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Aiden's POV

Was it too soon for me to tell all that for her?

I had definitely lost my mind that time considering the fact that I told that in front of Nate. I sighed and walked on ahead when something touched my shoulder. I turned around to see Lacey... in Nate's arms. He turned around to face something and Lacey's foot hit me... in the face.

"Dude watch it" I snapped at him.

"Huh?" He turned again and her foot hit me again "Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that"

"She fell asleep so I just carried her till here and now that you're here take her" he said holding her towards me. I was about to take her in my arms when he dropped her on the ground. She groaned and he crouched down and picked her head up.

"Oh lord! Lace you alright? I'm so sorry" He cupped her cheeks and caressed her head. "Aiden take her before I hit or drop one of you again" He sighed and I picked her up with ease.

"Are you coming or not?" I asked the boy who was now crouching on the ground.

"I'll be there in some time" he said with smile. I don't know how he always manages to smile like that. It kind of annoys me.

We reached the hotel in 30 minutes. I carried her to our room and laid her on the bed. I removed her shoes and kept them aside. She looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb her. I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I changed my clothes and went to bed.
I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about her. About us. I had to tell her but I already lost the courage to tell her.

I should wait.

Lacey was still sleeping so I brushed my teeth and took bath. I came out of the bathroom with only my towel around my waist. Nate hadn't come back last night and I was actually worried. He looked different yesterday and I don't know what had happened to him.

"Oh, lace you are awake" Her cheeks turned red and she started flailing her hand and then she covered her eyes and faced the other way. I looked down and realised I wasn't wearing my shirt.

"Oh shoot. I'm so sorry. Wait a minute" I dressed up completely. "Okay you can turn now" My phone rang ending the silence. I went to the balcony and answered it. It was Emma.

"I'll be down at the restaurant. Get ready soon and come"

She nodded and went to the bathroom. I went out and headed to the restaurant.

Lacey's POV
I rushed everything and went to the restaurant in 15 minutes. I hadn't seen Nate in our room this morning so I was wondering where he was. As soon as I entered the room, I saw him. He had dark circles around his eyes and his hair was a mess. I gave him a look of concern but he brushed me off. We all finished our breakfast. I pulled Ava, Emma and Zoe aside.

"Okay so listen. Since yesterday or maybe before that I've been thinking about this... me and Aiden to be specific"

"Oh my god!!" Three of them shouted together.

"Shhhh! Let me tell...! Okay I think... you know what never mind. I don't know what I think"

"What?!" the three of them gave each other a weird look.

"Do you like him?!" Zoe asked me.

"That's exactly what I don't know... he said a few things yesterday and I've been thinking more about it and it's just confusing me more" I sighed.

"What exactly did he say?" Ava held my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

"Something about him falling for me since the beginning and about me feeling the same for him" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Uh just think okay... I can't tell you to like him, none of us can. It's your decision and think well" with that said the three of them went back to the restaurant and I sat down in one of the couches the lobby had.
We went to an art museum today. Nate had to leave to LA because of an emergency. He looked very tensed when he got off the phone. He took the room keys and rushed back to our hotel and he left. I really wished he could stay with us.

We returned back to the hotel at 6:00 pm. Everyone wanted to go swimming but I stayed back in our room. There was a knock on my door and I opened the door.
"Aiden? Aren't you going to swim?"

"I'm not interested. Swimming is not for me anyways"

There was a moment of silence. I decided to speak up and ask him about his ex-girlfriend, the one he had told me about.

"Uh Aiden? Remember you told me about your girlfriend?"

"Yea. What about it?" He tensed up.

"Do you still like her?"

"I- I don't know anymore. I mean I do like her but I don't know if she does and I don't want to ruin our friendship" I got up from my bed and sat beside him.

"You know what? Just tell her how you feel. Tell her the truth I'm sure she'll understand" I gave him a big smile.

I don't think I'll confess to him even if I like him knowing that he likes someone else. Someone who he has been liking for so long.

"What about you huh? You like anyone?" He asked out of the blue.

"I- Uh yea, I guess. I'm not sure yet but I'm definitely thinking about it" We were silent but then he broke the silence.

"Do I know him? The guy you like I mean"

"Yea you do" I gave him a smile.

"I hope you guys will get together" he winked at me.

"I don't think that will happen though"

"Why not?! Like come on you are pretty much everyone's ideal type.... I guess"

Everyone doesn't include you huh? Oh god I need to stop thinking about it.

I chuckled "I don't know"

He smiled and intertwined our fingers.

"Come on I want to take you to this one place I saw" he told and pulled me out of the room.
I kept staring at our hands. My heart was beating like crazy.

He could make my heart beat faster than anyone else, I always felt safe whenever I was around him and even the smallest thing he did, made me crazy in a good. I think I was really falling for him and I was falling hard and there was no going back now. I fell from a cliff into his deep blue eyes and I drowned and I didn't struggle to come back up.

He too looked at our hands and untwined them.

Don't! Ugh his hands were warm.

He rubbed the back of his neck and asked me to follow him. We took the stairs and went to the terrace. It was already dark and the stars were twinkling in the sky.

"Sit here" he patted the seat beside him.

"Okay so I know you most probably don't want to hear this but I'll tell you anyways" he started "So this is about her"

"Your ex?" I asked.

"Yea... so we met......"

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