and we went along with it. We left the two there and I took her to the park.

Whenever I was with her it was magical. I never wanted to leave her"

He seemed to love her so much. Whenever he spoke about her, I could see his eyes shine, I could see him smile brighter.

"But things didn't go as we wanted it to. I was being stupid and thought I was doing the right thing.

So, I had to give in to the threats. I couldn't spend much time with her and one day she found out. I tried to explain but she wouldn't listen. I couldn't blame her though. I did break her heart and didn't give a proper explanation the first time. My days were always dark back then. I couldn't take it anymore so I finally told that girl.

I told her that I was not going to do it anymore. She didn't give up though. She continued to threaten me until I talked to our friends and took their advice and decided to tell her I would sue her. I tried again to contact my ex but I couldn't. Then one day I met her in the cafe. I tried to explain but it was of no use.

I really wish I wouldn't have let her go that time. If I didn't all of this wouldn't have happened"

"You know what I'm sure she would give you a chance. Just try again and if she doesn't give you a chance, I think you should stop going after her" I smiled at him.

"Thanks. I just really love her so much. Ever since she left, I couldn't live like how I always would. There was always this emptiness that I felt. Now the things aren't the same as before. She doesn't remember a thing from before. She wouldn't remember all these memories I have of us"
"You can make them again and make more memories. You are a really nice person you know"

He gave me a small smile. I got up.

"It's getting late I guess I should go now"

He nodded his head and I went downstairs. I didn't realise that I was crying. It shouldn't hurt this much. I should just accept that I'll never be his and he'll never be mine.

He likes that other girl.

As I thought more about it, I couldn't take it in anymore.

I plopped down on the bed as soon as I entered. I didn't realise when I slept but when I woke up it was already morning. I checked the time and date. We would be heading back to LA today. I packed all my stuffs and called Ava.

Lacey: Hey you ready?
Ava: Yea we'll be out in some time. Are you guys ready?
Lacey: Aiden is still sleeping and I should still get ready.
Ava: God you are so slow. Go get ready fast

She hung up and I got ready. He woke up and went straight to the bathroom. He came out with his toothbrush and toothpaste. He started to pack his bag and he went back to the bathroom with a towel and clothes. He came out wearing a hoodie and jeans.

"So were going back to LA. Finallyyyy!!!" He spoke. "You ready?"

"Yea lets go"

We put our luggage in the van and set off to LA. We reached soon and Aiden dropped me to my house and went back.

I went inside and changed. It was still afternoon. I decided to confess to Aiden tomorrow so I was building up the courage. I knew I had to get it out no matter what happened. I thought about it all last night and I was sure I liked him and I had to tell it to him even if he would reject me.

In the evening, I texted him.

Lacey: Hey
Aiden: hi?
Lacey: what's that question mark for?
Aiden: well, you never text first so
Lacey: right. Okay listen meet me tomorrow at the park. You'll know where I am. Oh and dress up nicely. Bye!

I turned my phone off and didn't bother checking it. Just as I was about to get ready for bed, I received a call from Nate.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked him as soon as I answered the call.

"I'm fine. Uh can you meet me outside your house now?" He said.

"Now as in right now?" I asked just to confirm and the door bell rang. I rushed down and opened the door only to be greeted by grey eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I have to tell you something" he looked hesitant

"Okay I can already predict what your answer is going to be but I need to tell this to you"

"Uh go ahead" I told him with a small smile.

Nate's POV
"Lace I won't say it was the first day I saw you or on the day when we met at the cafe, it happened as we started to meet each other and got to know each other better"

"I know I shouldn't be saying this but I need to let you know Lacey. These past few weeks we've spent together... I got to know a lot about you and well you haven't changed even a bit and that's what I like about you"

"I like every bit of you Lacey. The way you close your eyes when you laugh, the way your eyes light up when you see something you like or the way your eyes turned into crescent shape when you smile... everything"

"I didn't know you could have this kind of effect of me but you did. Just being with you makes me happy and seeing you happy makes me happy. So yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I like you Lace"

She looked surprised. Her mouth moved like that of a fish's. She looked down and finally said,
"Nate... I'm so sorry but I don't like you in that way. I already like someone else and-"

"I know" I smiled at her. I didn't want her to see me broken so I did the one thing I always do - smile.
"I get it. I just came into life out of nowhere and here I am telling you something I shouldn't have" I let out a bitter laugh.

"I should get going. Bye Lacey" I waved at her and flashed a smile.
She wouldn't look at me and that's when I knew it was a bad choice. I shouldn't have told her. The only thing this will lead to is ruining our friendship and I took this step knowing that well.

I just hope Aiden would make her happy.

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