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I woke up on the couch with a neck pain. I was but then I remembered that we all had a movie night. It was very bright and I guessed Ava was here because of the shuffling in the kitchen. I sat up straight and stared into space when suddenly everything started crashing on the floor in the kitchen. I rushed there only to see Aiden in an apron trying to collect all the dishes.

He looked up at me apologetically and I chuckled at his expression. I crouched down beside him and helped him.

"Sorry... I was just trying to cook but then I kind of messed up" he apologised.

"It's okay.... uh we can go out to eat I guess?"

"Yeah sure!" He cheered up.

Such a kid. We were headed to the restaurant nearby when we bumped into Xav.

"Oh! I was just coming to your house. Did you guys have your breakfast yet? Remember we have to go camping today" he said

"Yeah right, I completely forgot. We were actually going to get breakfast. We'll get ready as soon as we finish breakfast, okay?" I said.

"You guys' better hurry up!" With that he walked away in the opposite direction. We were done with breakfast and we went back to my house.

"I guess I'll get going now. Gotta pack my bag for the camp and yeah, I'll pick you up later" he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Uh I-I'm Sorry... didn't mean to do it. It's a habit. Fuck!" he muttered few more things to himself and he went to his car and drove off. I stood there speechless. My cheeks felt hot. I didn't know why he kissed my forehead but I felt something. And seriously, habit?

I brushed off the thoughts and went inside to pack my bag. I searched for a small bag but also big enough to fit everything I'll need. I packed comfortable clothes and other essential things I'll need. I also kept a portable charger with me. I wore a hoodie and jeans with sneakers. I was all set to go camping. I was really excited because I had never camped before and this is my first time. Or so I thought.

Soon enough the door bell rang and I took my luggage, greeted Aiden and sat inside his car. It was still awkward between us and none of us spoke. We went to Xav's house and there was this huge van parked outside. Everyone was seated in the garden and we joined them.

"So I guess everyone is here" Xav spoke up.

"The place where we will be going is a surprise for all of you. I have planned everything so you don't need to worry about a thing. All you have to do is go along with the plan" he said as if we were planning something very serious.

"Everyone go to the van... now!" We all stood up and went inside the van. It was big... enough for all of us to travel in.

"Hey! How have you been?" Zoe nudged my side with a wide smile which kind of creeped me out.

"Uh... good?" It came out more like a question.

"Ava, is she always like this?" I whispered in her ears.

She just chuckled and shook her head. I shrugged and sat down in one of the seats. Aiden sat beside me and it was all awkward again.

"Uh everyone's got a partner so.... and Xav hates it when I tell directions" He trailed off. I nodded my head and it was quite again.

I glanced at Zoe and Jay and she was giving me weird looks. I ignored her for the rest of the ride. It was getting really weird between us.... well, at least for me it was.

We reached the camping site in the evening. Everyone was tired because of travelling so much. They all built tents and rested for the night. I wasn't that tired so I decided to explore the place. It was really peaceful here. I came across a river and an idea crossed my mind.

I took a stone and skipped it but well it didn't skip it just sunk. I was bad at it but I wanted to try it.

"Boo" a deep voice shouted from behind me. I was startled and almost fell in the river but the person caught me by the waist.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" he asked.

"No, duh" I glared at him. "You better not do that again Aiden!" I scolded him and pouted.

"Ah Sorry..." he burst out laughing.

"Ugh I hate you so much right now"

"You know you don't" he teased me. "Anyways what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Skipping stones" I picked up another stone and gave it a try but it was of no use.

"You are really bad at it"

"I know.... it's of no use" I sighed and sat down near the bank. He picked up a stone and skipped it.

"1...2...3....4....5.... that was amazing!!" I squealed.

He chuckled and sat down. The sun was slowly setting. The sky was now a mix of red, orange and yellow.

"C'mon let's check the other places" he pulled me up and we explored the place even more. I was very tired by now and we went to the tent. No one was awake yet and so me and Aiden had to share a tent.

I fell asleep as soon we went in. I was that tired.

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