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Ash: Hey Lace wanna hangout?
Ash: you up cupcake?
Ash: Laceyyy? Wake up! Wakey wakey!
Ash: Laceyyy... Aceyyy... the birds are waiting for you to wake up!! Ace Lacey Lace!
Ash: Wakeyy wake Lacey Lace!!!

My phone beeped continuously. I groaned and snatched my phone from the night stand. The bright light from the phone blinded me and I shut my eyes ones again. There were 20 messages from Ashton and I opened them.

Lace: you wanna hangOUT AT 2 IN THE MORNING???!! AND WHAT BIRDS? YOU!!!
Ash: woah chill you are screaming at me through text and yeah, I want to hangout.
Lace: it's 2AM dude!!!
Ash: I'm not sleepy...
Lace: but I am.....
Ash: c'mon Ace please! I'll let you sleep peacefully later I just wanna hangout now!!
Lace: ugh fine. You are picking me up. And Ace? Seriously?

What the hell is wrong with him. It's 2 in the morning!

I got out of bed and washed my face. I changed out of my shorts to track pant since it's really chilly outside and kept my shirt on. He arrived after half an hour.

"What took you so long?" I asked him, shooting daggers through my eyes.

"Well... I was at my grandparent's place so yeah" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay where do you want to go?"

"Just come with me I'll take you" He pulled me out of my house. We walked to the park near my house. I was confused.

"You remember this place?" He asked me out of the blue.

"Uh Yeah me and Ava would come here all the time" He sighed and asked me to follow him.

We came to a deck which had a table in the middle with two chairs but the whole area was dark. There were few wilted rose petals on the ground. I had never been to this part of the park. This was new.

"Uh what is this place?" I asked him in confusion.

"Well... it's a place that you would always want to remember. The beautiful memory you had here you wouldn't want to forget it. If at all you get back your memories think about this place"

I was really confused. I had never been to this part of the park before and now I have been here once and it's a moment I shouldn't forget? Have I been here before?

"C'mon sit here" he patted the empty place beside him. I sat beside him and started kicking my leg back and forth. I loved doing this but my legs were too long and this place was perfect for that.

"I don't know how to feel. The fact that I don't remember most of the things is just.... I don't know. I want to remember everything but I just can't seem to" I said slowly.

"It's fine though. It wasn't your mistake but just try to remember them one by one. The doctor did say that you might get your memories back.

"I'm trying to but there's always this feeling that I'm missing out on something important"
"You just have to dig deep" he patted my head.

"I'll let you know one thing though but don't tell it to anyone. The day you met with an accident you were with Aiden and things hadn't been the same with you guys. You were almost like strangers so that day when you saw him again and he told you something which I think he shouldn't have even though he thought it was the right thing to say" he said.

"What do you mean?" I was more confused now.

"Well I told you most of it. It's now up to you about how you will remember everything else"
"C'mon you can't just leave me hanging like that!! I want to know what happened between us" I whined.

"No kiddo. I can't talk about it to you nor will he say anything about that. I do have a question for you though"

"What is it?"

"Do you by any chance like Aiden?" He looked really cautious before asking this question.
"Wh-What? No... nope" I shook my head. Okay that was extra. A simple 'no' would have done the work.

"You are lying" He stared right into my eyes like he would find answers.

"Okay fine but I don't really know if I like him or not. I think I like him but what if I don't and it's just attraction? I don't know what to do" I sighed.

"He was there with me since the beginning maybe that's why, I guess. I don't really know" I said.
"Try figuring out your feelings first but just don't rush anything" I nodded and looked up at the sky which was filled with stars.

"You want to go somewhere else?" He asked me.

"Actually I have to meet up with my uncle to talk about the company so have to wake up early and stuff.... I better get going" I stood up and so did he.

"Oh sorry I woke you up. I just remembered this place and thought it could help you"
"It's okay. If it wasn't for you, I would've been clueless about most of the things so thank you" I said.

He walked me home and he went back in his car.

Ash: the day after tomorrow we are all hanging out and you are joining us.
Location and time - even I don't know.
Good night <3
Lace: Good night <3

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