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I woke up with a neck pain. I opened my eyes and no one there in the van. I sat up abruptly and tried to open the door but I had no luck. After waiting for almost 15 minutes Xav opened the door.

"Oh Lace you are awake"

"Yea did we reach?"

"Just this morning. Around an hour back"

"And no one bothered to wake me up? Nice" He chuckled.

"Now get out of here and come with me" I jumped out of the van and followed him.

"Okay so there are 4 rooms. We haven't decided the roommates yet. Anyways everyone is having their breakfast now even you go" he showed me off to the restaurant.

I was a walking mess. I went to the bathroom first to brush my hair and fix my makeup. I was finally done with it and I headed to the restaurant where everyone else was. I took a seat between Aiden and Nate. Xav entered the restaurant with room keys.

"So listen everyone, since there are 4 rooms, 3 people will stay in 3 rooms and 2 in another room. Now decide your roommates"

After discussing within ourselves we came to a conclusion.
Ashton, Ava and Nate.
Jay and Zoe.
Xav, Emma and Jason.
Me and Aiden.

"Guys don't you think Ash and Ava" I pointed at the couple "should stay in one room instead of me and Aiden" I suggested.

"No you guys are staying in one room that's final" Ava answered.

"Well if she doesn't want to stay alone with me, I can switch with someone.... maybe Nate?" Aiden said.

Everyone looked at Aiden with a kind of sadness in their eyes. I was confused just like all the times.

"I- it's not like that. I don't have any problem to stay with you. It's just that-"

"Alright I got it" he interrupted me. "Nate you can room with us. I bet it would be better to stay with someone you actually know"

"Sure that sounds good. Right roomie?" Nate slung a hand over my shoulder and I smiled.

Aiden was being rude and he's never like that but I just let it slide. We went to our rooms after breakfast. I threw my bag on the bed and I laid down.

"Aiden?" He looked up "is everything alright?"

"Yea why are you asking?"

"It's just that you have been acting differently so"

"So What? I can act however I want, okay? Now stop asking me questions"

I did stop. I didn't want to bother him anymore. I went to the balcony of our room to get fresh air. I didn't know what was up with him. I didn't want to know anymore. Someone followed after me and stood beside me.

"What's up with lover boy? Is he always like that?" Nate asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"He's never like that. I don't know what's wrong with him. Never mind, let's just sleep yeah?"

I went inside the room and saw a bed in the room and a long couch in the living room. I decided on sleeping on the couch but then Aiden beat me to it. I dragged my feet to the bed and plopped down. I didn't realise when I slept but when I opened my eyes it was already night and a shirtless Nate was sleeping beside me and we were really close. I screamed and Aiden rushed inside the room. Nate woke up as well and he screamed too... I don't know for what but he did.

"Why are you screaming?" I screamed.

"I don't know! Why are you screaming" He screamed back.

"Why are you both screaming?" Aiden said in frustration.

We calmed down and I glared at Nate. I looked at Nate and he definitely had a great body.

"Can you stop checking him out" Aiden scoffed from beside me.

"I wasn't!" I exclaimed.

"Oh you totally were. No one can resist this body of mine"

"Oh shut up. I wasn't checking you out you puny man" I scoffed at him.

"Am I now?" He raised his eyebrows, giving me a challenging look,

"Yes you are"

He didn't say anything more and started to walk towards me. He picked me up by ease and went out of the room. He took me to the swimming pool in middle of the floor. Every floor had a separate swimming pool in this hotel. He helps me above the water.

"Drop me you loser!!!" I screamed. "Aiden help!!" The said guy ignored me and went to his friend's room.

"Since I'm puny" He dropped me in the pool. "Oops"

"You so did that on purpose" I glared at him after I finally came up. Unfortunately for him he was standing too close to the swimming pool so I pulled him ankle and he fell down.

"You are dead Lacey"

The others came out of their rooms and saw the commotion. Luckily, it was just us on this floor.
"Wow y'all are already playing this late at night?" Xav said as soon as he saw us.
"Blame him" I pointed at Nate just as he pointed at me.

"Okay get freshened up you two. Let's save swimming for later" Ava said with a small smile.
From the corner of my eyes I could see Aiden scowling.

"Lace" The three girls came to the lobby of the hotel. "You alright? You seem a bit down"

"I'm fine I guess"

"What is it? Wait let me guess, Aiden?"

"Yeah. He's been acting a bit weird. He's rude for no reason and if I ask him..." I sighed.

"It'll be alright, okay? Maybe he's stressed over a few things" I nodded my head. I had to get him off of my mind. I don't even know why I'm thinking of him.

"Anyways where are we headed to tomorrow?" I asked them.

"Well I heard Jason talking about some Park and some amusement park" Zoe said.

"Let's go have dinner now and get ready"

We all went to the restaurant and had dinner. I took the room key from Aiden and went to my room. I washed my face and changed my clothes. I plopped down on the bed and went to dreamland.

Aiden's POV
Ava pulled me aside in the restaurant.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being rude to her?" She whispers yelled.

"I-" I sighed. "Seeing her around with him... I don't know it just makes me angry. Did you see the way she was with him before dinner?"

"You know she's hurt... by what you said. I think you should apologise to her"

"I don't know Ava. I think it's the best to let her go. I don't think it'll work again. She doesn't remember a thing for God's sake!" I exclaimed. I was frustrated.

"So, you are going to just let her go, give up on her without even fighting for her?"

"I- I didn't mean-"

"I don't care about what you mean... just don't let her go that easily. Make her fall for you again or at least wait till she finds out. You still love her and I have a feeling that she loves you too or at least likes you"

"I don't know... what if she likes Nate? What if-"

"No what ifs. Just listen to me, okay? Don't give up on her. You guys are perfect for each other. You fought for her before too, right? I really hope you understand where I'm coming from"

"I do. I'll try my best but if I don't get her" I sighed "I don't know Ava but I'll try to get her back but only if she genuinely likes me back"

"Thank you and you better apologise to her"

I go to my room and find her asleep. She's beautiful just like before. I should have never left her. It was my fault she met with that accident. If only I hadn't left her. I sat down beside her and moved the few strands of hair away from her face.

"I miss you, Lacey. I really hope everything would go back to how it was. I love you"

I went back to the couch and fall asleep. It had been a long day.

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