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Nate and I had become close in the past month. We hung out a lot and got to know each other more. He was a fun guy. I had just returned home after meeting him. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

I received a call from Ashton asking me if I'm free this week. They had planned to go to San Diego for a week. I had to ask my uncle for a break from work so I told him to wait.

I called up my uncle.

Lacey: hello uncle.
Uncle: Oh Lacey, you can go to San Diego with your friends.
Lacey: wait. How did-
Uncle: Jacen.

He hung up after saying that and I assumed he was busy and I called back Ash.

Lace: Hey Ash I'm coming.
Ash: ah thank God. Well, you had no choice anyways.
Lace: Oh, by the way Ash can I get a friend of mine? Well, he was mine and Ava's childhood friend so
Ash: Oh ye-yea sure. Bye.

He ended the call. I didn't know why I asked him that question. Maybe because I had gotten close to Nate in the past few weeks and I wanted him to meet the others. He was also a close friend of mine so I just made that decision. I called Nate soon after and asked him if he could come with us. He said he was free and that he would come. That was easier than I had expected. Ashton had texted me all the information regarding this and I packed my bag and went off to bed. I had to wake up early tomorrow.

I was woken up by the door bell. I shot up from the bed, tripped on air twice and then I finally opened the door.

"Hello Ash. Thank you for ruining my sleep"

"Wow you look horrible"

"Why, thank you. Come on in"

"Okay get ready in 10 minutes we have to leave soon" I rushed back to my room to get ready. I was wearing my clothes and the door bell rang again.

"Ash open the door" I shouted from my room.

"No I'm busy"

"What on earth are you doing? Shut up and go open the door"

"Ugh fine"

Ashton's POV
I opened the door and a guy was standing there with a bag and a huge smile.

"Uh you are?" I asked him.

"Nate, Lacey's friend"

"Oh right she told me about you. Come in"nI had never heard about him before. I just hoped he wouldn't cause trouble between Lacey and Aiden.

They have been through a lot and maybe Aiden doesn't want Lace to know about their past. But he still loves her like he always has. I just don't want to see him hurting. He doesn't deserve what he is going through. I just hope he gets Lace back and that everything will be alright.

"Hey Ashton!" I heard Lacey shout.

Tch the disrespect. I didn't realise I was spacing out nor did I realise that this Nate guy was trying to start a conversation with me. I turned around and the both of them were ready to go.

"We're ready. Let's go" she said.

We walked out of the house and headed to my house.

I knew that seeing Lacey and Nate together would not be good news to Aiden. I didn't want him to hurt more than he already is. I just knew that taking Nate along with us is a bad idea but I had no choice.

"Hey are all of your friends rude?" I heard the guy whispering.

"No they aren't" Lace chuckled.

"Then I guess they just hate me. The guy from before didn't introduce himself to me and even this one didn't"

"Don't worry. You'll get along just fine"

Lacey's POV
We arrived at Ash's place and everyone else was already here. We greeted everyone and I introduced Nate to everyone. Ava and Jay were surprised after they saw him. They talked a lot and it felt like they talked for hours together.

I realised that everyone other than Aiden was here.

"I'm so sorry guys!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the gates. Speak of the devil.

"I'm so so sorry. I was very busy with work last night so I woke up late and-"

"Shut up idiot. Just go keep your luggage in the van" Emma smacked Aiden's head.

We all sat in the van which was very spacious. Jason and Xav were going to drive us to San Diego. We decided to go to a few places in LA before going to out main destination. Aiden sat beside me and his eyes landed on Nate who was sitting to my right. His expression changed really fast.

"Hey you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Um who is that?" He pointed towards Nate.

"Oh he's Wilson. You met him the other day at the cafe remember?"

"Oh yeah. I remember. Good night"

"Wait what?" That was weird.

"I'm Nate" He rolled his eyes and poked my cheeks.

"But I like calling you Wilson" I stuck my tongue out just to annoy him.

We all talked to each other. Everyone was really nice to him. They all got to know each other more. The three girls stood up and sat beside me.

"So, Nate Huh? Where did you meet him?" Emma asked.

"At the cafe near office"

"So um weird question but do you like him?" Zoe asked this time.

"What? No. We're just friends"

"But would you consider it?" Ava questioned.

"I- I don't know. I mean he's a nice guy. He's cute and all that but"

"You like him, don't you?" Ava teased just to receive a glare from all of us except for Xav who was driving, Aiden who was sleeping and Nate who was listening to music.

"No! He's just a friend"

"Sure" she said in a teasing tone.

They went back to Ash and Jay. I glanced at Aiden who was now sitting up straight. He was silent throughout the journey. He was never like this, he's the fun one. I just hoped everything is alright.

"Hey you good?" Nate asked

"Huh? Yea yea I am. Actually, I'm kind of tired so I'll just sleep I guess"

I rested my head on the headrest. I felt a hand move my head to the right and I rested my head on someone's shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Nate to my right. I smiled at him and I slowly drifted off to sleep but not before hearing a scoff from the other end.

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