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Lacey's POV
"I can't believe you people woke me up at 7 in the morning in the most horrible way" I glared at the 2 girls and Nate.

"Hey come on you did that to us once.... so, it's your idea" Ava argued.

"Huh? Playing that song? And waking up someone? Brilliant huh?"

"Shut up" the three of them said together.

"Now that I think about it, I'm someone that would come up with that idea. Evil genius huh?"

"There's no shutting her up when she gets like this is there?"

"Nope" The two girls said simultaneously.

I kicked the three of them out and started to get ready. I put on a black cargo pants and black crop top. I put on the only pair of shoes that I had brought and went out. Everyone was gathered in the lobby. We all went to the amusement park and were buying tickets. We entered exactly at 10:30 and we had time till 7pm to play all the rides. I was really excited.

"Guys pick partners" Jason said. Everyone had chosen their partners except for me, Aiden and Nate.

"Uh one of you will have to go to the rides alone" Emma said.

"I'll go alone" Nate volunteered.

"Um you sure? I wouldn't mind going alone anyways" I said.

"No! You go with Aiden. I'll be with you anyways"

I gave him a smile and we all went to the rides. It was really fun. We went to almost all the rides and now it was 2PM. We still had a lot of time. We had our lunch and walked around the park for sometime.

Nate's POV
"Ava? Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Um yea sure"

I took her to the side and asked her about Lacey and Aiden. Ever since I saw them together, I thought that they had something between them but I didn't know what. I just wanted to confirm it and I thought Ava was the right person.

We talked for around 10 minutes and she explained me everything about them. Since the beginning to now. I sighed and went back to where everyone else were.

If only they were just friends...

I knew it hasn't been that long but I felt something when I was with Lacey. I don't think it was love. Maybe it was just an attraction.

I can't love her in such a short period.

And now that I knew about her and Aiden, I didn't want to be someone who would want to intrude in their lives.

Maybe I was just trying to push away what I felt for her but that was for the best. I couldn't be with her and she was already Aiden's.

"Hey you alright?" Her soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled at her and she returned that beautiful smile of hers.
I could see Aiden looking at us from the side.

"Mind if I ask you a question?" I looked at Lacey and she asked me to go ahead.

"Do you like Aiden?" I blurted it out. I didn't want to hear her answer because I already knew what it would be and it scared me. she was looking at the said guy and her answer shocked me.

"No, I don't. At first, I thought I did but now I realised I don't at least for now though" She seemed sad but continued "I might've liked him but then as I got to know him, I just don't think I like him like that"

Even though her mind said 'no' I could say her heart wanted to say 'yes'.

Lacey's POV

Did I like him or not? This was the trickiest question anyone has ever asked. He was everything I wanted but he was also something I didn't want.

It was evening now and we stood in the queue for Ferris wheel. There was a really long queue and we had to wait for really long. I was tired of standing so I leaned on Aiden who was standing beside me. He looked at me and smiled and I returned it.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Hmm yeah"

We finally got on the Ferris wheel. I was still too tired so I sat beside Nate, who also happened to come with us and leaned my head on his shoulder. It looked really beautiful from here. Everything was so breathtaking. Even if I wanted to close my eyes I couldn't.

"It's so beautiful. Everything looks beautiful from here" I breathed out.

"It is. Just like y- uh nothing"

I ignored it and went back to admiring the nature.

"It feels nice you know going on a Ferris wheel together, again" I said. "Did I just say again? Okay weird" Aiden looked blank. He had no expression on his face.

"Lacey?" I looked at him. He leaned in but not too much and sighed before resting back.

"Oh, how I wish you remembered everything. Um Lacey?" I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off.

"Don't say a thing. Just listen to me. Ever since the beginning, ever since I laid my eyes on you, I fell for you... hard. It's just something about you that makes me fall for you over and over again" It felt like he had forgotten about Nate who looked really awkward. "I don't know if you still feel the same after everything, we've gone through but I have to get this out of me"

"Lacey" The ride was about to end "Never mind and I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier" he glanced at Nate like he just realised he had been sitting here all this time "And you too".
He got off the Ferris wheel first, followed by me and Nate.

"Was lover boy just about to confess?" Nate wiggled his eyebrows from beside.

"Shut up. Whether he was going to or not doesn't matter. It's a good thing he didn't"

"You don't like him so you could've rejected right?" He slung an arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know Nate I don't know. I need to figure out my feelings first" He looked sad for the first time.

"Why are you sad? It's not like I'm rejecting you" I scoffed at him.

"You might as well have done that" He smiled wide like usual and went to the others, leaving me behind with my own messed up thoughts.

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